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Point of no return


Hi everyone. I just found this forum last night and have probably spent over 8 hours reading though it since then.
I cannot seem to find the answer to one question though. What is the point of no return for breast growth? I have read that the initial fat redistribution is, for the most part, reverse-able and that it is not uncommon for boys entering puberty to start budding until their hormones balance out and the buds going away. How soon after noticing buds should any regimen be halted if someone were to change their mind?
I know I want to attempt some growth and I am really intrigued about the mental changes but as of now I am not sure how far I want to take it.


Not sure about a "Point of No Return" but Once you bud, the Growth is Permanent.

Hello HootieMcBoob.

Welcome to the board. Smile

How far you can go and still regain a fully flat and male chest at a later point? I'm not certain either but I think one of the first milestones with breast development is getting "a hard knot" behind your areolas. If you're fairly certain you may want to hit the reverse button with NBE I recommend not getting involved with it.

(21-10-2013, 12:04 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  Hello HootieMcBoob.

Welcome to the board. Smile

How far you can go and still regain a fully flat and male chest at a later point? I'm not certain either but I think one of the first milestones with breast development is getting "a hard knot" behind your areolas. If you're fairly certain you may want to hit the reverse button with NBE I recommend not getting involved with it.

Thanks for the welcome.
I understand that, logically, if I am uncertain I should not start. The problem is that I have a strong urge to experience what women go through but at the same time have no desire to give up my life as a man. My thought was that I would do a PM regiment for 2-3 months. From what I have read on this forum I would start to experience the "brain rewiring" and reach a point that I may start to see a little swelling of the breasts and a bit of increased sensitivity but not reaching the "hard knot" stage.

Technically, at lest as far as JUST growing the twins, there IS no point of no return. If you've got a nice rack and then you decide you don't want them after all, you can have surgery to have them removed. My ex-fiancé's ex-hubby (Jim) got a sex change and then decided he didn't want it! So, eventually, he had his tits removed. If you're taking some kind of hormones to get tits, I'm not sure if you can re-rewire your brain to be a guy again. It's possible that getting off the mones or even taking male mones, will switch your brain back. I don't think Jim continued taking mones after he decided to switch back and he was VERY much a guy the last 10 years that I knew him!!

Welcome HootieMcB,

Those knots are glandular tissue forming, I still get them and it's been over a year, (not a very pleasant feeling).When you start to hide them is the point to consider to stop (no return). Missed Miss has mentioned in the past, that you strap on some fake ones and wear them for awhile.

I haven't had the brain rewiring that's been mentioned, everybody is different in their results, you'll be able to see the proof in the pictures here, you just have to be willing to search for them!

I understand this desire you talk about, perhaps nothing of what anybody says here will change your mind, but you'll have to commit at least 3 years to this.

Good luck on whatever you decide! Smile

(21-10-2013, 12:39 AM)HootieMcBoob Wrote:  I understand that, logically, if I am uncertain I should not start. The problem is that I have a strong urge to experience what women go through but at the same time have no desire to give up my life as a man. My thought was that I would do a PM regiment for 2-3 months. From what I have read on this forum I would start to experience the "brain rewiring" and reach a point that I may start to see a little swelling of the breasts and a bit of increased sensitivity but not reaching the "hard knot" stage.

Not everyone who takes pm experiences brain rewiring. Something also to keep in mind is it can take time to find your optimal pm dosage. What would you do if at the end of 2 or 3 months of taking pm, nothing has really changed for you? Would you continue to take pm, or would you give up on it?

Everything could work out for you, or you may get a lot more than what you anticipated. If this is something you want bad enough that you're willing to accept the possible consequences, I say go for it. Otherwise I would say spend more time thinking through why you want to do this.

(20-10-2013, 09:35 PM)HootieMcBoob Wrote:  ...I know I want to attempt some growth and I am really intrigued about the mental changes but as of now I am not sure how far I want to take it.

(21-10-2013, 12:39 AM)HootieMcBoob Wrote:  ... The problem is that I have a strong urge to experience what women go through but at the same time have no desire to give up my life as a man...

I think there might be a bit of a misunderstanding here. When you say "brain rewiring" what do YOU think that means? It kinda sounds like you think it will make you, "feel like a woman". That's not the case. Generally what we mean when we use that phrase brain rewiring is a reduction in the desire to transition, cross dress, "M", lowered aggression, reduced irritability, reduced interest in porn and / or a reduced sex drive. Think of it as removal of some male traits rather than conversion to female ways of thinking and feeling. The later is virtually impossible since those who are not female have no idea what it's like to be or feel female.

(21-10-2013, 02:43 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  Not everyone who takes pm experiences brain rewiring. Something also to keep in mind is it can take time to find your optimal pm dosage. What would you do if at the end of 2 or 3 months of taking pm, nothing has really changed for you? Would you continue to take pm, or would you give up on it?

If after 3 months I had no results I would probably give up. I would take it as a sign that its not meant to be.
Is it common for people to have zero results within 3 months?

good point, Doodle. You may as well want to feel like a potato... you cant because even if you get to the poiñt where you LOØK lïke a potato, you'll still be you. Find peace with who you are, then change the outside to match if you need to.

Personally, I could totally pass as a spud... nobody would ever guess!

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