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Abi Drew's plan

(31-08-2013, 10:25 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(24-08-2013, 01:23 AM)Djz Wrote:  Hey Abi,I saw your plan and would please like to know when and for how long do you (me) cycle off PM.Currently,11 month's of NBE 4 of which is PM,PC,ST thank's

Oh! I think I didn't quite completely grasp what you were saying before for some reason! LOL, sorry!

I've been doing this for around a yearish altogether and started cycling with my doses somewhere around january or february. I don't ever actually go OFF pm, just reduce the doses. It's all there... Somewhere. lol. I've put a full dosing schedule on at least a couple of my updates. So look through the thread for them! There've been some tweaking, but not too much!

Anywaays! My update! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if that's expressed my excitement sufficiently or not, but... yeah... I am VERY excited to have found that ebay listing! This is someone who is HAND MAKING every single gaff she sells! And you know what that means???????!!!! I CAN FINALLY GET UNDERWEAR THAT FIT! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've sent her a message asking about custom sizes and hopefully I'll hear back soon and then we can work out exactly how to make ones that'll fit me right and then omg omg omg!!!!!

Her prefab size range only goes down to an XS mens, with waist sizing the same as other lines I've seen, so I'm pretty certain her prefab would be a fail. But I'm not going to be getting prefabs. Clearly. They would NEVER fit me right with my usual body shape (for a genetic male).
Oh, no worries!

That's so cool(eBay undies) took my breath away just thinking about itBlush

(31-08-2013, 09:45 PM)Djz Wrote:  That's so cool(eBay undies) took my breath away just thinking about itBlush

LOL... They're brand new and custom sewn by hand. Which is part of the cost. Factory line gaffs don't even cost THAT much a pair.

But you have NO IDEA what I'm been going through here! With a 4" across pelvis at the narrowest point and nearly 37" hips with only a 28" or less waist... Men's underwear designs simply DO NOT WORK. And gaffs are, despite their function, a men's design.

Unfortunately no women's underwear is designed to hold tightly in the pelvis though! So I've been stuck between a rock and a soft place Wink

(01-09-2013, 02:27 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(31-08-2013, 09:45 PM)Djz Wrote:  That's so cool(eBay undies) took my breath away just thinking about itBlush

LOL... They're brand new and custom sewn by hand. Which is part of the cost. Factory line gaffs don't even cost THAT much a pair.

But you have NO IDEA what I'm been going through here! With a 4" across pelvis at the narrowest point and nearly 37" hips with only a 28" or less waist... Men's underwear designs simply DO NOT WORK. And gaffs are, despite their function, a men's design.

Unfortunately no women's underwear is designed to hold tightly in the pelvis though! So I've been stuck between a rock and a soft place Wink
Wow,I can only dream of those numbers!....but kinda makes ya think if the men who designed them used dummies or some abnormal humans!DodgyBut sound's like a great opportunity for real life experience to develop.


(01-09-2013, 03:59 AM)Djz Wrote:  Wow,I can only dream of those numbers!....but kinda makes ya think if the men who designed them used dummies or some abnormal humans!DodgyBut sound's like a great opportunity for real life experience to develop.

Uhm. Men's pelvis' are shaped differently than women. They're narrower and I'm not talking just the hips. And the conventional gaff is designed for a male shape. That's what I'm saying.

I, however, do not have a male shape, and so male shaped underwear doesn't fit right. And that includes gaffs.

But women's underwear lack any kind of structural strength to hold my "male" sexual bits tightly enough to make a completely female look.

And conventional gaffs aren't tight enough nor wide enough to hold me properly either.

This lady though, since she makes her own patterns and does all the sewing herself by hand, shouldn't have any serious problems making me essentially a size 4 women's panty with the structural reinforcement of a gaff.

I have made some slightly depressing observations in my efforts to formulate this dietary bar...

What I'm saying is that I think I'm beginning to better understand the obesity epidemic. Trying to formulate a dietary bar has taught me some very interesting things about nutrition and what's been happening to our food in the modern age... Even raw and organically grown.

