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Are we going to get in trouble?


Has anyone else noticed? The bio male part of Breastnexus now has more than twice the postings of any other section of the site. LOLTongue

You know my two word reply, sis... F 'em!

Well, maybe, Sis, but Eve has done us all a huge, over the top favor allowing us this resource... I would not want to alienate her or appear anything less than hugely grateful, you know? And, so far as breast growth goes, we do frequently stray a little far... off topic? Tee hee.Smile

I noticed the same thing myself about the post counts. Don't worry about it, though. If Eve was upset about it, we'd know by now. Anyhow, wouldn't making a gender identity sub-section be a sign that we're allowed to stray from the topic of growing breasts a bit?

I'm hoping she's more of a "Watchmaker Mod". lol, I wonder how many will get the deist reference.

(28-01-2014, 06:47 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Well, maybe, Sis, but Eve has done us all a huge, over the top favor allowing us this resource... I would not want to alienate her or appear anything less than hugely grateful, you know? And, so far as breast growth goes, we do frequently stray a little far... off topic? Tee hee.Smile

Point taken sister, I am duly chastened and do not want to appear as an ungrateful bitch. My bad. Sad

Lisa _ No, I did not want to hush anyone...far from it... I was just thinking I might write her something and thank her.

Sarah...I hate to admit to being dense, tee hee. Can you enlighten me?

It crossed my mind in the midst of the wee small hours last night that when I looked at 'new posts' there were always a high proportion of Bio Male postings - coincidence or what?

I would add my thanks to the hosters - you of course have the mostersSmileSmileSmileSmile


(28-01-2014, 07:07 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Sarah...I hate to admit to being dense, tee hee. Can you enlighten me?

Deists believe in a creator that's totally hands off. In other words, he/she/it created the universe and set things into motion, then stepped back. Kind of like a watchmaker who makes a watch, winds it, and stays out of the way.

So, at the time, this view of God became known as the "Watchmaker God". The religion was popular during the Enlightenment, and several of the founding fathers were Deists....some more open about it than others.


As a sort of "lapsed agnostic", I don't find that too far off my own thinking. Interesting.
Thanks, Sis!Smile

well, if worse comes to worst, money talks. CoolSadRolleyesDodgyAngry (mixed emotions)

Clara Smile

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