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Where to start...


In both the sense of where to begin with my own development, and where to start explaining why I'm here and what I'm posting. I suppose I want to share my personal journey, my hopes and my dreams, and that some day I see them fulfilled.

I am a twenty-one-year-old male, and you'll have to pardon me for not wishing to share my real name or my location.

For as long as I could remember, I've always had the desire to be a woman. I feel as if I was cheated somehow -- being put into a male body. I do realise this isn't necessarily a website for those of us who eventually hope to become the other gender, but I did see this as a good place to start my change in a sense.

I've always had (what I believe to be) a feminine body. I don't think there's ever been a point in my life where I weighed more than 130lbs (high metabolism and general skinniness runs in my mother's side of the family), and whenever I take the opportunity to cross-dress in my own home, I notice that... well, I believe that I do have a very feminine figure. Perhaps I'll disclose pictures at a later date.

Anyhow, I've not yet begun my transition. Mostly because I intend to "start over" with my life, not telling anyone what I'm doing, or who I want to become. I understand that this may seem a bit harsh to some people, leaving behind your friends and family without so much as a goodbye or an explanation why, but I implore you to understand -- I'm only doing what I think is truly right. I also haven't started yet simply because of how much money something like that can build up into.

So first and foremost on my list of things I'd love to achieve -- breasts. I only just found this website today, and browsed through numerous other threads and whatnot to see what people would recommend, their own developments, so on and so on.

So here I am, asking if anyone has any recommendations on their personal programs, what their achievements were (such as how fast their growth was, and how long it took), and if they would possibly be able to provide links to where, specifically, they got their products. As far as I'm concerned, the bigger the better (though I know some may attempt to argue that point once I actually have them, but that's my mindset for the time being).

Thanks in advance. I'll probably be a pretty regular member here.


There's a lot of helpful info on here if you explore a look around Smile I'm sure flamesabers will give you a few pointers better than I can since they have been on here a lot longer.
I got my insperation from posts on zachi's forums here
Their progress blew my mind and inspire me to keep going.
Good luck and welcome!

(28-07-2013, 06:22 AM)smallfry Wrote:  There's a lot of helpful info on here if you explore a look around Smile I'm sure flamesabers will give you a few pointers better than I can since they have been on here a lot longer.
I got my insperation from posts on zachi's forums here
Their progress blew my mind and inspire me to keep going.
Good luck and welcome!

Well, I'd have to say that would give me inspiration too. I hope I can eventually achieve that... if not more.

Yeah I've stuck to the latter regimine of what they were doing and got good results in a month, but being in a relationship I had to cut back and take a break to regain function. Besides that I felt amazing and had rapid growth. It seems slow at first but its worth the time and patience. But yeah I would love to have a body like zachi's. I'm tall and skinny so its possibleSmile

I'm following a more cyclical pattern trying to simulate the female cycle as closely as I can... It's getting me really good results so far, especially after adding cyclical fenugreek. This despite actively trying to lose weight as well. I'm 5'4" and currently sitting around 138 lbs. I want to get that down to around 125 before I start gaining again, in a feminine distribution.

I've been thinking about adding hops or perhaps white peony as well. Both of them contain compounds that increase aromatase activity. Men seem to respond to hops the same way women do, but there's no real data on male response to white peony.

Hello Arianne.

Welcome to the board. Smile

As far as growing breasts is concerned, I would recommend using pm. I get mine from I've been happy with the results I've been getting. I've also gotten some nice fat redistribution to my hips and bum. Brain rewiring is also a good benefit I enjoy having.

I follow a weekly high/low dosage plan, though that's more for brain rewiring than breast growth.

Happy to see that site has things specifically for transgenders.

How much growth over how long a period of time, if I may ask? Also curious as to whether the shipping is discreet or not -- for obvious reasons. If the packaging blatantly states what it is, and what it's for, or if it's vague enough that no one would really be able to venture a guess.

Could you also share the specifics of your program? What all you started with and how much, and perhaps how much I should increase to over a certain period of time for the best continued growth results.

The packaging is discreet, I got my big can of PM powder in a cardboard box that I think said "Ainterol supplements".
I would recommend using PM and see how it makes you feel, starting on a low dose and working towards something like at least 1000mg/day or more once your body is familiar with the substance and you know there are no bad side effects. As far as I know you'll have to experiment to find out what's the best dose for you. Concerning growth YMMV. Since you're so young I would tend to believe you could reach very good results if you stick to it.
Welcome Arianne Wink

I agree with Mandy. The packaging for Ainterol pm is discreet.

As for how much growth you'll achieve or what dosage you should take really depends on your body. You're at a young age, which should be a benefit, but who knows how your genetics may influence the development of breast tissue? Others can give you guidelines and share their experiences, but ultimately it's going to take some self-experimentation on your part to find out what herb(s) and doses work best for you. For example, I take high doses of pm for the brain rewiring effect. This works for me and it doesn't hinder my breast growth or incur unpleasant side-effects. For someone else though, this regime may stall their breast growth and/or incur horrendous side-effects or estrogen dominance.

What works for me may not work for anyone else. It takes trial and error I think to customize an NBE regime best suited for you. While this may seem like an inconvenience at first, I'm sure you'll come to appreciate finding an NBE regime that works for you, both in achieving breast growth and having no significant side-effects.

I think Mandy has given some good advice with using pm or any other herb. Start at a low dose and gradually increase to see how your body reacts and how high of a dose you need to start seeing results. You may need a small amount of pm to get breast growth, or you may need a lot. My rule of thumb with pm is start at a low dose, say 500 or 1,000 mg, then increase by 500 mg every week. Depending on how things turn out, I think a reasonable dose to aim for is in the ballpark of 2,000 to 3,000 mg.

As much as you want to figure out everything now, I think you'll have to spend some time taking one or more NBE herbs to see what happens. As far as I know, nobody perfected their NBE regime on day 1. It's an ongoing learning experience. If you notice some changes or feel some sensations in your breasts, that's great! Cool It means your regime is working. If not, you may have to wait a while longer or maybe fine-tune your regime.

Without any firsthand experience, it's all guesswork as to what kind of regime you should pursue. On the other hand, let's say you take 2,000 mg of pm every day for three consecutive months. You don't notice any changes. While you may be frustrated about your lack of progress, at least you now have some data about what is not working for you. This data gives me and others on this board a frame of reference to work with in regards to giving you advice on improving your regime.

While I do not have enough first-hand experience to give you advice, I would like to welcome you to this forum (even though I only joined today), as well as congratulate you for pursuing something for which you've always felt a need. I began my own NBE journey less than three weeks ago but it feels good to know that one is potentially making progress.

I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Smile

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