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Gender Dysphoria


Right there with you, Clara, honey. I was also always uncomfortable hanging with the guys. And I also sought out at parties and elsewhere the company of girls, as I mentioned in an earlier post. The only difference is that something in me always pushed it into the sexual realm. But, don't get me wrong, it wasn't aggressive lust on my part (well, not usually...LOL), but rather that was the area that made me feel wanted, I think. Desired. I mentioned before that that was always a big part of sex for me... the wanting, the needing to be desired and, is that a more male or female trait, or neither and both? IDK Or is it just an insecurity thing?

(28-01-2014, 11:42 AM)AnnabelP Wrote:  It has been suggested that this 'epidemic' is caused by DES (diethyl stilbestrol), a synthetic hormone which was routinely administered to countless millions of pregnant women worldwideover a forty year period starting in 1938 in the mistaken belief that it helped prevent miscarriage. Many if not most of the resulting DES sons and daughters are quite unaware of this. It has been alleged that the treatment resulted in a significant incidence of transgender effects in the sons as well as many other ill effects surfacing many years later, and still the subject of some ongoing lawsuits, and speculation as to its effects on the mothers and grandchildren as well as the sons and daughters.

I wonder if my mother was given this, as I know through talks with her she had several miscarriages in her quest to birth a daughter, which ironically she says is one of the reasons my father left. She also had a complete hysterectomy after my younger brother was born. Ironically after doing a quick read on it I've had a few of the symptoms for it, but who knows.

Another note of interest, my first cancer relates that I possibly have Klinefelter syndrome (which gives me an extra X chromosome), which if true would explain even more about my childhood and possibly my gender dysphoria. My guess is that there's no easy tests for either and getting records from then might be nearly impossible.


(28-01-2014, 04:09 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  Another aspect of my gender dysphoria occurred to me this morning. It came together as I was thinking about you girls and how my interactions with you on this board have become an important facet of my life lately.

I've never been a particularly social person; introverted and a bit shy by nature, I guess. So, it surprised me that I was enjoying my discussions and banter with you folks so much. So I was asking myself -- Why is that?

I think I have an answer. When it comes to group social interactions, I tend to be anxious a lot. I'm especially that way in groups of men, and I often find ways of avoiding getting into men-only situations (aside from work, of course, which is no longer relevant for me). In a mixed sex social situation, I'll find myself being pulled into the women's circle. No anxiety for me there. I feel at home talking to women (as long as there are no sexual overtones present).

So here I am engaged in conversation with what on the surface appears to be a group of men (men with breasts well hidden Wink) and find it a comfortable place to be. Then, I realize, that nothing has changed at all. I'm still my old self seeking out the company of girls! Big Grin

Hugs all around,

Clara Kay Smile

Clara, you do have a genius for hitting things on the head. Only point of divergence for me is that I'm not too good even here at the back-chat. Too serious minded by far - but perhaps I'll learn.
I've always wondered why I've always been so allergic to the most common re-rendering of my actual given first name - but may be it has something to do with my gender identity: now of course my dick seems to have been permanently retired. Big Grin And why was I always so insistent that my beloved hand-me-down teddy bear was female (Mrs too, but I can't recollect ever imagining a husband in the fantasy land she inhabited). Huh And as for hugs, why are both myself and my wife so uncomfortable with social bodily contacts with people with whom we don't have a special relationship? (Present company would be a special relationship) Huh


I've always had some degree of awkward and uncomfortable social interaction, especially when it comes to interactions with strangers. This however was something that was easily cured with alcohol and still is!

But yes Clara, once again you are spot on. Oddly looking back at my post above, I realized I have now shared some really personal info with people whom I have never met, much of which I have never told to anyone ever, even my wife!!! So apparently you are not the only one finding this place comfortable! Big Grin

(28-01-2014, 05:24 PM)Scotti Wrote:  But yes Clara, once again you are spot on. Oddly looking back at my post above, I realized I have now shared some really personal info with people whom I have never met, much of which I have never told to anyone ever, even my wife!!! So apparently you are not the only one finding this place comfortable! Big Grin

Yeah, can you imagine all of us getting together some day in Branson MO (or wherever) knowing so much about one another! Of course, it would have to be en femme, otherwise the shock would be too much for my aging heart! LOL!

