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Just the hips


Long time lurker here but I had an idea I wanted to run by everyone. Let me know what you think.

First off I'm about six foot and 185 pounds or so with just a little extra body fat. I've always wanted the curves of a woman and I realize that it's more than just fat placement, bone structure plays a part as well. I'm not all that interested in the breasts, mostly the hips, butt, and smaller waist.

So... my idea is to drop my weight to 155-160lbs over six to eight weeks and then ramp up to 1500-2000mg of PM per day. Once I've been on the PM for three weeks I plan to start regaining the weight and I'm hoping it will go to my hips, butt etc. I figure I'll need to take 500 to 1000 mg of PM to maintain the fat placement but that shouldn't be enough to really grow breasts.

My understanding is that fat needs to be used and then redeposited when one is taking an estrogen source and that's why it takes so long to see the redistribution. I'm hoping this would allow me to skip over that step and just deposit it where I want it.

I realize this is mainly a breast forum but I would appreciate any feedback or ideas you may have. I've looked through the forum many times and seen mention of this kind of plan but I don't know if anyone actually followed through with it. If I do decide to forge ahead with this I promise to take measurements before during and after and post them for the sake of knowledge! Thanks all!!Big Grin

Hello Amy,

I see several problems with your idea.

The first is trying to lose 30+ pounds in about two months. A much more feasible weight loss plan I think typically has the goal of losing 1 to 2 pounds per week, not the 4-5 pounds you're contemplating. Secondly, you may not have to lose weight to achieve a feminine figure. I've attained some fat redistribution to my hips/butt while maintaining the same weight. Thirdly, you may find it difficult if not impossible to try to micromanagement the effects pm has on your body. After all, your body has the final say on how it responds to pm.

My advice is give yourself more time to lose 30 pounds, say like 7 or 8 months. I also suggest to see if you can achieve the fat redistribution without regaining weight. Losing weight I think is no small feat. Destroying what you would worked so hard to gain is unfortunate and perhaps unnecessary. Lastly, be prepared for breast growth when taking pm. When you're taking enough pm for fat redistribution, it's not unlikely pm will also trigger breast growth.

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