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So I had a question I know that most of the users of pm on this forum are either skinny or a bit heavy and I'm pretty sure weight does effect pm (because heavier people's bodies make more estrogen).Id like too gain quite a bit of weight being skinny before I start pm in a couple years (under age) any tips for gaining weight like should I eat more fast food? And do moobs develope into breast if you start pm?

Don't eat (more) fast food. It's unhealthy, period. Your weight will change as your body matures. You are young, so patience is not likely your forte. But do yourself a favour and don't try to increase your weight. It will happen on its own, and then you'll wish it didn't. Moobs don't turn into boobs. Moob fat is something you have to get rid of to show boob shape. From photos of various members I have seen on here over time, I think quite a few here would find they have a lot more boob development than they realize, but can't see/enjoy it as much as they might like because there is too much moob covering/distorting/hiding their luscious ladies underneath. Give yourself time to mature physically. Like most things in life, rushing something mostly leads to messing it up.


I agree with sfem. So long as you're at a healthy weight, I strongly discourage trying to gain weight.

For this purpose you should take low fat and carbs in your diet and also try to drink more water. With that all you must have to do some exercise like cycling and swimming.

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