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breast growth after 60 hours on Fenugreek extract


I'll give this a shot starting tommorrow, but I have two issues.

The FG I currently have is listed as 700mg extract and 400mg normal seed per two capsules.

It doesn't say what strength the extract I'm wondering how this would affect the dosage using the coffee maker method. I can get some non extract FG if its a problem.

Also, I weigh about 130 lbs....and would like to reduce the dose a bit if possible, either way! lol

Just a side note, when taken in pill form, FG always gave me nasty if those pop up I'm out of the experiment.

(03-08-2013, 02:35 AM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  I'll give this a shot starting tommorrow, but I have two issues.

The FG I currently have is listed as 700mg extract and 400mg normal seed per two capsules.

It doesn't say what strength the extract I'm wondering how this would affect the dosage using the coffee maker method. I can get some non extract FG if its a problem.

Also, I weigh about 130 lbs....and would like to reduce the dose a bit if possible, either way! lol

Just a side note, when taken in pill form, FG always gave me nasty if those pop up I'm out of the experiment.
dose is usually dependent on body weight i am 200 pounds.
More if one has testosterone in there blood stream- I am male.
so less for a female.

Yes! that is what it is, an experiment- and in experiments we don't decide the results before hand, we let the data speak for itself.

I have nothing to gain from this- my motive is only to help the members here .


(03-08-2013, 02:26 AM)onesexybitch Wrote:  [

You are right - i was out of line.
In the future i will think about the other person feelings before i post.
i deleted my rude comments-

Hey Big Grin, that's really cool of you!

And keep working on the infusions, I'm very interested in what happens with the PM version!


(03-08-2013, 04:19 AM)jamixoxo Wrote:  
(03-08-2013, 02:26 AM)onesexybitch Wrote:  [

You are right - i was out of line.
In the future i will think about the other person feelings before i post.
i deleted my rude comments-

Hey Big Grin, that's really cool of you!

And keep working on the infusions, I'm very interested in what happens with the PM version!

I want to work on the PM version - but i can't
I hope someone here can test PM with its toxins removed?
I purchased

one pound of Fenugreek seed powder.
one pound of --Blessed Thistle powder
2.2 pounds of Pueraria Mirifica powder
and 84 Estradiol, 2mg estrogen pills without a prescription!

for testing,
but on my first test with Fenugreek seed powder i ran into trouble! and had to cancel my testing because I still need to pass as a man and tits were becoming to big.


Last week I took 10 doses over a 60 hour time frame of a Fenugreek seed powder extract.
I took pictures to show this group the results.
My breasts grew quite fast and were first soft and spongy, my question? was it a buildup of water and would soon shrink? that was unknown.

Its been a week and the breasts seem to be a little larger? but they are now very firm actually hard over the whole area. 1 1/2 inch's thick on top of the breast bone.

It appears that the milk producing breast cells first fill up with water then it takes a week for DNA activity to completely build the breast cell to a functioning condition.

Now i am testing to see if the functioning breast can be coaxed to produce milk?
First with no estrogen. if that test fails then i will try it with estrogen?
that testing should expand the areola and give it color? the areola will expand depending on the diameter of the pump.
its color will depend on the duration of stimulation.

If a breast can be made to create milk , it will more then double in size and when it stops producing milk it will shrink back down.
its like having your own cow-.
Until my testing can be verified by others, under controlled conditions, Its only one test and means nothing.

Presently we really don't know if this procedure works?
The objective is not to build tits fast.
but to grow them in the safest possible way.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

All I'm going to say at this point is to look VERY closely at this latest pic. Doesn't even take a very clever photo editor to spot THAT editing job. For me even the little tinsiest doubt I'd been letting linger is now gone. I still don't understand the game, but onesexybitch is DEFINITELY playing a game with us all.

I thought I MIGHT have seen some editing marks on earlier pics, or maybe they weren't even OSB... but this newest pic proves it to me. Someone got a bit hasty. Maybe they didn't think anyone here would spot it? Or maybe they were just so hasty they didn't even spot it themselves...

(04-08-2013, 02:38 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  All I'm going to say at this point is to look VERY closely at this latest pic. Doesn't even take a very clever photo editor to spot THAT editing job. For me even the little tinsiest doubt I'd been letting linger is now gone. I still don't understand the game, but onesexybitch is DEFINITELY playing a game with us all.

