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Guys with boobs


I started going to a local psychoanalytical type place for the TSLBG crowd back in 1994.  You know, where you have to go through it for a few years before you get your note to be allowed to start taking hormones, blockers and eventually go whole-hog SRS.  My future ex-fiancé set it up for me because, since her ex-hubby had been through it before I met her (once he got a sex change, he decided to revert!), and she kinda knew some of the people working there at Persad.  I went there for 14 years telling them that I'd LIKE to be a girl, but can't even come close to affording it, but, if I could just grow my tits, I'd be pretty cool with that for now.  They kept INSISTING that I was a new animal to them, because they'd NEVER heard of a guy that just wanted to grow tits!!  For supposedly being so up to date on the latest trends in being TS, I have NO idea where they got this notion that I'm the only one!!
But, okay, I accept that I'm different.  It's not like I can help it or do anything to change it!!  In fact I pride myself on being different!!  I don't march to the beat of a different drummer, I AM a different drummer!!  Literally!!  Who wants to be a cookie cutter carbon copy??  (Sadly, apparently, LOTS of people!!)  Then, I come here a week or so ago and I'm now finding out that there are LOTS of guys that just want to grow their tits!!!  :-D
Well, Persad got tired of me 2 years ago and gave me the boot, or I'd LOVE to inform them that I am NOT the only one in the world that would be okay with just being a guy with tits!!
Anyway, thanks, at least, for showing me that I'm NOT the only one!!

You are far from being the only one. This group is just the sample that is willing to be vocal (if anonymously) about it. I think there are a lot more of us that don't have the courage or willpower or situation (social or financial) to pursue it. The misinformation, hate, jealousy, and lack of profit in it for most generates some pretty stiff resistance to expressing ourselves in this way. It is downright dangerous in a lot of places, and suicidal in others. I bet there is a rather sizable portion of the population that would do it if they could and it was accepted.
Welcome to the leading edge!

Yeah, I'll bet there ARE tons more of us that haven't voiced themselves, yet!! Just in the past few months, I've seen and heard about SO MANY m2f TS's, I have to wonder if there'll be ANY men left in another 20 years!! It's like EVERYONE is doing it, now!!!! Pretty soon, we WILL be accepted because we'll be the majority!! :-) It's REALLY odd that most people act like this is a brand new thing and almost NOBODY is doing it!! All they need to do is look around a bit and they'll see it's practically RAMPANT!!
I don't know if you can say, "Welcome to the cutting edge", to me as I've been interested in this for at least the past 54 years. But, thanks, anyway. :-)

Yes it's so true! Being a tran or somewhere inbetween is becoming very popular and after the gays get there rights I think the next thing that were gonna hear is about trans and science will most likely look further into this study hopefully they do... I wonder if that's a job? But yeah I hope that being trans or inbetween is normal in the future cause ik girls who complain about breast and wearing a bra and being feminine meanwhile id sign right up for it if I could have those aspects after a good nights sleep :p

Yes it's so true! Being a tran or somewhere inbetween is becoming very popular and after the gays get there rights I think the next thing that were gonna hear is about trans and science will most likely look further into this study hopefully they do... I wonder if that's a job? But yeah I hope that being trans or inbetween is normal in the future cause ik girls who complain about breast and wearing a bra and being feminine meanwhile id sign right up for it if I could have those aspects after a good nights sleep

Slightly driving topic over to the left...
Ive said this before and this is for many "inbetweens" (not trans-so no one get it twisted please) is that many are doing this for self sexual gratification, and power. I have learned this from much research on many different forums and groups that are doing nipple stimulation and growing breast rojects, some even like to pump their penises and blow up their balls. Many consider themselves straight and have female sig others. So there is a perversion and dominion factor here.

I am female, feel entitled to have large juicies and will not be having any children to breastfeed so it is completely selfish of me in doing nbe, but at least I can admit, I am too, slightly perverse, dominion factor, not so much.

