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facial changes?


So as of lately I donno if its me or if pm can cause facial changes but there's something different about my face. I know for sure that my lips have gotten bigger. My lips have been getting chapped a lot lately and I notice when putting on lip balm that my lips are about twice as big. Middle of my lip feels like where the top of my lip use to be. Today I used the last of my pm amd I donno when ill have money to order more. Hopefully I don't lose all that I have gained, and bo has had some influence on my system.

I'm inclined to think it CAN alter your facial appearance although very subtly in my opinion. I think it has slightly reduced the fat right above my eyebrows, between my ears and cheekbones and a little along my jawline on either side of my chin. I've had several family members that I don't see very often, say that I look different but they can't put their finger on it.

I know my lips have changed enough that if im not careful I bite them when eating. I can't imagine what it's like for the woman with big lips.

I have to agree with doodlebug, my great aunt has made similar observations of me seeming to have slimmed down. The kicker is, I know I haven't lost any weight.

I've gotten comments about losing weight from family I don't see often. Then again they always say that.

Lol last week my brother asked if I lost weight and said I'm looking good. But yeah I haven't lost our gained weight since I began pm, but my thighs, hips, butt, and stomach asorbed it all. My waist shrank a lot and my ribs ache because all the shrinking. Since I'm naturally small framed I'm actually getting a nice upper body figure. Compared a picture of myself to another of a girl and its kinda but yes I have been biting my lips too a lot.

i hav been on PM FOR 2 YRS,I seem to be addicted because I know I cant stop ever. In this time I hav noticed the body will change every where where boys are different then girls.less body hair,softer skin, shapelier legs, bigger booty, and attitude, emotions and so on.If you want a booty you'll need the PM cream.also note that too much PM will not help as much as it will hurt.Estrogen and testoserone are simuliar , excess of one can and most often will be made into the other, the body does this for balance. THE CHEAPEST WAY TO TAKE PM? EXTRACTSWinkWink They can be added to water or coffee or milk or tea ect, ect. THEY can be added to cream and make a great booty enhancer.

Face changes are my #1 dream. You guys are giving me so much hope it's crazy. I`m only a month in and my (supportive)wife already remarked that they're bigger. I also feel the knots behind them. I massage whenever I get the chance.

I want a butt (and overall fem shape) so badly, but face is my #1 concern. YOu guys are AWESOME.

EDIT: Smallfry, I`ve also noticed I've bit my lip hard more in the past few days now. HEre's hoping!

i was wondering why i was biting my lips more, didnt think of the why, but its nice to know that it may be a good thing in my case

I noticed you hav a wife. if she is hetro she may find you less appealing in bed like mine did.this can be confusing to hetro females, since in reality your a girl with a johnson. So the more satisfied i was that i was starting to be sexy, the less sexy i was to her.Sad

but this DIDNT stop me and now we live together as friends more then loversTongue

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