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breast growth after 60 hours on Fenugreek extract


This is after 60 hours of taking Fenugreek seed powder, with its toxins removed.- then stopped test.

I started test with no breast's


hairy tits

I swallowed one cup of liquid, I created from 2.5 grams Fenugreek seed powder one level tablespoon.

every 6 hours 9 am, 3 pm, 9 pm and 3 am --I swallowed the liquid 10 times. Cost about $10.00

breast soreness and growth detected after 30 hours.

started with no breast just a hairy male chest.

This procedure should create a c cup breasts ( in a male ) in about 2 months.

Or you can follow this- destroy your body empty your pocket book, and get no breast growth.--
Abi Drew's plan:

once breast growth stops you need to "stop" taking Fenugreek- it is of no more use, and never take it again.
If more breast growth is desired , begin taking either Blessed Thistle powder or Pueraria Mirifica powder with there toxins removed first.

Never more then one at a time and never for more then a 10 day cycle , with rest of ten days. so the body's chemical equilibrium doesn't change.

This procedure is for breast growth only- its to fast for any feminization. It will not effect the males sex drive nor shrink the testicles- tho it probably will increase the protection of testosterone and sex drive to a small degree.

This breast growth is permanent - and you will have them for the rest of your life - they can only be removed with a sharp knife.

Is this really possible?
How did you come up with this regimen?
If this is real, how come no one else has ever figured this out?


(02-08-2013, 02:50 AM)julie_txcd Wrote:  Is this really possible?
How did you come up with this regimen?
If this is real, how come no one else has ever figured this out?


I have a scientific mind- meaning i can analyze any problem , seeing all the possible solutions, slowly eliminating one at a time until i am left with the one most probable solution, then subject that "possible" solution to testing.
The problem was how to create breast growth in males, in the safest way possible. And that means subjecting the body to these chemicals for the shortest possible time.

plants in there natural state can be sold legally anywhere on earth.
but if you remove there toxins with boiling water , what you have left is considered a drug. It can't be sold without the approval of the FDA.
No one can make a profit from selling the finished product- unless they want to be arrested by the FDA for being a drug dealer-lol

Its very important to not eat solids for two hours before swallowing the liquid as we don't want it to stop at the stomach to be subjected to hydrochloric acid . since its already ionic compounds dissolved in water as soon as it enters the small Intestines it is sent to the liver for conversion to an estrogen analog.

You must take it every 6 hours - if you wait 12 hours testosterone can become the dominant hormone and everything stops!
set your alarm clock and get up in the middle of the night.
Human males and females are both born with milk producing breast cell's - about a trillion. - none are produced after birth and in the breast's only fat cells are able to replicate with cell division.
The milk producing breast cells wait dormant at around a hundredth of there potential size waiting for a molecule with the three dimensional shape of estrogen
If a molecule passes thru that cells estrogen receptor port (key and a lock ) The cell becomes active , rapidly fills with water, amino acids and glucose.- (no fats). and the cells begins to process its DNA to RNA and produces proteins. The breast starts soft until proteins are created giving the breast its firmness. .
IF a breast cell begins the expression of its DNA it can not be told to shut down-- It can never become dormant again.
Fats only become an issue when the milk producing cells are told to make milk- with a hormone.
either have a baby or just stimulating the nipple will cause the breast to make milk.

right after you add boiling water to the powder and mixing for 30 seconds bring down its temperature very fast in a ice water bath-as complex biological molecule's degrade rapidly when exposed to 212 degrees . whatever settles to the bottom discard it or use it to poison rats.

I just receiver my order of 84 pills of Estradiol, 2mg (primogyn)( estrogen )
They went thru customs and the mailman delivered to my home.
I saw no doctor, had no prescription- fully legal in the USA.


Can you write out a detailed how to please? And what kind of fenugreek you found, or even a link to where i could buy it.

Why can you never ever do it again though?

I'm not going to say this CAN'T BE... But it certainly seems highly questionable. I've been here for quite a while now and I think everyone can agree that my posts have generally shared a common theme, proving my scientific mind. I don't have to make claims of that...

