19-01-2014, 05:54 PM
(16-01-2014, 08:16 PM)ClaraKay Wrote: Is it possible that taking PM covers up any doubts that might otherwise exist if PM wasn't doing its mind bending thing?
Some transgenders tip way to the feminine, while others less so. Early on I figured I was half and half gender-wise. Since taking PM, my feminine side has become so powerful. It's like, where did this person come from? How could she have been buried for so long, and only now make her presence known?
If I went off the PM for, say, 3 months would she again fade into the background?
I'm not thrilled about doing the experiment to find out. That's why I'm asking the question. Your thoughts, anyone?
Your questions reminds me of what JulieTG asked in numerous threads she started. If you haven't read them, I suggest doing so.
Here's what I wrote to one of her questions:
(25-09-2013, 01:19 PM)flamesabers Wrote: I don't try to separate my moods/personality traits into girly mode or male mode. As far as feminizing the brain, the biggest change I've had with pm (and spearmint to an extent) is scaling back my libido to a non-existent level. I feel I have always lacked a male ego. (Maybe that could be considered to be at least partial female brain wiring?) While I have a history of being a self-conscious person, I never have criticized myself for doing girly things or whatever. Save for a potential resurrection of my libidio, I don't have a male mode to go back to if I ever decided to stop taking pm.
I see it as being my inherent nature to explore, test, bend or even break gender boundaries. It's always been a gradual process for me though. When I was taking my highest doses of pm ever, I didn't go on a shopping spree for cosmetics and dresses, nor do I seek to alter my appearance by getting fake fingernails or waxing my eyebrows. I perceive pm as being a moderating force that improves my overall well-being rather than something that acts like a mental version of steroids for the more feminine aspects of my identity.
I don't know if this would be practical advice for you, but I suggest trying to find a way to nurture your feminine self so that you may no longer feel at war with yourself in regards to gender identity and expression.