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I am new to this. And not very good at computers but came across this site an am very interested. I dreamed all my life of having big breasts' love to put on woman's closes especially silk panties and a bra. I am 80 years oldSmiled, can herbs make my breasts bigger?

(24-10-2013, 09:37 PM)TITY DREAMER Wrote:  hi
I am new to this. And not very good at computers but came across this site an am very interested. I dreamed all my life of having big breasts' love to put on woman's closes especially silk panties and a bra. I am 80 years oldSmiled, can herbs make my breasts bigger?

Hello Tity Dreamer.

Welcome to the board.

Yes, you can grow breasts by taking herbs. I suggest reading through the NBE FAQ in my signature block to learn more about the basics regarding this.

I think your never too old to grow them...... I'm no spring hen and I'm growing mine....

I'm 74 next birthday, and am very pleased with what I have achieved from nothing over the past two years or so (a bit over a year of that on PM with various interruptions). I do think it likely that everything goes a bit more slowly than for younger people, and I'm younger than you, but I don't believe there's a cutoff age provided that your health is reasonable. I'm sure that having very low T helps me, and PM seems to provide excellent HRT and various other physical and mental benefits as well as promoting breast development.

Good luck!

I'm blown away by the age spectrum we have here! I think it's because I only discovered others like me with the advent of the internet 10-15 years ago so GID still seems like a relatively "new" thing to me. Now, the reality is sinking in that not only was I not alone, there were many others that predate my arrival here on Earth! How far back does this go? I know GID crosses cultures and countries but how far back in TIME could you go and still find GID? It makes me sad for those who must have died thinking they were the only one and also very blessed to know that I am NOT alone.

Thanks for posting Tity Dreamer and welcome aboard!

(26-10-2013, 05:19 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  I'm blown away by the age spectrum we have here! I think it's because I only discovered others like me with the advent of the internet 10-15 years ago so GID still seems like a relatively "new" thing to me. Now, the reality is sinking in that not only was I not alone, there were many others that predate my arrival here on Earth! How far back does this go? I know GID crosses cultures and countries but how far back in TIME could you go and still find GID? It makes me sad for those who must have died thinking they were the only one and also very blessed to know that I am NOT alone.

I'm not sure how far back in history GID is recognized as such, but there are examples of individuals stepping far beyond the established gender boundaries of their time. One example that comes to mind is women disguising themselves as men to fight in wars. While these women probably had all sorts of motives to disguise themselves as men, I suppose GID could have been one motive.

For some idea how long the gender crossing has been recognized, check out ancient mythologies. Dionysus (sp?). Very cool god(dess).

(26-10-2013, 05:19 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  I'm blown away by the age spectrum we have here! I think it's because I only discovered others like me with the advent of the internet 10-15 years ago so GID still seems like a relatively "new" thing to me. Now, the reality is sinking in that not only was I not alone, there were many others that predate my arrival here on Earth! How far back does this go? I know GID crosses cultures and countries but how far back in TIME could you go and still find GID?

There is some evidence ( although no proof) that the British Governor of New York in 1702 wore womens clothing to public events

Also I'm sure I've read that some Native American tribes had a 'third gender' whereby men lived as women as a normal part of their society?

If the basis for our need is bio-chemical then it must presumably go back to very early times in human evolution.

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