And my scientific mind is going whaaaaaaaaaa?! This just does not add up with ANY of my own research.

I can imagine fenugreek used this way having an especially powerful effect along its own already known lines.... which means all you've done there is given yourself immense temporary swelling.

And that's if it's even real at all... In my experience the first to don the tin-foil is the very same you should be most worried about spouting deceptions.

I'm also wondering what implications taking such a concentrated form of fenugreek can have beyond what is already known to be side effects of the chemicals in that plant with sane dosing levels.

But hey, if anyone else wants to try it, and it really does work... fascinating. It would merit further investigation into fenugreek in that case.

(02-08-2013, 04:09 PM)JennyA Wrote:  Can you write out a detailed how to please? And what kind of fenugreek you found, or even a link to where i could buy it.

Why can you never ever do it again though?
Any fenugreek seed powder, i think you can buy capsules at health food stores and pour out the powder. I would suggest that ebay is probably cheaper and they are unable to steal your money- usually bulk powder is cheapest.

Why can you never ever do it again though?
I am a male and larger breasts are hard to hide- this was only a test! i am not yet ready for breasts.

Can you write out a detailed how to please?
Place 1 level tablespoon (2.55 grams ) of fenugreek seed powder in a home coffee makers filter, per 1 cup ( 8 ounces ) of water. A 6 hour dose.
after brewing cool the liquid " fast in a ice water bath.
Through away the grinds.
Drink 1 cup of the liquid every 6 hours- set your alarm for the middle of the night- it must be every 6 hours!
Drink the liquid for a maximum of 10 days- or your body chemical balance will be changed.- we don't want that
Allow at least 10 days, without femigreek, for your body to recover its chemical equilibrium.
Once your breasts stop growing ( with fenigreek ) you reached your genetic potential- never take fenigreek again- its of no value to you.

If larger breasts are desired then Blessed Thistle powder or Pueraria Mirifica powder ( with their toxins removed first ) would probably give you more growth.
Any supplement you take your body will see- and will think it created it and will lower it production of similar chemicals- with horrible results- for you.


(02-08-2013, 05:11 PM)onesexybitch Wrote:  Any supplement you take your body will see- and will think it created it and will lower it production of similar chemicals- with horrible results- for you.

Well. A bit of oversimplification but on the whole, true enough... Lots of us have said this over and over here and have offered ways to keep it from being too much for genetic women or for guys who don't want to completely destroy their function.

I'm neither and there are others like myself who quite honestly don't give a damn about being male. We aren't male other than by an accident of genetics. I KNOW I'll be on supplementation for the rest of my life. I'd have to be no matter how I accomplished my goals.

(02-08-2013, 04:19 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I'm not going to say this CAN'T BE... But it certainly seems highly questionable. I've been here for quite a while now and I think everyone can agree that my posts have generally shared a common theme, proving my scientific mind. I don't have to make claims of that...

And my scientific mind is going whaaaaaaaaaa?! This just does not add up with ANY of my own research.

I can imagine fenugreek used this way having an especially powerful effect along its own already known lines.... which means all you've done there is given yourself immense temporary swelling.

And that's if it's even real at all... In my experience the first to don the tin-foil is the very same you should be most worried about spouting deceptions.

I'm also wondering what implications taking such a concentrated form of fenugreek can have beyond what is already known to be side effects of the chemicals in that plant with sane dosing levels.

But hey, if anyone else wants to try it, and it really does work... fascinating. It would merit further investigation into fenugreek in that case.
I am posting my findings ( here ) for peer review.

One test proves nothing- only IF ( big if ) many other's can confirm my results can i then say it works!

First my breasts filled up with fluid and were soft for a few days then they formed a hard mass right on top of my breast bones.


(02-08-2013, 06:16 PM)onesexybitch Wrote:  
(02-08-2013, 04:19 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I'm not going to say this CAN'T BE... But it certainly seems highly questionable. I've been here for quite a while now and I think everyone can agree that my posts have generally shared a common theme, proving my scientific mind. I don't have to make claims of that...

