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New male member


Hi all,

Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. I am a new member on the forum (2-3 weeks now). I know there is an "introduce yourself" section, but I felt more comfortable posting in this section because I am a biological male.

I am 42 yrs old and come from Canada. I'm 6' and weigh 200 lbs, in pretty good shape overall, but could lose about 15 lbs or so.

I have been reading this form quite a bit lately, and let me tell you something...I have a feeling that things are about to change drastically in my life...I am not sure where this will all lead, but I am a bit afraid (well, quite a bit really). In the past, I have fantasized about having breasts...but never really more than that. I more often than not wear women's underwear. At first (when I was a teen and up until a few years ago), it was a sexual thing, it made me feel hot and excited. For the last few years, it has become more of a happy, secure, content feeling, you know, "comfortable" and still sexy but in a different way. I have tried fully dressing with the forms and all that, but meh, I didn't really catch on to that much. Just the undergarments are what do it for me, but like I said, it's not a sexual thing anymore, it feels right.

Ever since coming on this forum, there have been psychological changes in me, its difficult to explain. I have rediscovered that idea of growing breasts, and the more I think about it, the more it seems to feel right. I bought a Noogleberry and have been using this for the past few weeks, and I can see some changes (minor) already, mostly in extra tissue around my breasts and general firmness in that area. The whole growing breasts idea seems to be bringing about a cradling, secure, naturing, general well-being feeling inside of me. I have decided to start using PM, so I ordered some 500mg capsules last Friday. Haven't received them yet, but counting the days hehe.

Not sure where I'm going with this, so please bear with me. The thought of messing with my body on a hormonal level scares me but the overall benefits (from what I've read) seem to outweigh the risks, so I'm gonna do it. Tired of being "unhappy" and depressed, anxious etc...Life only happens once and this whole process so far has made me feel wonderful (haven't even started PM yet). I might have found the major problem that has made me unhappy for the past 3-4 years, repressing my female side.

But yeah, it's incredible what just the "thought" of the process and the end results (if there is such a thing as "end" results cuz its an ongoing process) of breasts and overall feelings of well being (brain rewiring) has done to me in the last 3 weeks. I am more relaxed, think more clearly, am more calm and feel good. Scary to think what taking PM will do to my entire psychological makeup. The breasts are going to be wonderful as well.

Like I said, I wear female undergarments, and sleepwear at times, but aside from that, I have no intention of fully transitioning or "coming out". I will take precautions to keep it for myself if thats at all possible. I'm at the fear of societal reaction stage and don't think I am brave enough to ever flaunt myself in public, especially in a little community like where I live (5000 people). The only way I could do that is by moving to a big city, and starting anew, but I don't think I will get that drastic. Not saying that I wouldnt consider it if it became necessary, but would rather not. That's okay and I've accepted that, I think. It's for my private self and the way I feel inside. I need to release the female side of myself, and hopefully achieve a good balance as an androgenous person. I love women, and sex with women, and I can't see that changing, but my feminine side seems to be raging inside to be acknowledged and embraced too. I feel like an emerging butterfly sortof hehe.

Am I crazy? Does this make any sense to anyone?

Please, any comments would be welcome. Once again, thanks for this forum and I hope to get involved a lot more.

SS xx


May I say what a wonderful intro post

Exactly how I feel too



Welcome our world Hon.
Your story is not that different than a lot of us here.
PM is a powerful little herb and should not be treated lightly.
With that said I would advise trying it for a couple months.
You are not going to sprout breasts overnight but its long enough to learn
the mental effects it will have on you and still not past the point of no return.
For that matter you could to decide just to maintain at that point and you can with a low enough dosage. I doubt that you will.
If you decide to go on just be aware once you get to a given point you are going to have breasts and they are pretty much permanent.
If you don't mind wearing a T shirt to the beach its not that big of deal.
Anyway don't panic a head of time you have time to decide if you are going
to the next level of being as some call us the 3rd gender. Tongue in cheek.

again welcome you will find some the nicest people you ever met here.


