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Estrogen dominance


Hey everyone. Can anyone tell me how I will know when I approach estrogen dominance? What feelings, physical and emotional will I see? Please share some wisdom and experiences Shy

I would suggest that you please do a lot more researching first,you might understand more of what your wanting to know.I found this to be a useful approach,rather then the method of asking many questions.I still do research,the more I know the better I understand,use the search option,it's a big help!!

But to answer you question,the only way would be a blood test,If you've been on big doses of PM for awhile you'd notice stalled growth,as far as emotions go,maybe a bit more crabby,lethargic.I know because it happened to me!

Good luck and please be careful,Smile

Hi Lotus, thanks for your reply. I actually do alot of research but I assumed this was a public forum, for the benefit of like minded people in similar situations to come on and talk to each other about their likenesses. I posted in the forum for breast growth for biological males, many of us who are currently in transition. The purpose of the post was surly not to get a bit of second hand or third hand or worse information that was possibly misinterpreted, changed, filtered and shortened, ofcourse it is better to go to the research sites for more first hand solid information. Be that as it may, if I am wrong than I will stand corrected but from some of the welcomes and intos I have seen here on the forums, I simply assumed it was also a place of not only information sharing, but also of fellowship, sharing and socializing.

On that note, I am still very interested to hear some of the experiences some of you have had when going through estrogen dominance Shy

To be fair too lotus there's a thread on this subject
But I do agree that there could be some expansion on this subject and it feels crap


(06-10-2013, 12:26 PM)ooBobbi Wrote:  Hey everyone. Can anyone tell me how I will know when I approach estrogen dominance? What feelings, physical and emotional will I see? Please share some wisdom and experiences Shy

For me the symptoms I experienced were headaches, back pain. and feeling legarthic.

Staying hydrated, spacing out your daily intake of pm and possibly using progesterone cream may all help with preventing the onset of estrogen dominance.

Please don't overthink it,

The purpose was for you to better understand what perhaps your goals are,by researching first and then asking questions you'll get a more than a single version of what you are searching for.

I would recommend you check out some of my posts and pics,I give the info based on my results and mistakes,and I made a lot of mistakes.So in efforts to shorten the learning curve,checking out what works and doesn't is great way to start.

One thing I would tell you is when you start NBE is to go slow,I was in such frenzy when I started,after 5 months on just herbs I went to PM,so after that I saw more growth but also stalled it by ramping up my doses.So gradually increasing your dosage is the way to go,build yourself up 3000mg of pm.Most members on PM are on that dose or close to it,but it will take more than just PM.I'll explain that to if you wish.

To fully transition you'll have to consider BO,if that's your goal,you'll find members experience including mine here differ on that,so please relax,enjoy this experience!.....hopefully I'll save you or someone else some time and your $$$$ on black cohosh (more for menopause than for us).

Nothing of what I've said should be taken personally,I apologize if your were offended,I'm here to help.Smile

Good luck Smile and welcome!

P.S. I'm still newish,I lurked here for months researching,but 12 months of NBE


You should put your progress up in the picture pages

It would be lovely too see stage by stage how your lovely growth evolved


(06-10-2013, 09:09 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Lotus

You should put your progress up in the picture pages

It would be lovely too see stage by stage how your lovely growth evolved


Oh thanks Julie,

I'll do it if you do itBig Grin

There already on there but not as dramatic as yours

My own personal experience has been.... I started out with merely soy milk and soy isoflavins. After two months I started to see little round mounds, barely would fill an A cup, but it was progress! As I continued to research, I got into fenugreek, black cohosh and flaxoil capsules which i took orally and rubbed onto my breasts.

I have only recently started PM and that now is becomming my main staple. I am only doing that now and fenugreek.

I do now have what seems to be a double A cup, I can fill my palms now.

The symptoms I am having now though are ... extreme sensitivity both nipples, breast, chest and tummy area, along with this tingly sensation. Also my head feels heavy alot, hard to explain that, sort of like a drum, or a high blood pressure feeling, but it isnt high blood pressure. Yes, emotional. Yes experiencing some shrinkage down below. No, not quite as horny as I am used to being. (My wife who is an estrogen machine is waaay hornier than I currently am.) Aching joints, a bit of it in my back along with some sharp pains in the legs.

Would love to take some pics but i have some weight to lose first Rolleyes


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