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Just Started Yesterday


I just began my transition yesterday but have many question if my regimen is good? I am currently drinking two cups of spearmint tea per day along with one cup of "mothers milk" tea (contains fenugreek,fennel, etc...). I also am taking black cohish in which I believe the dosage for each tablet is around 150mg. I am looking for results such as: skin softer, breast development, not so defined arms and legs, along with a calmer personality. Overall, a more feminine body. Am I on the right track? Should I increase or decrease any of the herbs?

As a side note, I was running on the treadmill today and my nipples felt like they were Chaffing. I never get that when I run and wondering if thats due to this new regimen. Also, did anyone ever feel like your lips had somewhat of a tingly puffy feeling from using the herbs? it might be my imagination but hoping not.

Any advice you have I would well appreciate. I will post some pics of my first day! Thanks!

(14-12-2013, 06:49 PM)kyle21fball Wrote:  I just began my transition yesterday but have many question if my regimen is good? I am currently drinking two cups of spearmint tea per day along with one cup of "mothers milk" tea (contains fenugreek,fennel, etc...). I also am taking black cohish in which I believe the dosage for each tablet is around 150mg. I am looking for results such as: skin softer, breast development, not so defined arms and legs, along with a calmer personality. Overall, a more feminine body. Am I on the right track? Should I increase or decrease any of the herbs?

As a side note, I was running on the treadmill today and my nipples felt like they were Chaffing. I never get that when I run and wondering if thats due to this new regimen. Also, did anyone ever feel like your lips had somewhat of a tingly puffy feeling from using the herbs? it might be my imagination but hoping not.

Any advice you have I would well appreciate. I will post some pics of my first day! Thanks!

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Hi Kyle,

Have you ever eaten spicy wings?Big Grin, some have reported lip tingling, I mention thing wings because of how sensitive our lips are. I drink 3-4 cups of spearmint, I'm also trying hops tea but that's not going very well, yuck!

Not many take the black cohosh, what's your goal on that?, you have your bases covered with FG,FN,SPEARMINT, but your missing estrogen in the plan, perhaps adding PM sometime soon if your wanting breasts. But start slow and let your body adjust to the program at present.

Welcome Smile


Actually I had wings last night! lol Maybe that was it. Can I buy PM at Walmart, Walgreens, etc? I would like to buy some today.

How do the amounts that Im taking seem? I know everyone is different but wondering how long before I feel or start noticing minor changes?

Thanks for your help!

Oh sorry, I was told that Black Cohish was an estrogen like hormone????

I wish PM was that easy,

But no, you can't find PM in stores, online for the most part, Amazon is what I would recommend, but some get it directly from, your choice though!

You didn't mention your amounts so I can't comment on that, but generally the black cohosh is seen more for menopause than NBE.

I am taking: 2 cups of spearmint tea, 1 cup of mothers milk tea which contains (500mg of fennel and around 200 mg Fenugreek), 3-4 40 mg capsules of black cohish. I was thinking that the black cohish has estrogen like there any other herb that I could buy locally that would perfrom somewhat similiarily to PM?

Your on the right track,

FG- for prolactin
FN- for progestin
Spearmint- for Anti-androgen

This is a good start, don't rush for the PM just yet, give yourself a few weeks, then get the PM, it's all about balance, it's going to take time, be hopeful Wink

Btw, Fennel has been reported to give the nipples more projection (Isabelle)

To do this right, there is a Picture section for your pics, use this for tracking your growth, no, I didn't do it correctly, hey I'm human,lol

Ok, I will go slow. Thanks for all the responses!! Is there any other quality estrogen like herb I can add other than PM?

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