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Cat out of the bag?


Well the cat could be out of the bag, as far as the breasts are concerned, when I got home from work today my partner was on the internet, she was on a site about gynecomastia, and she asked me to read it and see what I thought...

Probably want you to get breast reduction surgery ..... Maybe you could accidentally get implants instead? lol

Why didn't you direct her to this site? I'm sure that would explain everything to her.Tongue

On a more serious note, I presume you haven't told her about your pursuit of NBE...

I think honesty is the best policy in this sort of situation. If you don't want to share everything at once, you could go about this gradually I suppose. Maybe you could start off by saying you're okay with your developing breasts, however unpopular or misunderstood it may be for males to grow breasts.

Holmes, I think Karren is right. Your wife is having a problem with your body changes.

When I started NBE, I decided to bring my wife into the picture from the start. It was not easy. I really feared for the worst. Not that she would leave me, mind you, but that I would get a large dose of rejection and condemnation. I did my homework before spilling my guts (yes, I had some guts), and made my case. It took a week before I got the verdict. Not guilty! That's how it felt. She's now on my side completely.

If you 'come out' to your wife, have a plan. Be prepared to make your case. If your wife truly loves you, she will look for a reason to support you. Of course, if she doesn't, it could be a convenient excuse to end the relationship, or, if not, just drive you deeper into the closet. I'm not trying to belittle the seriousness of your situation. It took me most of my life to come out to my wife about my 'second self'. As late as it is for me, I'm glad I did, but it is a gamble no matter how you look at it.

Good luck whatever you decide.


(17-12-2013, 01:37 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  Holmes, I think Karren is right. Your wife is having a problem with your body changes.

When I started NBE, I decided to bring my wife into the picture from the start. It was not easy. I really feared for the worst. Not that she would leave me, mind you, but that I would get a large dose of rejection and condemnation. I did my homework before spilling my guts (yes, I had some guts), and made my case. It took a week before I got the verdict. Not guilty! That's how it felt. She's now on my side completely.

If you 'come out' to your wife, have a plan. Be prepared to make your case. If your wife truly loves you, she will look for a reason to support you. Of course, if she doesn't, it could be a convenient excuse to end the relationship, or, if not, just drive you deeper into the closet. I'm not trying to belittle the seriousness of your situation. It took me most of my life to come out to my wife about my 'second self'. As late as it is for me, I'm glad I did, but it is a gamble no matter how you look at it.

Good luck whatever you decide.


I am a natural gynecomastian--never had to do NBE. My partner and now wife of twenty-one years has never said anything about my breasts, but clearly enjoys caressing them and sucking them when we make love. Mutual breast play between a man and a woman is a beautiful thing.


Does that make us NBE-ians?, Seriously!, it's a legit question.

Holmes- I hope you both work it out, we're pulling for ya! Smile

I had an ex who smoked a lot of marijuana he had like breasts but I loved them they were nice to sleep on, squeeze and play with more fun than pecs I see why men love even small female breast.
Even if you don't want to tell her you purposely grew breasts telling her you quite like the 'gynecomastia' won't be so unusual more like you didn't see a problem does she? Could let you ask what she thinks of your breasts without being so direct so fast come out you'll also know what to expect if you do.

(20-12-2013, 02:35 AM)Lotus Wrote:  

Does that make us NBE-ians?, Seriously!, it's a legit question.

I see NBE as induced gynecomastia, mine is the natural kind, a gift of nature. But I love my breasts and have complete sympathy for guys who want to grow them by NBE.

Here's a little known story,

I can't remember when this occurred, so please forgive on the when. I started growing without NBE, in fact I didn't know much about it (NBE).

I was pretty embarrassed by it, then I got worried by it, so I wanted it checked ASAP, I saw my Doctor and he said get a mammogram.

Well they told me, wait for it,......Gyno!, yup!. I feverishly wanted to know everything about it and to get rid of it!. So, again, forgive me for not knowing the dates, it slowly changed into wanting them 24/7.

To make a long story short, I think they were a little off on the diagnosis. I tell this story because maybe it relates of someway to you Holmes, I dunno maybe others too!

Ps. Honestly I haven't thought of this for a long time until your post!


I probably face same scenario some day Sad

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