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Random Thoughts

I would guess there is a lot of truth in that!Smile

(22-01-2014, 01:58 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Lisa,

Sarah has advanced a similar proposition about the members being nicer on the forum because we're taking phytoestrogens. Big Grin

My thoughts on this subject are somewhat circular. One of my motivations in taking NBE has been to be nicer (more like a woman). That is:

We take phytoestogens because we want to be nicer.
We are nicer because we take them.

It is also part of it that members are nice because of their desire to be more feminine.


Spanky, I think you hit on a big truth in what you wrote. I know a lot of woman who are anything but nice to be around. Estrogen does NOT necessarily make you a nice person.

But, if your personality is that of a basically thoughtful person who respects the rights of others, lowering T-levels will make you even more pleasant to be around. It rounds off the sharp edges of one's personality like nothing else can.

As for me, personally, I want to be nice. I avoid conflict and confrontation, if possible. My lowered T has added to my patience and subtracted from my anxiety. The end result is a better me (or so I think). My wife has noticed the difference, and, ironically, it has put her in the position of being the more 'cantankerous' one. That's over stated, but do you get my point?

CK Smile

I know just what you mean. My wife has noticed the difference in my behavior, and she has become more assertive. I do not mind yielding.

These are some thoughts on my mind lately:

If you were a gg, do you think you would still be interested in NBE? If so, how would you feel about bio-males pursuing NBE?

For me, it's hard to say for the first question. Knowing I would've developed breasts through puberty, I would be skeptical about trying to get growth going again. There's also the chance I would already be happy with my breast size. If I was real self-conscious about my breasts, I would probably give NBE a shot.

In regards to the second question, I think I would be curious. I hypothesize I would always be something of a gender bender, even if I was born as a gg. Perhaps more than anything, I would want to find out what makes you guys tick! Big Grin

(25-01-2014, 12:13 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  These are some thoughts on my mind lately:
If you were a gg, do you think you would still be interested in NBE?

That's a very hypothetical question, Flame. Turn me into a GG and I'll let your know. Big Grin

Truthfully, I don't think so, unless I was really robbed upstairs. Personally, I like girls with relatively small, perky breasts. I can stare at yours for hours, Flame. Tongue

(25-01-2014, 12:13 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  If so, how would you feel about bio-males pursuing NBE?

I suppose I would view it dispassionately, unless he was my boy friend or husband. In that case, assuming I'm a unconflicted heterosexual female in a fledgling relationship, I imagine I would be disappointed and want to move on. If I was in deep, hopefully I'd be sympathetic, and try to work through his gender issues.

CK Smile


Stare at mine for hours? That reminds me, I should post my progress pictures tonight. Hopefully I don't keep you up all night. Tongue

With my second question I was talking more about bio-males in general than if your significant other decided he wanted his own pair of breasts. However, I do think you bring up a good point. I know this is all hypothetical, but I would prefer to think I would be accepting of such a guy provided he was open, honest and discreet about it.

Back to reality for a moment, I am drawn to women who exhibit a mixture of feminine and masculine personality traits. In other words, as a bio-male in reality or a gg in theory, I think my preferences will always be among the members of the opposite sex who aren't afraid to think and live outside their gender role.

Flame, IF (only) I were a gg, and knowing myself in my 20s and 30s, and knowing the gene pool I came from (mother and sisters all had small breasts), and knowing the societal focus on breasts, I believe I would have succumbed and pursued some sort of breast enhancement. I like to think I would have pursued NBE and other methods first, but more than likely, I would have eventually had implant surgery.

As for the second part, I hope that I would be open enough to be accepting, albeit, somewhat curious as to why a male would want to grow breasts... hell, most days I am trying to figure that out about myself! Huh Ages and stages would certainly play a role, I find myself much, much more tolerant of those things outside the norm at my present age that when I was in my 20s and 30s.


Flame -

I am fairly certain that, were I a gg I would not have pursued NBE. I am not after great size. I would be happy with breasts that are just enough to look like a woman's, and given my family profile (pun intended) they would go past that point..

On the second part of your question, I hope and believe that I would be more than tolerant and accepting. In the scenario, there would already be love between the two of us, and I think I would find the prospect of change and evolution exciting. Of course, family, children and friends might complicate things.


I don't really know how to answer the question Flame. I have a pretty good imagination but I can't seem to put myself in that place. I guess if I had been born gg a whole world of other factors would so have influenced my development as a person that unless I was, as Clara put it "robbed upstairs" and to a serious degree, I don't think NBE would even enter my world. Huh
And as far as the other question, I have always been more than tolerant. Way beyond that, I have always been a bit of a rebel in terms of rejecting anything I saw as purely traditional, middle class, religious, authoritarian etc. Unlike you, Lisa, I NEVER could have put up with the military. But to make my point, I expect as a woman faced with the revelation of a husband with "desires". I am betting I would embrace it.
In a way, Flame, in this regard, I guess there are similarities between us.Wink
You would, as female, have sought out someone like yourself, who stretches the envelope in gender. I am betting I would have been attracted to someone that stretches all the boundaries... hee hee...cause that's what I like to do.RolleyesTongue

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