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How will I explain...


I don't want to discourage anyone from further comments but I just want to pause and say thanks to all of you who have contributed so far! You are all very dear to me and everyone's willingness to offer advice, encouragement, acceptance and understanding simply amazes me. I've never been part of a community quite like this and it makes dealing with this topic, and gender issues in general, so much easier. As you all know, my wife knows everything (she's the only one) but even she would rather not focus on it as much as I need to sometimes so having you all on the other end of this sounding board is priceless!!! If I didn't respond to you individually, please know that I have thoroughly read your comments and appreciate ALL of them. You're all the best!

Not much has changed since I posted the original question but I've relaxed a little. While it didn't take long to decide to pursue NBE and grow my hair to look more feminine, it WILL take a long time for either of them to happen and I keep fast forwarding to "THE day" when EVERYONE notices, all at once, and I'm standing in front of a hundred people being questioned while trying to explain myself. Needless to say, it wont happen like that but my mind has its irrational moments. I haven't had a second thought about what I'm doing and going down this road is so much better than hiding myself and my feelings. When I get to the not too distant future and if things get rough, which they may not, I'll be prepared, or at least I'll have all of you to come to for a little pick-me-up. Please don't hesitate to keep this thread going if you have something to say. I'll be checking often and always looking forward to more comments.

(29-08-2013, 04:34 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  I don't want to discourage anyone from further comments but I just want to pause and say thanks to all of you who have contributed so far! You are all very dear to me and everyone's willingness to offer advice, encouragement, acceptance and understanding simply amazes me. I've never been part of a community quite like this and it makes dealing with this topic, and gender issues in general, so much easier. As you all know, my wife knows everything (she's the only one) but even she would rather not focus on it as much as I need to sometimes so having you all on the other end of this sounding board is priceless!!! If I didn't respond to you individually, please know that I have thoroughly read your comments and appreciate ALL of them. You're all the best!

Not much has changed since I posted the original question but I've relaxed a little. While it didn't take long to decide to pursue NBE and grow my hair to look more feminine, it WILL take a long time for either of them to happen and I keep fast forwarding to "THE day" when EVERYONE notices, all at once, and I'm standing in front of a hundred people being questioned while trying to explain myself. Needless to say, it wont happen like that but my mind has its irrational moments. I haven't had a second thought about what I'm doing and going down this road is so much better than hiding myself and my feelings. When I get to the not too distant future and if things get rough, which they may not, I'll be prepared, or at least I'll have all of you to come to for a little pick-me-up. Please don't hesitate to keep this thread going if you have something to say. I'll be checking often and always looking forward to more comments.

Good for you, hon! You can always send me a personal message for some heart-to-heart if you would like that. I'm always willing to help someone who's in a hard place of the same journey I've been through.

Cheers. Smile


Just be the best you, you can be doodle and true to yourself. Better late then never. Its your cross to bear, bear how you want to. There's no right or wrong way. You just gotta do it.

Yay! Someone (perhaps from above???) cleaned up my my thread! Actually it was the moderator - a god like person as far as this forum is concerned Smile ...Anyway, if you got a bone to pick with God or his lack of existence, take your brawl out to the parking lot ...please. I'm happy to have this thread back on track.

[Moderator note: The posts removed from this thread have been placed in a thread of their own, so nothing has been deleted or censored.]

(01-09-2013, 03:19 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Yay! Someone (perhaps from above???) cleaned up my my thread! Actually it was the moderator - a god like person as far as this forum is concerned Smile ...Anyway, if you got a bone to pick with God or his lack of existence, take your brawl out to the parking lot ...please. I'm happy to have this thread back on track.


And I can kinda relate. When I was first starting to come to terms with who I was I had similar fears... And in a way they weren't entirely unfounded. I did lose my job over it even though I was being completely open and transparent.

Granted I'd already made up my mind to quit because of how I was getting treated but they beat me to it.

There are the bigots out there. And they may be in a position of power over you at times during your transition. It won't be easy, no, not at all. But it's completely worth it.

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