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Random Thoughts

For the last several days at least, I've been having this persistent feeling that somebody's going to call me out on my developing breasts. This hasn't happened yet, but I wonder why all of a sudden I've been getting this premonition. Last night I even had a dream of this actually happening. Any thoughts on this?

Scary thought indeed!

It's cross that bridge when it comes for me, so far it's not actually happened yet believe or not!, or if it does I'm on the guard with it's the meds I'm on response.

At least that's the plan for now. Smile

OK, random thoughts fans, I have a question.

The other day I was having a conversation with a pretty lady, (I'm feeling envious), who is slightly bisexual, (my wishful thinking), but who I should probably just admit is lesbian, (sense of extreme loss). She made a statement that I don't know exactly what to think of.

She basically said "Gay men are born gay, but not all lesbians are born lesbian. Men can make a girl a lesbian."

What say you all?

(08-12-2013, 07:24 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  She basically said "Gay men are born gay, but not all lesbians are born lesbian. Men can make a girl a lesbian."

What say you all?

I think human sexuality is much too grey of an area for someone to make blanket statements about it.

Wow, that reads snippy. Didn't mean it to be. But yeah, not the most fun answer in the world but I think issues like the origin of a person's sexual preferences are best handled on a case by case basis.

That's at least more clinical sounding ;p

Patti, it sounds like your friend is confusing affection with sexual attraction. Unless she is suggesting men with tits could enable her to appreciate them.

As for your question Flame, it hasn't happened to me, so I cannot say how it would turn out. Sounds like an unpleasant dream.


I agree with Sarah's statement about human sexuality. If your lady friend's logic about lesbians happened to be true, why couldn't the same be used for gay men?


I like your new avatar. Smile

(08-12-2013, 02:46 PM)sfem Wrote:  As for your question Flame, it hasn't happened to me, so I cannot say how it would turn out. Sounds like an unpleasant dream.

Yeah, it was an unpleasant dream. People kept asking me, "what's up with the developing boobs!?" Normally my response would be to brush off such questions, but the people in my dream wouldn't let up. Sad

I have a question about Sp i just started using it but i am kinda confused on what it does and its purpose can someone explain?

(08-12-2013, 05:42 PM)Jamie Lee Wrote:  I have a question about Sp i just started using it but i am kinda confused on what it does and its purpose can someone explain?

It stinks and makes you chubby. lol

Supposed to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which is responsible for secondary sexual features in men.

I gotta say, why are you taking something if you're confused on its purpose?

(08-12-2013, 07:24 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  She basically said "Gay men are born gay, but not all lesbians are born lesbian. Men can make a girl a lesbian."

What say you all?

There are women who can turn straight men gay. Trust me. (I'm not one of them, but I did date a woman like that.) I've been a bit more suspicious of women ever since.

I believe her point was something like "the state of men today makes it so difficult for a "discerning" female to find a suitable male partner, that some women turn to other women for their affection, understanding, and compatibility". Too many men are too into themselves, sports, buddies, competing for their own goals, and hanging on to Mom, to be what many women consider someone to spend their life with as an equal and loved partner. I know, not all women are 'grand prize" material, but I do kind of understand her point. Men, just by the way they act, conduct themselves, the maturity level they demonstrate, and the consideration they show women, well, they just may be making lesbians out of some very nice women. Sure, some ladies are predisposed to be lesbians, but I can see her point. I am just sad that the assholes among the species have caused some fine ladies to go "off the market", so to speak. Worse, these un-realizing clowns will then denigrate and bad mouth the ladies when they see them together. What a shame!

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