Ok, I'm just gonna throw this massage out there,
You know that flab thats right at your bra line thats situated in-between the under arm?, the upper side boob people. I'm not sure how to describe it other than maybe doing the funky chicken?. (Work with me here)
1) While in a seated position, arms rested at your side and hands on your thighs.
2) Now raise your arms (elbows) as high as you can while keeping your hands on your thighs.
3) Then slowly squeeze your arms back down to your sides while adding pressure.(As if you had a ball under your arms and your simulating squeezing that ball as hard as you can on the way back down)
4) Do 3 sets of 10 ea. (or more if you can).
Now tell me you can't feel that burn!
I think this is harder to do than the isometric chest exercise!
Call it what you want, the floppy chicken?, idk, I don't care as long as it works!