I thought I MIGHT have seen some editing marks on earlier pics, or maybe they weren't even OSB... but this newest pic proves it to me. Someone got a bit hasty. Maybe they didn't think anyone here would spot it? Or maybe they were just so hasty they didn't even spot it themselves...
what do you think happens when you take a picture with a 17 megapixle camera and send the picture to paintshop to shrink it down from 2.7 MB to under 500 kb to post on this site.
To find the truth look for motive.
what is my motive for posting? i say its to help people. since i clearly am not selling anything.

now what is his motive for going after me?
IT looks to me like he has some serious mental issues?

AbiDrew85 ?????? I am having a battle of wits with an unarmed man! on second thought you are half armed!


Lol that picture isnot Photoshoped its just out of focus on a low pixel camera. you people are to fast to judge some times.

(04-08-2013, 03:16 AM)onesexybitch Wrote:  what do you think happens when you take a picture with a 17 megapixle camera and send the picture to paintshop to shrink it down from 2.7 MB to under 500 kb to post on this site.

(04-08-2013, 03:31 AM)ab101bab Wrote:  Lol that picture isnot Photoshoped its just out of focus on a low pixel camera. you people are to fast to judge some times.

I would expect a little blurriness and pixelation all over the picture. Not a VERY concentrated amount of ONLY blur in two very specific places. The concentrated amounts, and their precise pattern, tells me someone used a "smudge" tool after locally stretching the two sides of the chest out and down in order to produce the illusion of breasts. EDIT: Oh, and I see you already edited that out. I can see the new editing marks too, though I imagine no one else will. And they're much too complicated for me to try to explain them without getting WAY too technical about digital images.

(04-08-2013, 03:16 AM)onesexybitch Wrote:  To find the truth look for motive.
what is my motive for posting? i say its to help people. since i clearly am not selling anything.

I seldom find that trolls and pranksters say anything else about their motives. In fact the person who taught me most about trolls believed the very art of trolling itself in some way helped its victims. The rationale went something like "well, next time they'll be a bit smarter, won't they!?"

(04-08-2013, 03:16 AM)onesexybitch Wrote:  now what is his motive for going after me?
IT looks to me like he has some serious mental issues?

AbiDrew85 ?????? I am having a battle of wits with an unarmed man! on second thought you are half armed!

Oh wow. You know. In my experience, when someone who did not previously do so, resorts to calling me, as a transwoman, a man, it generally indicates that I'm beginning to corner that person... Especially when in that same breath they call into question my mental acumen.

NO ONE who has regular discourse with me would EVER think of the person they're talking to as being the least bit male. Shoot. I was at a pool party earlier today and this neighbor lady comes over late in the afternoon and randomly invites herself to join us... She's quite obviously higher than a bloody kite, and as we're talking she eventually asks me if I'm dating the guy in the band! And this woman is even actually seeing me in physical person! And I have absolutely no illusions of passing well physically yet. But she was seriously crazy high... probably couldn't see the end of her own nose. All she probably had to go on was our conversation.

Anyways. Anecdote aside... You want to know my motivation for slowly working you into a corner? Easy. I Hate Trolls. I spotted you for a troll almost instantly and I Hate Trolls.

Ain't room here for folks like you. When I see em, I catch em. Then I send em packing with their tails between their legs just as soon as I can gather enough evidence after getting them adequately cornered. Or manage to get them to slip up their game badly enough that I have all I need in a single post and can just go: HERE YOU GO MISS ADMIN!

Even if there is ANY truth to your silly little boiled fenugreek game, your other behaviors on this forum point you out as a troll. You ARE selling SOMETHING... Your silly boiled fenugreek thing. You aren't having open discussions about all the things we discuss here, you're just constantly ragging on everything else and pushing boiled fenugreek.

(04-08-2013, 02:38 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I thought I MIGHT have seen some editing marks on earlier pics, or maybe they weren't even OSB... but this newest pic proves it to me. Someone got a bit hasty. Maybe they didn't think anyone here would spot it? Or maybe they were just so hasty they didn't even spot it themselves...

That is an awfully blurry photo for a high-end 17-megapixel camera, ain't it? Wink

I had an old 5-MP Rebel for a while. I couldn't have taken photos that bad if I tried, and it didn't even have all the whiz-bang stuff like image stabilization that today's cameras do.

I think I'd like to see a clearly focused photo, compressed only enough to upload here... wouldn't you?

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