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Random Thoughts

(10-10-2013, 11:53 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Out of curiosity, if your primary NBE herb was suddenly no longer available, what alternative would you seek? Would you:

A. Switch to a different herb.

B. Pursue HRT

C. Stop taking NBE herbs and hope for the best.

I would pick option A. If I could no longer acquire pm, I would probably switch to BO. I'm not sure how BO contributes to brain rewiring, but I think it would be worth a shot.

I'd Switch to Hopps etc, or some other Supplement

(10-10-2013, 11:53 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Out of curiosity, if your primary NBE herb was suddenly no longer available, what alternative would you seek? Would you:
A. Switch to a different herb.
B. Pursue HRT
C. Stop taking NBE herbs and hope for the best.

My primary is PM. If it becomes unavailable to me, I'll keep the "secondary" herbs I'm taking and turn to manufactured estrogen. I'd prefer professional supervision but since I don't fit very well into the M2F pigeon hole, I bet my request would be denied, forcing me to get it without a prescription.

BO sounds like nitro glycerine in a paint shaker to me. Maybe the results some have reported in recent months are out of the ordinary but for me and for my situation, it's appears too effective and too fast. If I was single, I would try BO but for the sake of my family, I wont right now.

(10-10-2013, 11:53 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Out of curiosity, if your primary NBE herb was suddenly no longer available, what alternative would you seek? Would you:

A. Switch to a different herb.

B. Pursue HRT

C. Stop taking NBE herbs and hope for the best.

I would pick option A. If I could no longer acquire pm, I would probably switch to BO. I'm not sure how BO contributes to brain rewiring, but I think it would be worth a shot.

Scary thought, Breastie! (sorry, Big Bang Theory + 'breast friends'... Has a ring to it tho' Big Grin)

I think I would probably end up with BO as well, but I might go back and try NatureDay again or some of the other proprietary blends.
So, "A" for me, too.


(10-10-2013, 11:53 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Out of curiosity, if your primary NBE herb was suddenly no longer available, what alternative would you seek? Would you:

A. Switch to a different herb.

B. Pursue HRT

C. Stop taking NBE herbs and hope for the best.

I would pick option A. If I could no longer acquire pm, I would probably switch to BO. I'm not sure how BO contributes to brain rewiring, but I think it would be worth a shot.
Yes, I would pick option A also.

(05-08-2013, 10:31 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  I notice chests ALL THE TIME now both male and female. When I see a male chest that has moobs, I think to myself, "I gotta at least get bigger than that", and when I see a female chest I think, "Oh, I hope I have something like that someday". But what catches my attention the most (this is hard to say without sounding like a pervert) is young girls with developing breasts ...BECAUSE I FEEL I HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON WITH THEM - NOTHING ELSE! They are growing and changing, ...probably experiencing breast tenderness and anticipating the final results just like me and it's a wonderful thing! I'm sharing the "becoming a woman" stage of life with them. It's not the least bit sexual.

(11-10-2013, 02:53 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  
(10-10-2013, 11:53 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Out of curiosity, if your primary NBE herb was suddenly no longer available, what alternative would you seek? Would you:
A. Switch to a different herb.
B. Pursue HRT
C. Stop taking NBE herbs and hope for the best.

My primary is PM. If it becomes unavailable to me, I'll keep the "secondary" herbs I'm taking and turn to manufactured estrogen. I'd prefer professional supervision but since I don't fit very well into the M2F pigeon hole, I bet my request would be denied, forcing me to get it without a prescription.

BO sounds like nitro glycerine in a paint shaker to me. Maybe the results some have reported in recent months are out of the ordinary but for me and for my situation, it's appears too effective and too fast. If I was single, I would try BO but for the sake of my family, I wont right now.

I doubt bo is quite that bad, but all the same it does sound like something to avoid unless full transition is a possible goal for you.

My gut tells me you're right Lenneth. If BO was really that effective, I think it would quickly replace PM as the preferred substance. And just in case any readers took my previous comment about BO as an advisory against BO, that isn't what I intended. I was just saying it LOOKS too potent for me. To all who use it or are considering it, I say go for it and best wishes!


you can in the USA apply for a

"letter of informed consent " too gain you

estrogen synthetics

Quite easy now



My primary is PM. If it becomes unavailable to me, I'll keep the "secondary" herbs I'm taking and turn to manufactured estrogen. I'd prefer professional supervision but since I don't fit very well into the M2F pigeon hole, I bet my request would be denied, forcing me to get it without a prescription.

Doodle with your comment above,

Now from what I can see and extensively read

Manufactured estrogen will soon have you in that pigeon hole ?

Many girls I know have coped and grown with herbs ok , but when they went pharma, full time transition soon followed

Sorry but its a scary , horrible thought, but even pharma on super low doses is on a different scale too even PM



(11-10-2013, 04:41 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Doodle with your comment above,
Now from what I can see and extensively read
Manufactured estrogen will soon have you in that pigeon hole ?
Many girls I know have coped and grown with herbs ok , but when they went pharma, full time transition soon followed
Sorry but its a scary , horrible thought, but even pharma on super low doses is on a different scale too even PM


Hummm. That's a double edged sword. I'm "held back" from full transition by my wife and kids. Left to my own selfishness, I would have transitioned years ago so the thought of manufactured pharma "causing" me to pursue full transition, doesn't sound all that bad to me. I'm the happiest when I dream about being fully transitioned, fully passing and actually being someones wife. Androgyny is the compromise I settled on when I started NBE and I hoped that someday, I'd be able to go back and forth over the gender fence... again, (back to reality Doodlebug) ...for the sake of my family.

Option A for myself, I would go back to the herbs I was using before. FG, FN, etc., the herbs from the kitchen cabinet. Might add in hops.

Check out "The Green Pharmacy" by James A. Duke, PhD, Rodale Press.


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