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Need Desperate Help :(


Hi I'm Jesse, 27 mtf who has been on NBE for more than 1 year.

I was taking 2500mg Red Clover (Promensil 40mg isoflavone) + 1800mg Fenugreek pills (GNC) + 1000mg Flaxseed Oil pills. Recently I added the Japanese famous Puella PM cream (applied at night with 360 massage), but I have not been experiencing any swelling/ pain/ itching/ growth for more than 8 months.

I went to an endo for blood test, and apparently he said that the NBE has very very minimal to no impact to my breast development.

Currently I have a 8cm B-U difference (I have this before I started NBE).

I am very lost now as I have totally no idea what to do next. My endo is advicing me to take actual hormones, instead of herbs. But I still want to keep my fertility and just want breast growth. I'm thinking to order Ainterol and go with PM instead of Red Clover (I've tried email Ainterol and they say it's 1000x stronger than my Red Clover pills).

I'm in desperate need of advice and hope that I might be able to get a few kind people to guide me here. Thanks again for reading.

Herbs or pharma... Either way you would most likely have to lose virility to grow.

You may or may not lose function. Or you may even learn a whole new way to enjoy entirely new sexual sensations.

So my first suggestion before we go any further is to either girl up and face the consequences or forget about it.

Store some sperm or don't, but you're going to have to face the very real probability that you will lose your ability to produce viable sperm to go forward any.

Then... Once you're truly ready to face that very real possibility, I would suggest dropping the RC and flax, and use ONLY PM. Continuing to use the topical is fine, but I would add an internal intake as well.

Fenugreek is ok as well. And I would probably add at least spearmint since you do appear to be more resistant. Possibly chinese skullcap as well. The latter two are for anti-androgen. You're probably going to need it. And it will probably, eventually, cause you to stop producing sperm entirely.

Hello Jesse.

I second what AbiDrew has said. I think pursuing NBE and wanting to maintain your fertility are contradictory goals.

I've been taking pm for more than a year. I still have functionality, but my sex drive has certainly decreased. I haven't been tested, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was also the case for my fertility. I have no interest in having children, so it isn't a problem for me.

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