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Being discreet?


Good Evening/Afternoon/1995!

I am posting tonight as I am in a bit of a jam. I am interested in owning a set of breasts. Even an "ass". However discretion is the best course of action as I am in the Military. I've been looking into PM however I would need to order with as little labeling as possible as I am overseas and every shipment requires a customs sheet saying what the package contains.

As you can imagine this is a bit of a pain. Would any one here have any idea as to how I may approach this? Need to keep this as far under the radar as possible. For now I won't worry about the details of hiding them (if they grow) until I can secure a reliable means to do so.

I think most is discreet shipping saying something like 'herbal supplements' but I have heard males notice decrease in muscles and strength from pm maybe a problem depending on your job in the military.

Is there anyone you know and trust who could order it for you, have it shipped to the states and then repackage and mailed it to you? Keep in mind, it could easily be mistaken for illegal drugs without any labeling. Obviously, PM is most known for breast development but if you dig deep enough, you can find articles touting benefits for men. I'd have some "research" handy so if you find a way to get PM, you have an alternative, reasonable explanation for why you're using it. When I get mine, I'm able to score the label and peal off the part that mentions breast growth so if others snoop through my medicine cabinet, they wont be able to figure out what PM is used for. It might also be a good idea to be a "promoter of natural remedies" so when you're taking PM others will be less likely to question why.

Hello Ezerael.

Welcome to the board.

I think Doodlebug has some good advice on this matter. I'm not sure if Ainterol or any other pm supplier will deliver to an APO address. Even if they do, I'm unsure of how long it would take to get a package out to you. Getting somebody else to ship it to you from the States may be your best option here.

Coincidentally, years ago I was deployed overseas and one of my duties was working in the mailroom. At the time, the big emphasis regarding contraband items being sent through the mail were items like alcohol, flammables, porn, explosives and firearms. Obviously the military wouldn't want you to be getting illegal drugs, but I doubt there would be any issues with you getting herbal supplements. If I remember correctly, when I was deployed soldiers could get their bodybuilder protein supplements and stuff without any issues. I don't see why it would be different for herbal supplements.

If it doesn't seem feasible to you, I suggest waiting until you're back in the States before starting up on NBE.

Welcome to the club. I am ex military myself and had the same cravings while I was in. I was very tempted to try to develop breasts but worried about medical physicals. Breasts lead to many tests which find the Phytoestrogens which send you to the shrink and that is not good to have on your record. Now that I am out and don't have to worry about that stuff I am the proud owner of a set of B cups. My only outlet in the military was cross dressing with breast forms. Of course that is not possible in the barracks. LOL Not the same but somewhat satisfying. I would recommend you try that till your military obligations are complete.

I apologize for the late reply, I have been away from the Internet for a spell.

I appreciate the replies. Unfortunately I don't have any stateside contacts that can ship/reship to me as I'm trying to keep friends and family out of the loop at the moment.

Can't say I want to wait for too long as I still have quite some time left out here. And as pointed out by Wishful I'm a little apprehensive based on the potential for testing, though again, that's a bridge to be burned at a later date.

I'm looking into options here on the local market but it is mostly lost on the locals as to what I'm looking for >.<

But you could use the reason of taking pueraria for male hair loss I think I can remember that useage listed on my bottle of pm.

(16-10-2013, 02:33 PM)BonitaDDs Wrote:  But you could use the reason of taking pueraria for male hair loss I think I can remember that useage listed on my bottle of pm.

I read it also treats psoriasis (a skin disorder).

How much longer are you going to be IN the military? If it's only a year, or so, you probably won't HAVE to hide the girls, because it might take that long for anything to happen. If they DO start to sprout before then, as suggested, claim you're taking it for other reasons and that possibly breast growth COULD be a side effect.

Unfortunately I still have some years left. My goal is a slow, gradual shifting of fats around without building up a real worrisome amount of estrogen.

Does anyone here have any experience with Ainterol packaging? I'm not as worried about the box as I am the customs sheet.

Bleh, the apprehension is killing me.

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