PM-500-1000 mg total am-pm---(estrogenic) Tuesday & Thursday (idk)
BO-250 mg 4-6 ea.---(pro-aromatase, 5-AR inhibiting, estrogenic) M,W,F,S,S
FG -1800 mg total am-pm
Spearmint tea 1-2 bags
Hops-310 mg mid-day---(activates alpha estrogen receptors)
B 6 - 100 mg daily
Multi Amino-acid 500 mg 4x daily---(Growth Hormone)
Multivitamin 1x daily
Reishi Mushroom 600 mg 2x daily---(5-alpha reductase)
Licorice Root 450 mg 2x daily---(pro-aromatase, activates alpha, beta estrogen receptors, blocks 5-ar)
Stinging Nettle Root 500 mg 2-3 tabs. daily---petitioner(increases estrogen and testosterone)
1) While in a seated position, arms rested at your side and hands on your thighs.
2) Raise your arms (elbows) as high as you can while keeping your hands on your thighs.
3) Then slowly squeeze your arms back down to your sides while adding pressure.(As if you had a ball under your arms and your simulating squeezing that ball as hard as you can on the way back down)
4) Do 3 sets of 10 ea. (or more if you can)
(Use a ball if it works better)
isometric chest exercise! Pg 12 post #114
Another massage
Also been working this Breast massage/exercise:
* With your hand grab your breast from your side, pull it towards the center of your chest, now hold and flex for 2-3 seconds or longer if you can, repeat up to 10 times!
* Try it with your palms pushing your breasts towards the center, as if your trying to touch your nipples together, now interlock your fingers together, using your hands squeeze like a cupping motion, also flex your pec's (tighten) at the same or alternate hand/pecs....up to 10 times.