Hello slippyslidie.

Welcome to the board. Smile

You may already be aware of this, but if not, I would caution you to consider the decline in sex drive/functionality you may experience if you take pm. You didn't say if you're single or have a significant other, but if you're in a relationship, I would recommend talking to her about this decision first.

If you do decide to pursue NBE, I would recommend taking pictures and posting it to the pictures forum every now and then. Not only are pictures a good way to track your development, it can also be very helpful to get a second opinion on your progress.

New "male member"... LOL!

Hi slippyslidie,

It's good to have you here! Your introductory post is great (helps us get to know you a little) and I have to say, what you said about yourself, could be truthfully said of me too. I'm a year older but we're exactly the same height and weight! I know what you mean and I feel the say way when you say the girl inside wants out! You're fears are to be expected but as Elisaustin said, it doesn't happen overnight so you have plenty of time to process what's ahead and change your mind if need be. With so much in common, I'm excited to have you join us on this journey (I'm only a few paces ahead of you). Don't be a stranger Smile

(14-08-2013, 02:11 PM)slippyslidie Wrote:  Hi all,

Like I said, I wear female undergarments, and sleepwear at times, but aside from that, I have no intention of fully transitioning or "coming out". I will take precautions to keep it for myself if thats at all possible.

Am I crazy? Does this make any sense to anyone?

Welcome to the In-Between Club! Cool Big Grin

Wow, thank you all so much, what a great welcome!

Julie, awwe, thank you hon Wink

Elisaustin, yes, it's nice that I can try PM for a few months before it's final, sort of a trial period. Like you say, I don't think I'll stop at that point but we'll see hehe. No, it doesn't bother me to go to the beach wearing a t-shirt as i do so already most of the time, the sun and I are arch enemies, I burn so easily due to my fair complexion. No worries there Wink

MissC, "Male member" yeah I know I noticed that when I posted it, kinda funny lol.

flamesabers, the loss of libido/function does concern me a little, but that will be something that I'll deal with if it presents itself. I've read that for some, the opposite happens, for some, they can still perform (albeit with a little more concentration), and for yet others they go on a break and things return. It's somewhat of a tradeoff I believe. For the breasts (and hopefully the hips), the soft skin, the general sense of well being and to be able to express my feminine side more, I think that a loss of libido is a fair trade. After all, I guess someone doesn't miss something they have less/no interest in...? Also, I am currently single, so I don't have to have "the talk" with a wife/gf, but I do envy those who have someone with whom they can share this wonderful process. Hope I won't be alone for the rest of my life...I have no illsions, this may complicate things with regards to meeting someone but so be it.
As for pictures, I have some before pics I took three weeks ago and I will take some "now" pics and post them shortly, I agree, it will be nice to have a reference to compare with at a later date and to get insight from everybody.

Doodlebug, it's nice that we have so much in common. Looking forward to comparing notes, pics, advice, techniques and chatting. As you say it's great to have such an awesome place as this to undertake this journey and I'm excited too! Thank you Wink

Lenneth, the In-Between Club, I like that!! Thanks for the welcome!! Wink

You are all great! More soon and thanks again my fellow brothers/sisters in arms (breasts?).

SS xx

Welcome to our group! Your background is a familiar story to many of us. It takes a lot of courage and an adventurous spirit to look at ourselves this frankly, and I commend you for it. As for how it may turn out, who knows where this exploration of yourself will take you? You only live once, enjoy the experience! Don't be afraid to use the search function on the forum. We have gone through what you are going through, and while there will be some differences in our perspectives and desires, there will also be commonality. That can be very helpful. We're glad to have you share your journey with us!


Thank you so much for your kind welcome Smile I am truly fortunate to have this wonderful place as a tool to explore my feminine side and so many great people too! This is going to be awesome. Getting ready to post some pictures soon. All the best,

SS xx

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