Poll: What attracts you sexually? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Women with penises
Unattached,anonomous penises
All of the above
None of the above
No interest in sex at all
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Sexual Orientation


(23-01-2014, 06:58 PM)Lotus~Aphrodité Wrote:  Unattached?, do they have wings?.....hey, I'm just curious!

They have batteries, or are attached to some shadowy unidentifiable figure in dreams.

I think that's where the "anonymous" comes in. Pun not intended.

Precisely correct. Many people report fantasies involving a real penis but with, as you say, a shadowy owner. I think there are many who find men "icky, but do have an attraction to a penis.
By the way, a point of clarification... attraction to males does not indicate attraction to ALL males, of course, anymore than attraction to females would indicate attraction to all females. I guess the unspoken implication was that the person in question was somehow attractive in the first place.

Of course! Wink

Getting back to your op!,
(23-01-2014, 06:33 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Renee Reyes posts a very interesting set of statistics and opinions about this area.
In your last poll you talked about her writings it all sounded so familiar!, So now you have me thinkin again Sammie!, drat!....you're quite good at that you know! Wink

Oh dear! I don't want to vote on this poll. Sorry. I was taken to the wood shed awhile back for unintentionally promoting the labeling of various psychiatric groupings of transgender identity. How is this any different?

I'll tell you that I'm aroused by a rather select list of anatomical attributes (some masculine, mostly feminine) aesthetically packaged, real or imagined, when accompanied by a libidinous mood with or without various tactile stimulation.

That covers a lot of ground, I know, but sexual orientation can be very complex. Right?

CK Smile

Lol, Clara! Touche! Ouch!
Was that how you felt? Honestly, if so, I am sorry. That was not my intention. I guess sometimes I may seem more strident than I intend.Rolleyes
Though, actually, I do see a difference myself. Smile
I know you find value in labels, and terminology of this sort, and that is fine. Smile
But for this I don't really see that we are discussing labels. Note I specifically did not ask "are you straight?" or "are you gay?" "Are you bi?" Etc. No labels. Rather, I am asking people to just answer a question about what and whom they find sexually attractive. If someone else wants to they can place labels on the answers, but that isn't what I am after.
I am curious to know how people on this board line up. I confess that I harbor a suspicion, generally speaking, and certainly not pointing fingers at anyone, that not all our members are as truthful with us (and maybe not even with themselves) as they would like to believe.
I believe many bio males, once having succumbed to the delight of feminizing themselves, may harbor, once dressed, fantasies of engaging in sex with a male. I do not doubt in any way, and let me be absolutely clear in that, lest someone be offended, that there are those who, even when fully dressed and totally in heat still find the idea of sex with a male as undesirable, and perhaps repugnant. But given the extreme homophobia that exists in this society, and given that within that culture it is difficult enough for males to come to terms with an impulse to feminize themselves, I suspect that there are those who, though they will finally confess the one, will do so only in the context of denying the other. Does that make sense?

Oh, and before anyone starts howling or getting upset, let me repeat I am not accusing anyone of anything. Nor do I have difficulty taking at face value declarations of this sort by anyone here. And I certainly hope not to offend anyone. Honest.
I would, however, like to encourage some thoughtful discourse in the area, and perhaps some possible honest self analysis.
We OK with that?Wink

No problem Sis! Wink

I haven't voted yet!, you've got me really thinking!

And for some reasons about flying members! Rolleyes

Strictly speaking, the plural of penis is penes. From my dim and distant past' it is I recollect a third declension Latin noun - You see there are some advantages to a classical education. Big Grin

I'd definitely say that women with penes were within the class of women if that's their gender.


Strictly speaking, I would totally agree, Annabel. I was splitting things only for the sake of clarity.
And thanks for the erudite clarification on declensions, my learned friend!Smile

Well I certainly enjoy my wife's "penis", and going waaaaaay back to 1990 (when my addiction to porn started) I always found lesbian porn most exciting, especially when the women had something attached down there. Then in 1993 I was exposed to my first tranny porn in Italy and I think I've been hooked ever since.

I guess from that you can tell what I voted for! Tongue

So yes it seems I like penis...but in my world it's fake ones that are attached above a vagina and have a set of boobies to play with! Do I fantasize about guys? Not one bit. Would I have sex with a tranny? Probably. To be frank, the last porn my wife and I watched was a tranny being dominated by a woman, so I could almost assume my wife would be down for it too. Hmmmmmmmmm!

You didn't have a choice for armadillos, so I chose women.

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