So It irritates me when some of these labeless inbetweens can't admit this about themselves. They want to say its to be more in tune with their feminine side, but if you think about it, having breasts are for breastfeeding your baby, not for your self groping, sexual gratification, or getting off of feeding your partner. Having juicy breasts don't make you a woman. The mindset is enough, your perspective and ability to share that. But we are perverse and find that the female mindset is not enough, many of us want to be seen on the outside as women, objectified in some way whether its from the public or our partners, get off on being that sexy thang with curves, its powerful and something awesome to experience and these inbetweens as well as women like myself know this. Its a different world.

Again, not talking about transgenders who scream (I'm in the wrong body get me out!)

** Slightly *Controversial**

For the inbetweens, would it kill you not to experience what its like to have breasts with along with your manhood? if so, what purpose does it serve to have this experience? Are you that much entitled?
Also, would you be nervous at your time of judgment when God knows that you have done it for such reasons other than feeling you were born in the wrong body?

Though I am female and genetically entiteld to have developed breasts, I know I will never have children so technically I don't need developed breasts, but like I said, I am "entitled," shame on me! But its nice to know I can see that within myself and admit this vanity experience consumed me in my time of judgement.


I rather not go into politics it's a sensitive subject and every is entitled to there own opinions I mean you aren't a inbetweener so how dare you to judge them when you don't know all of there stories too the fullest extent and that goes with straight people how dare they judge you when they don't know you all I'm gonna say full trans inbetween straight gay pink purple were all human and I love you all and you should too

Hey, I never said I hate or don't love these rainbow of people. Its your body, do what you wish, I'm simply pointing out the facts here that many (NOT all) inbetweens are in slight denial about WHY they are doing it.

Its almost as if they need an excuse to justify to themselves (many are Christian/Christian background and don't want to believe it could be for selfish reasons) and/or their possibly unaccepting loved ones why they prefer themselves to be presented this way, but in reality its a highly regarded sexual fetish and obsession and I feel its irritating that they are NOT being honest about it, simply put. Don't get me wrong, many are honest with themselves and to the world, but many aren't. Think about it, why is it SO important to experience this having part of a WOMAN'S anatomy? They are freaking BOOBS people!!!

There's no other purpose for it other than the gratifying feelings from it. Its just another outlet source for stimulation. How many buttons can we push to set off an intense orgasm?! Trust me, if there were more outlets other than the existing sexual organs humans have, we'd be pushing them!

Perfect example: Many of the women who prefer to breastfeed for eons passed teething of their children, the trifecta of the womb, and two breasts sets off a mild to actual orgasm!

Many (NOT ALL) of them are not doing this extended breast feeding for their babies, instead for themselves! You will be so surprised how many women will deny this!! They themselves don't want to believe this. Its physiological.

As far as an inbetween,
I truly believe I am intersexed in the mind and have felt this way ever since my teens. I wasn't sure if I was attracted to males or females so I was quite confused in my own brain at the time. The closest I can call my self is a pan perhaps? Still unsure. I like what I like, that's all I know , but its never been the lady boy. And I actually do Like androgynous people, but generally one or the other, male or female with MILD characteristics of the opposite sex, like long hair on a male with no body hair but def not with breasts. I am attracted to mildly athletic built and curvy women with short hair, but not ones who go through lengths to get rid of their womanly curves. Not curvy women with facial hair or an added penis (as a matter of fact, does this even exist?) I have not heard of a straight girly girl who longed the penis experience. Oh but men, it always seems its the males. I wonder if it has something to do with the strong male sex drive or a gene that wants to dominate? Perhaps they didn't turn fully female in the womb, but that loops me back over to: generally those are trans individuals.

So for me, they are either male or female with some androgyny, plain and simple and their male and female minds are enough for me.

Even though I am a female/male mindset, (I'll still never truly know what it is to be male,) yet, I don't long to have a penis along with my anatomy to experience this wonderful euphoria. If I were born with it, well I guess it'd be the best of both worlds for me!
But my male/female mind and spirit is enough, I am attracted to both male and females and have had a couple of female crushes I would've easily had relationships with, but I was married at the timeSad.

