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Need some HELP HERE ?
For some PM quells the GD desire and erections etc,
Not for me it seems ?
Its getting worse , now approx 4 months in , PM only ?
Mentally I am happier than ever BUT
I am now having erections through the night still , this happened weeks ago , thought it would go ?
Morning Wood is there big time,
I am constantly HORNY,
My libido is through the roof , ie pestering wife every night,
I cannot stop playing with the new arrivals at front,
Few weeks ago when all this happened thought ummmm, will dampen down soon,
I feel as if I need neutering,
Suggestions welcome, please


It happened on me too. It keeps on erecting even when i'm walking. It's kinda embarrass. I'm only a week back to PM. It makes me feel HORNY most of the time...
I'm started to add SP and PSO yesterday, hope it helps.

Try some progesterone and call me in the morning.
Your body must be converting some of the E to T.
Of coarse in that condition a quick relief works the fastest.
If it still persists and lasts more than 4 hours do it again!

Send them to school buy them books Geez.


I wish I had some advise for you Julie but I got nothing. PM quells my desires thankfully. The only thing I could say is from my former life experience when I'd take care of it "myself" and I'm sure you can figure that out on your own. The bad thing, at least for me, is the guilt and shame I'd feel for days afterwards.

Are you using T blockers? I am having great luck with Tagamet, Pygeum, and Spearmint.

Junior has been pretty well grounded, but he can still be woken up if needed.

Also, at almost five months, the GD has finally began to loosen it's grip. It took a long time for me to see anything but butt growth, but it's finally kicking in.

Keep calm and carry on... and get a hobby besides fondling.

(sorry, was that out of line?)

Just Emily

Your correct, not out of line,

My problem is I have an obssesive mind,

It churns until it gets its desired aim,

Perhaps should give spearmint a try and distractions,



After your 5th month on PM you might noticed a drop off,but who knows,this could be one of those rare occasion that it doesn't effect you.I think we see everybody is different in their results,you have the desire of a young gun,perhaps embrace it and enjoy while you can.Big Grin

a young gun!
makes me wonder if she fired 5 or 6 shots.
Well Julie do you feel lucky?
You are such a fun person don't change for anybody!



Hello Julie,

As far as decreasing your libidio I suggest giving spearmint a try. You may not need to take much of it to see a change. I've been taking 800mg and that's been more than sufficient to keep my libidio nonexistent. Who knows, you may only need to take 400mg to get the balance you desire.

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