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A long story!


I opened up to my girlfriend about wanting to go on PM. She is not happy about it at all! I should preface this by saying that she has always encouraged me to bring out more of my feminine side. She has taken me lingerie shopping and even to the MAC counter for a makeover and I now have my own makeup and brushes. We have been to the salon for a facial and I even had my eyebrows done in a feminine shape. We have sex like two lesbians, not as a man and woman. She always refers to my thing as a clitty. When we shower, she makes sure that my body is a smooth as any woman.

When I brought up going on PM, I had expected her to be encouraging as she always had. I should note also that I did being up FFS and voice training as well. I haven't talked to her in a week and she won't return my calls. I don't know what freaked her out since she doesn't treat me as a guy anyhow.

(11-08-2013, 04:27 PM)stefanie_s Wrote:  I opened up to my girlfriend about wanting to go on PM. She is not happy about it at all! I should preface this by saying that she has always encouraged me to bring out more of my feminine side. She has taken me lingerie shopping and even to the MAC counter for a makeover and I now have my own makeup and brushes. We have been to the salon for a facial and I even had my eyebrows done in a feminine shape. We have sex like two lesbians, not as a man and woman. She always refers to my thing as a clitty. When we shower, she makes sure that my body is a smooth as any woman.

When I brought up going on PM, I had expected her to be encouraging as she always had. I should note also that I did being up FFS and voice training as well. I haven't talked to her in a week and she won't return my calls. I don't know what freaked her out since she doesn't treat me as a guy anyhow.

Maybe she thinks the herb itself is dangerous in some way? IF you can get her to talk to you again, try to ask her if she's worried about your safety, and then if that's what it is, explain to her why PM is, if anything, safer than estradiol.

Hello stefanie.

I think a distinction can be made between embracing your feminine side and physically feminizing your body. Perhaps she likes treating you like her girlfriend, but doesn't actually want you to become one if that makes sense. I surmise makeup, lingerie, roleplaying sex, etc. may all just be a harmless fantasy for her to indulge in.

Maybe she might be receptive to your ideas but needs time to process them? Or maybe you're crossing a line that is too far for her?

I don't think she is concerned about any kind of danger in taking the herbs. But I know there is a line drawn now but why play that game? That's where the danger lies. "Here's an apple but don't eat it." lol

she could be scared that you want to become a woman just for her and she doesnt want you to take that drastic step because of her and regret it maybe?

Thanks, Bonita! I have never regretted any of this. This is the happiest time of my life. I knew there was something different about me from an early age. I thought I had foud someone that looked into my soul to see who I truly was.

(11-08-2013, 05:54 PM)stefanie_s Wrote:  But I know there is a line drawn now but why play that game? That's where the danger lies. "Here's an apple but don't eat it." lol

Maybe's she attracted to feminine males rather than other women? Or maybe the excitement of dressing and dolling you up loses its appeal when you want to physically and permanently become more feminine?

I don't know. Maybe you are right. Be careful what you wish for. It might come true?

all good suggestions, but still the only way to find the answer is to ask her, what about it makes her uncomfortable.

I am not 100% sure. It may be that it is fine to a point. Or, maybe it could be that after a certain point does that make her a lesbian? Maybe that is what really scares her. She can orgasm just by sucking on my breasts.

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