And my scientific mind is going whaaaaaaaaaa?! This just does not add up with ANY of my own research.

I can imagine fenugreek used this way having an especially powerful effect along its own already known lines.... which means all you've done there is given yourself immense temporary swelling.

And that's if it's even real at all...

...I'm also wondering what implications taking such a concentrated form of fenugreek can have beyond what is already known to be side effects of the chemicals in that plant with sane dosing levels.

But hey, if anyone else wants to try it, and it really does work... fascinating. It would merit further investigation into fenugreek in that case.
I am posting my findings ( here ) for peer review.

One test proves nothing- only IF ( big if ) many other's can confirm my results can i then say it works!

First my breasts filled up with fluid and were soft for a few days then they formed a hard mass right on top of my breast bones.

(EDIT: removed the removed quote; edited for content)
I'm sure there are many more of us who are somewhat skeptical, but not closed to what you're suggesting.
You agree "one test proves nothing", and properly provide plenty of info to repeat your method. I agree with Abi, if someone else gives it a shot and duplicates your results it would be pretty fascinating.
I certainly don't think you're misreporting your results or method; but I'm not really on board with your theory of why it works... I think there's a more probable explanation, which still makes it a good, and potentially successful idea.
So please allow us to be interested, intrigued, and to go "whaaaaa?" at what you're suggesting sometimes... I think you agree it's incredible, what the rest of us need now is a little less of that.
I'd like it to be true, too; I'm happy where I'm at in my program, so I'm going to stay in the control group, for now.


(03-08-2013, 02:06 AM)jamixoxo Wrote:  
(02-08-2013, 06:16 PM)onesexybitch Wrote:  
(02-08-2013, 04:19 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I'm not going to say this CAN'T BE... But it certainly seems highly questionable. I've been here for quite a while now and I think everyone can agree that my posts have generally shared a common theme, proving my scientific mind. I don't have to make claims of that...

And my scientific mind is going whaaaaaaaaaa?! This just does not add up with ANY of my own research.

I can imagine fenugreek used this way having an especially powerful effect along its own already known lines.... which means all you've done there is given yourself immense temporary swelling.

And that's if it's even real at all...

...I'm also wondering what implications taking such a concentrated form of fenugreek can have beyond what is already known to be side effects of the chemicals in that plant with sane dosing levels.

But hey, if anyone else wants to try it, and it really does work... fascinating. It would merit further investigation into fenugreek in that case.
I am posting my findings ( here ) for peer review.

One test proves nothing- only IF ( big if ) many other's can confirm my results can i then say it works!

First my breasts filled up with fluid and were soft for a few days then they formed a hard mass right on top of my breast bones.

Your research seams to consist of reading all the sales advertisement written by company's trying to sell there product and they say anything ( lies ) to get the ignorant to buy them

There is a sucker born every minute. and you believe every advertisement.

...your posting is an attempt to prop up you large EGO,
And you consistency try to drag down others ( bad mouth ) others in an attempt to raise you feelings of self worth.

I don't know onesexyb, that's a little harsh... You're claiming something pretty incredible, and Abi's statements are pretty much spot on, supportive, and she's being open minded. I'm sure there are many more of us who are pretty skeptical, but not closed to what you're suggesting.
You agree "one test proves nothing", and properly provide plenty of info to repeat your method. I agree with Abi, if someone else gives it a shot and duplicates your results it would be pretty fascinating.
I certainly don't think you're misreporting your results or method; but I'm not really on board with your theory of why it works... I think there's a more probable explanation, which still makes it a good, and potentially successful idea.
So please allow us to be interested, intrigued, and to go "whaaaaa?" at what you're suggesting sometimes... I think you agree it's incredible, what the rest of us need now is a little less of that.
I'd like it to be true, too; I'm happy where I'm at in my program, so I'm going to stay in the control group, for now.


You are right - i was out of line.
In the future i will think about the other person feelings before i post.
i deleted my rude comments-


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