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Anti-androgens/brain rewiring


Hello everyone.

Something that's been on my mind is whether using anti-androgens can reduce the pm dosage needed for brain rewiring. Anyone have any experience with this?

I would like to reduce the pm dosage I need to maintain brain rewiring. The last one or two times I reduced my pm dosage, I noticed a waning in brain rewiring not too long after and I opted to return to my previous dosage. Part of my concern is economics: I would like to make my supply of pm last longer. The other part is I worry about the risk of building up a tolerance to the current dosage of pm I'm taking. Another possibility is I increase my PABA dosage after I decrease my pm intake to see if that helps with keeping up the brain rewiring.

Any other suggestions?

I have a closely related question I've been wrestling with. Flame wants anti-androgen's to reduce PM dose and maintain brain rewiring, but I'd like them because (correct me if I'm wrong) DHT is our biggest enemy for breast development and, in my case, some mild hair thinning on my head. I'm not so concerned about the later but I've been using SP assuming that it was inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT however, several postings over the last few days have really made me question that assumption. An anti-androgen would inhibit testosterone and therefore DHT correct? But if DHT is enemy #1 and at least some testosterone will convert to estrogen if left alone, why not just stop the DHT conversion? But what can do that effectively? ...Naturally? From what SylviaTX posted a couple days ago, it looks like red reishi (whatever that is) and green tea do it but are they potent enough to do it SIGNIFICANTLY? When I search DHT blockers, all I get is pattern baldness sites. I suppose I could try that and HOPE it stops DHT but that market is fraught with snake oil and scam artists not to mention the fact that many of them rely on SP as their main ingredient.

You've probably already thought of this Flame but to reduce the cost couldn't you supplement pills with liquid extract? I don't know why I didn't think of it soon but it just recently dawned on me that I could use liquid at home and carry a few pills for when I'm away thereby lowering my cost a little. Liquid is unquestionably the most cost effective if I'm not mistaken. Does anyone have the dosing equivalents handy?


DHT causes masculinization (coarse skin and hair, more hair, male-pattern baldness, deeper voice, facial hair) but does not directly affect breast growth. Estrogen is required for breast growth, and since testosterone and estrogen are antagonistic, it would be testosterone that is the biggest enemy of breast growth. See this article:

I would rather look up a scholarly reviewed article than wiki, anyone can pay wiki and edit a page. (#1 rule in college is never trust wiki although some info it correct and true.

Flame, have you ever tried rubbing pm cream or exstract on side of head or along neck? (Guess best way to asorb directly into bloodstream to brain?) Ps. Would experiment with low dose at first. As for estrogen and testosterone problem I am thinking about using bo for a little bit of aromatase to make it easier for pm. I already understand the risks.

And personally I took large amount of sp with pm a couple weeks and noticed being very emotional and sensitive, so I think I will try again, just I know too much sp gives me night sweats.

@ doodlebug, Spearmint tea is another anti-androgen that works well.

(08-08-2013, 02:45 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  You've probably already thought of this Flame but to reduce the cost couldn't you supplement pills with liquid extract? I don't know why I didn't think of it soon but it just recently dawned on me that I could use liquid at home and carry a few pills for when I'm away thereby lowering my cost a little. Liquid is unquestionably the most cost effective if I'm not mistaken. Does anyone have the dosing equivalents handy?

As far as reducing cost, my first thought would be switching to powder and packing my own capsules. In regards to using liquid extract, I could do a trial run to see what the dosing equivalent would be if nobody is familiar with it. I think the hard part would be in order to accurately establish dosing equivalents I would probably have to exclusively use the liquid extract for a while.

While switching to a different form of pm would help with the cost, there's still my original question of finding a way to lower my pm intake for brain rewiring. Switching to a different form may help. If I could save money and lower my pm intake, that would be a double bonus for me. Smile

(08-08-2013, 04:18 AM)smallfry Wrote:  I would rather look up a scholarly reviewed article than wiki, anyone can pay wiki and edit a page. (#1 rule in college is never trust wiki although some info it correct and true.

I definitely agree with you about the college rule. It's always listed in all of my course syllabuses.

(08-08-2013, 04:18 AM)smallfry Wrote:  Flame, have you ever tried rubbing pm cream or exstract on side of head or along neck? (Guess best way to asorb directly into bloodstream to brain?)

No, I've always stuck with using capsules. You do have an interesting idea, though I would be concerned about whether pm cream has a strong smell. In addition, I would want to know beforehand how easy or difficult it is for the body to absorb topical solutions via the neck.

(08-08-2013, 04:57 AM)Lenneth Wrote:  @ doodlebug, Spearmint tea is another anti-androgen that works well.

I've been thinking of trying spearmint extract. I'm curious to see if that help with inhibiting facial and body hair growth. Anyone have advice on where to buy it online? I would prefer capsules to tea, and Amazon seems to have a very limited selection in this regard.


Steer clear of the cream and spray,

I used extensively first time round and it bleached my skin which has only just recovered,



You can buy spearmint capsules at They are surprisingly cheap. Another possibility is DIM, which is also available at Swanson. I am not sure how DIM would interact with PM, however. If anyone reading this knows, please post!

(08-08-2013, 01:30 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Flame

Steer clear of the cream and spray,

I used extensively first time round and it bleached my skin which has only just recovered,


Thanks for the warning.

(08-08-2013, 07:17 PM)spanky Wrote:  You can buy spearmint capsules at They are surprisingly cheap. Another possibility is DIM, which is also available at Swanson. I am not sure how DIM would interact with PM, however. If anyone reading this knows, please post!

Wow, they're much cheaper than what they sell for on Amazon!

If I decide to tryout spearmint capsules, I'll probably buy them from swason. Thank you for the link.

(09-08-2013, 03:33 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  
(08-08-2013, 07:17 PM)spanky Wrote:  You can buy spearmint capsules at They are surprisingly cheap. Another possibility is DIM, which is also available at Swanson. I am not sure how DIM would interact with PM, however. If anyone reading this knows, please post!

Wow, they're much cheaper than what they sell for on Amazon!

If I decide to tryout spearmint capsules, I'll probably buy them from swason. Thank you for the link.

You are more than welcome!


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