My DW knows about BreastNexus, the forum, and how much I like relating to all of you. More than once, I stopped to wonder if she goes on line to take a peek at stuff that I write here. She's not a nosy person by any means, so I doubt she has. Even if she does, I don't care. I told her when I came out about my gender identity that I wouldn't consciously hide things from her anymore. Still, I'm sure that if she did take the time, she would learn a whole lot about me that she never knew.

BTW, I'm on day 3 of my break. So far, so good. My only sexual thoughts are centered around how to learn the fine art of nipple orgasms. Tongue

Clara Smile


Funny you should mention that, Clara. I had often thought how much fun it might be to have some kind of in person group thing...but gave up the idea as impratical and potentially way too awkward. But I don't know. There is a part of my heart that would love some actual face time with my long as this face is carefully made up...heh heh

Okay, I must be the freak (again). Cool

Call me a chameleon, but all my life I have been able to transition smoothly between both the male and female worlds in social settings. Girls pick on me when I tell them I love the sweetheart neckline on their dress, the fit of their A-line skirt, exclaim, "girl, I love those shoes!", or complement them on their new layered bob haircut, but it endears me to them, and on more than one occasion attracted them to me in a non-sisterly way... By the same token, I feel perfectly normal discussing the finer points of a cover 3 zone defense against a play action pass, why I prefer a Kimber Ultra Carry over a Colt defender, who the Braves should put in their starting rotation next year, or why I prefer a Calloway over a Taylormade. Okay, some of you are saying, WTF did he say??? Huh

I love the dance, going from the box step (male) to an intricate fox trot (not male-at least straight male!).

Embracing who and what I am with a view that the other guy or girl is the one that's fucked up if they don't like who and what I am. I'm sure, that IF my breasts grow I will run into those who notice the fact that I have them... SO???? Will I wear a sports bra or UnderArmor compression shirt? Probably, in certain situations, but if they are 38Bs, someone will notice that those are more than moobs (which on my frame would be damn near impossible). What then? Be embarrassed because some narrow minded, bigoted asshole thinks I am not his or her definition of "normal?" Two words, my sisters..."FUCK THEM!"

Back to Popeye... I yam what I yam, and I don't give a tinker's damn what you think or how you feel about it.

Be free girls, love yourself (or selves in my case), embrace your new normal, realize that you have every right to be proud, stand tall, and poke those nascent boobs out, because that is WHO YOU ARE, and don't let anyone take the dignity of that away from you!
Amen, Let us pray....Big Grin

The GBB (BTW, the perfect description of the PERFECT Southern woman!)
I love being the "sultry bitch with the fire in her eyes!" Hawkeye-MASH

(28-01-2014, 05:55 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Funny you should mention that, Clara. I had often thought how much fun it might be to have some kind of in person group thing...but gave up the idea as impratical and potentially way too awkward. But I don't know. There is a part of my heart that would love some actual face time with my long as this face is carefully made up...heh heh

BINGO sisters! Did y'all know there is an annual WEEK LONG transgender conference/celebration, I forgot WTF they call it in Atlanta every summer? An entire hotel is taken over by every flavor of TG you can think of... even a couple of bigenders!

Just a little grist for the thought mill, my lovlies... Did I hear someone say, "ROAD TRIP!!!"


OMG...we would make up our own contingent. The Breastnexus Broads. I can see the banner now. LOLTongue

(28-01-2014, 05:44 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  BTW, I'm on day 3 of my break. So far, so good. My only sexual thoughts are centered around how to learn the fine art of nipple orgasms. Tongue

Clara Smile

Being that I'm not on PM yet (should have it today), I have plenty of sexual thoughts that I can't act on. When W mentioned this in another thread it really peeked my interest, so looks like we are on a similar quest! Big Grin


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