The simple reality is, in a nutshell, we can't possibly meet our nutritional requirements for vitamins and minerals without either supplementation or eating insane amounts of food.

Our plants and animals are being malnourished even by the best meaning farmers and livestock keepers. (And bee keepers too).

It's not entirely their fault. It's this greedy ass world we're living in. Our soil especially in the US has been sorely depleted and there simply aren't enough trace minerals left to properly nourish our food supply - which translates into not properly nourishing us either.

Or water supply is even worse. Other than flouride which is usually put back in because it's also naturally depleted and chloride which comes from the chlorine they add to kill microbials... Our water supply is depleted worse than our soil. Oh, there's lots of HEAVY metals we don't want at all, but even those they filter out. And what little bit of good minerals are left get filtered along with. So no, our drinking water is NOT a reliable way to get our mineral requirements either.

But that's only the beginning... Our plants and livestock are using up almost every bit of mineral they can get a hold of leaving their own tissues devoid of any remaining minerals and they also aren't getting enough and therefore aren't producing enough vitamins and other nutrients...

So basically... We're in a downward spiral of malnutrition the world over. And the only way to get our nutritional needs met is to eat a ridiculous amount of food, well exceeding our caloric, protein, fat, and carb needs.

Or use supplements.

But supplements aren't always perfect either. Many supplements completely ignore our mineral deficiencies and those that don't often supply an inadequate amount of them and in forms that aren't easily absorbed. Vitamins OR minerals. Vitamins they often will provide a massive potential OD just hoping that even a quarter actually absorbs. Others they don't even care to make the attempt. And they very rarely attempt to actually find forms that are easily absorbed.

And minerals... Almost no multi blends including minerals supply adequate minerals and usually it's in a form that's not readily absorbed...

So... My honest belief is that the reason we have so much obesity isn't actually because we WANT to eat too much. It's that we NEED to eat too much.

(31-08-2013, 10:25 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Anywaays! My update! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if that's expressed my excitement sufficiently or not, but... yeah... I am VERY excited to have found that ebay listing! This is someone who is HAND MAKING every single gaff she sells! And you know what that means???????!!!! I CAN FINALLY GET UNDERWEAR THAT FIT! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is cool... I like the idea of the Brazilian cut... I may have to check that out myself! I'd rather have more butt coverage, but it'd be better than the thong gaff... I'm getting tired of my perenium going numb!

Know you will, but keep us posted ( I think those are a good $ deal, too )


(01-09-2013, 07:58 AM)jamixoxo Wrote:  That is cool... I like the idea of the Brazilian cut... I may have to check that out myself! I'd rather have more butt coverage, but it'd be better than the thong gaff... I'm getting tired of my perenium going numb!

Know you will, but keep us posted ( I think those are a good $ deal, too )


Yeah! My partial solution to my other problems of wearing a size 4 women's panty under my gaff also takes care of the thong problem, but yeah. I'm not a fan of thongs either.

Brazilian is OK by me. It's not quite what I'm USED to, but it won't be flossing my butt all day either.

I know of far cheaper gaffs, but they are all thong style only and factory made. These are made by hand, which in itself justifies the cost. Hand made clothing is always more durable and better fashioned than factory made. Even if it's not customized for you specifically.

OK! So I'm not going to do a full full update, but I'm going to post a few some new pics.

These are of JUST my breasts, from the front, left, and right, in that order.

See the thumbnail previews below.

In my next post I'll be adding two more full figure photo's... The quality will suck, but that's what we get using a phone camera...

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

These are full figure photo's from the front and the left side.

See the thumbnail previews below.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I love your aerola color and your nipple's have nice definition!!!! Great job on your hips and feminization, what do you do for hair removal?(if any). You're bmi must be ridiculously low, I'm so jealous!!!... luscious lips and bootySmile even with cell phone pics look's great!!!

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