What was I doing researching nipple enlargement/stimulation? Well, while a part of me really wants to balance out my uneven nipples and areolas I got goin' on, my slight perversities of wanting them nice and thick were just as there so a hot man or woman can suck on them! It shouldn't be a concern as I am not doing this for latching on(breastfeeding little precious darlings from my womb.) Though, I'm not doing this to spark off the self stimulated multiple orgasms these guys are doing with it, I do get a little excited when I see my nipples nice and thick from using supple nipps.

So this "how dare you judge nonsense" is utter crap. If YOU can't admit there are these type of inbetweenies that exist, than YOU ARE IN DENIAL. Even the poll regarding (why males wanting to grow their breasts) on this forum shows that its indeed true for many. I'm not saying every single one, I'm saying MANY. I have every right to believe that based on these forums I visited extensively and based on my own experience.

(26-08-2013, 01:03 AM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  I rather not go into politics it's a sensitive subject and every is entitled to there own opinions I mean you aren't a inbetweener so how dare you to judge them when you don't know all of there stories too the fullest extent and that goes with straight people how dare they judge you when they don't know you all I'm gonna say full trans inbetween straight gay pink purple were all human and I love you all and you should too


(25-08-2013, 11:14 PM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  ik girls who complain about breast and wearing a bra and being feminine meanwhile id sign right up for it if I could have those aspects after a good nights sleep :p

Yeah! Me, too!! There was a story I read in Penthouse, I think, back in the `70's about a guy that woke up one morning to find he'd become a woman over night!! I've been wishing for that ever since!! The story was kinda cool until the end when they'd found out that LOTS of men had been changing into women over night and the natural born women started treating them badly to make up for way men had been treating women over the millennia.
Another such story I read in Hustler just after it started publishing, was about a succubus, a kind of witch-like demon that could change sex at will. LOVE to be able to do that!!

Based on your own experience.... but you just said your not an inbetweener and can you keep the vulgar language to a minimum 1.there is no need for agression and 2.Its true you can only assume those types of things i know many inbetweeners you cant just say "oh there in denial" no maybe they only want to be feminine to a certain extent because that can be achived there are many reasons....i guess your not open minded you can only have 1 view point well thats unfortunate for you because you yourself are in denial denying the fact that people are all different and have different aspects all factoring in their lives

(26-08-2013, 03:03 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(25-08-2013, 11:14 PM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  ik girls who complain about breast and wearing a bra and being feminine meanwhile id sign right up for it if I could have those aspects after a good nights sleep :p

Yeah! Me, too!! There was a story I read in Penthouse, I think, back in the `70's about a guy that woke up one morning to find he'd become a woman over night!! I've been wishing for that ever since!! The story was kinda cool until the end when they'd found out that LOTS of men had been changing into women over night and the natural born women started treating them badly to make up for way men had been treating women over the millennia.
Another such story I read in Hustler just after it started publishing, was about a succubus, a kind of witch-like demon that could change sex at will. LOVE to be able to do that!!

Yes, its true. They are speaking of the 4th and 5th dimension of the astral planes. Its not that they are so much a succubus or incubus, its just that the laws of nature of that dimension(s) permit them to do this, the astral body is a light body that can morph into what ever it desires with in miliseconds! Its awesome, but also a cruel tool at the same time. All spirits can do this, and yes they like to rape us in our sleep. Cant tell you how many times I have been seduced and raped by females who were males and males who were females. I feel orgasms in my sleep and sometimes pain and every once in a blue moon, I'll kick their asses.

Yes, you would be extremely jealous of them. I met a trans who was annihilating me and then cried afterward because expressed that he wanted to be a female and was jealous because I was able to grow my breasts. So, morphing though its so much fun and easy to do,is still not enough for most over there. Its Halloween every fucking day over there.

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