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Project X (hrt)

Hi Lotus,
I am in ore of your breast success and it is clearly down to your dedication and clear goals. I would walk around with such a huge smile on my face to achieve anything remotely close to your success.

I can't help thinking though "how much has it cost (cash wise) or looking at your current program there are a lot of products to obtain. It makes my current program of 3000mg of PM a day with the PM cream and spray seem a waste of time.

Yes I am somewhat impatient and have only been on PM for 1 month following 3 months on BO. As I said in an earlier post I would have remained on BO if it hadn't been for the high cost plus import from USA.

So far I have had very little improvement so I suspect this is going to be a very long process Blush


Thank you Heather,

I'm sorry to hear about the cost of importing Bo, the things I use with the exception of PM & FG, cost around $25.00 (u.s.) mostly from Swanson. When I run out of PM I don't think I'll be ordering any more for a while. Some of it should last longer than 30 days, and some I'm tweaking with, i.e. LR-Licorice root, it's strong, so I'll have to see how I adapt but for now ones ok.

A lot of this is trial and error, you can add/subtract as you go, allow your body and budget to adjust. Wink

PM me if you need help developing a plan.


More about licorice-FOR REFERENCE (please add on as necessary)
I'm not sure how you would take LR at night before sleeping as it was suggested.

-Licorice root is the only herb that balances estrogen, stimulates prolactin, and blocks testosterone all at the same time. Licorice contains numerous phytoestrogenic compounds such as glabridin, glaberine, and 3-hydroxyglabrol.

-Beneficial for hypoglycemia, bronchitis, colitis, diverticulosis, gastritis, stress, colds, nausea, and inflammation. Cleanses the colon, promotes adrenal gland function, decreases muscle or skeletal spasms, and increases the fluidity of mucus from the lungs and bronchial tubes. Has estrogen-like hormone effects; changes the voice. Studies show licorice root stimulates the production of interferon. Warning: Do not use if you have high blood pressure."

-Researchers are currently excited about the diverse healing properties of licorice, from its anti-inflammatory abilities to its capacity to soothe stomach upset and control coughs. Even the National Cancer Institute has investigated the medicinal benefits of licorice.

-Lessen symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. By enhancing cortisol activity, glycyrrhizin helps to increase energy, ease stress, and reduce the symptoms of ailments sensitive to cortisol levels, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromylagia. In the 1800s, licorice extract was a common remedy for a type of persistent fatigue known as neurasthenia, the condition now known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

-Soothe skin irritations such as eczema and shingles. Licorice cream applied directly to irritated skin can help to reduce inflammation and relieve such symptoms as itching and burning. It also boosts the effectiveness of cortisone creams.

-For most disorders: Take 200 mg standardized extract in pill form three times a day, or 20 to 45 drops, three times a day, of a 1:5 tincture. (The 1:5 tincture represents one part herb is soaked in five parts liquid).

-Don't use licorice candy in place of supplements. Most red or black licorice candy sold in the United States contains anise oil as a flavoring rather than licorice. Candy made in Europe may contain licorice, but the quantities are not standardized.

-Licorice can raise blood pressure--a function of glycyrrhizin's action on the adrenal glands--so avoid taking more than the recommended dosage. If you take licorice for more than four weeks, have your blood pressure checked. (Stop taking the herb at the first sign of high blood pressure; this side effect is reversible.)

-At high doses taken over long periods of time, licorice can result in excessive salt loss from the blood, heart irregularities, and other serious health problems. Symptoms of this type of overdose may include headache, swelling, stiffness, shortness of breath, upper abdominal pain, and lethargy, among others.

-Side effects should disappear very shortly after stopping licorice. If not, see a doctor at once.


Lotus, help me out, I remember from readings long past that licorice comes in two forms when acquired through most herbal supplement companies. As I recall, one was good and potentially useful to us for NBE while the other was not. Am I right in remembering that it was standardised vrs. non standardized? Huh
I do remember that the source was very clear that we should look for the one and not the other. At the time I went looking in a local supplier store and fiund that the recommended version was not nearly so readily available as the other.


Hi Samantha,

As the way I understand it is the refinement of each,a higher concentration if you will. I've read the extract and capsule form used for NBE, I went with the capsule cause I'm too lazy, lol. Good question Sammie! Smile

Hi Lotus, you are not using a breast pump, are you?

Wow, so sexy! Congrats! Smile

Ok, found it!Big Grin
We are talking about DGL (Deglycyrrhizinized) vrs non DGL. Do your usual poking about and I am sure you will find the info. As I recall, non DGL , though potentially riskier, was recommended as the one you want for NBE. I hope this helps!Smile

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