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Random Thoughts

Yes, Flame, that would be the thread I was thinking of. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to avoid him. His wife and mine are the very best of friends, and I won't ruin her friendship over it. Although there are quite a few Koreans in the area, being close to an Army fort, she has made few other lasting friends. Mostly because, (and I'm opening NO doors to another discussion!), whenever one of them approaches her to talk, it's almost always to invite her to church, which is innocent enough in itself, but they can't take no for an answer, and it really shuts her off. This friend is true-blue, for nearly 20 years, and I'm really glad for her. It's an unusual pairing, tho. Kind of like a noble and a peasant. They drive a Lincoln and a Mercedes, and we drive a Saturn. Odd in a way, but they really click.

I digress. After some further thought, I'm going to let it just pass. I considered Korean norms, such as men (not gay) walking around holding hands and hugging in public like nobodies business, and girls the same. Maybe he thought that as we're good friends, he could be more personal in his contact. He may think that, but I've never warmed up to him. He's too much into his little electronic gadgets. Every time they visit, he spends more time with his tablets and such, than socializing, which suits me, as we don't have much in common. Next time we visit, I ought to wear a nicely padded bra, just to screw with him!!Big Grin Anyway, can't fault my wife much. On the way home that day we discussed it, and she understood why I was pissed off, and I agreed that her laughing with her friend was probably the best way to disarm what could have gotten ugly, had both of us not been too surprised to react differently. Thanks for the comments, and the concern. Needed to get that off my chest, and the comments made me actually think about it enough to sort it out, instead of just tossing it around inside. With all the other stuff that's gone on lately, you'd think I'd have better things to worry about. Best to all!! Patti

(10-04-2013, 05:28 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  
(10-04-2013, 04:35 AM)robin_beales Wrote:  Apologies for the very direct and graphic explanation below --- I am trying to clearly convey some delicate issues and simple common words can do this. Hope I have not offended anyone.

Just read your note above, and the excerpt is what I want to comment on:

I have NO DOUBT that, if as you say, your "stamina" is a problem, it is highly likely due to the addition of SP. My experience w SP was that my erections were lesser intensity almost immediately. As time went on, my fluids were less and they were clear, and very certainly my "power" was waning quickly. By six months I passed a point of "no return", and at that point my ability to have an erection was totally gone and happily never to return (but I was still able to be pleasured and able to have ejaculate --- but it was in the form of being pleasured orally -- or anal intercourse --- and stimulated as if I had a clitoris, which was so very cool.) The size of my "thingie" and my overall "package" had diminished to be very very small, which again to me was very sexy and desirable. However, I know that is not for everyone. Just be aware.

SP can be either very potent in some people (like me and apparently like you) and yet in others seemingly having no impact.

My point is that, if you are SP-responsive, be VERY careful of both dosage and time on the stuff, because you may get to a point of permanent male-dysfunction and not be able to maintain your erection ---- if this is important to you or your lover please use caution.

(NOTE: Apologies for the specific and at times graphic descriptions above --- it was the simplest way to convey real issues and I hope I have not offended in my forthright response. English should be used to clarify rather than obfuscate!!)

I would like to chime in with my experience of using pm (but not sp) for a year.

Erections are still possible for me, however I have to be in the mood to get aroused. Thankfully, erections no longer come at a drop of a hat for me. If I lose focus and get distracted, the desire and erection quickly fades away. Every once in awhile my sex drive seems to spike suddenly, but otherwise I mostly have the mood of indifference towards sex, porn, mastrubation, etc. Pre-NBE days, ejaculation was the most pleasurable part for me. Now it's the stimulation and build-up that I like the most.

Doodlebug, maybe just taking pm without sp may be the way for you to pursue NBE and have still a sexual relationship with your spouse?

I have to agree with flamesabers .. the exact same thing is happening to me ..
But i guess that's the part of being a woman Smile

Jami, I missed your post while I was writing mine. You make a couple good points, and I have every time I've seen him since, made it a point to mention he seems to be putting on some weight. Not fibbing there, either. I offered him a job helping my wife and I build an addition on the house where our deck was, to help him lose a bit, but I guess he must be too busy. Probably because it's a little more work than sliding your fingers around on a tablet. Too bad. With as hot as it's been here lately, I've managed to lose a few pounds at it. Too bad they'll probably return this winter. I figure I've lost about 2 pounds for each $1000 I've spent. Not a very cost-efficient weight loss plan, is it?

(08-09-2013, 06:07 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  .... I figure I've lost about 2 pounds for each $1000 I've spent. Not a very cost-efficient weight loss plan, is it?

Depends on what other methods your competing with - putting a couple of pounds in orbit would cost around $4000, so your saving money there Tongue

I'll have to see how much weight I lose over my upcoming kitchen project - I bet I can top you! Big Grin
Maybe even by an order of magnitude... Rolleyes


Another random thought (or warning, rather...)

Do NOT check out your boobs when you're stoned! You will be very disappointed later on...

"They're FREAKIN' huge Big Grin"

"... Wait... What happened? They were bigger last night... Huh"



Anyone have a NBE dream?

I had one last night. I was outside in a park during a hot day. Some girls nearby said I should be wearing a bra like they're. It wasn't in a teasing or condescending manner. They must have been thinking either I could use the support or sensed that I was uncomfortable in the heat with a shirt on and should switch to just a bikini top or something. That's all I can remember. I don't think the dream progressed any further than that.

I'm still having the reoccurring dream about being hooked up to a commercial cow milking machine!.. Probably has something to do with me sleeping with my breasts bound.... lol

Yes, I have had dreams related to the changes in my body. Lots of them. Various scenarios, almost all involve being less inhibited about showing them, being accepted in public, looking good in a bikini (not terribly realistic dreams, I'm afraid...). I even dreamt that I played an entire round of golf on a public course in a nice golf skirt and top and it raised no more attention than the occasional positive appraisal from women I encountered. I have no idea what I shot. It was a delightful dream.

(13-09-2013, 04:00 PM)sfem Wrote:  I have no idea what I shot. It was a delightful dream.

Most women don't keep score! lol

In real life, have you ever tried or would try to introduce someone (male or female) to the possibility of pursuing NBE? Or do you think NBE is something that is best for each individual to find on his/her own?

I'm more inclined to favor the latter, but I'm curious to hear others' thoughts on this. Smile

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