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Gender Dysphoria


(28-01-2014, 06:40 PM)Scotti Wrote:  
(28-01-2014, 05:44 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  BTW, I'm on day 3 of my break. So far, so good. My only sexual thoughts are centered around how to learn the fine art of nipple orgasms. Tongue

Clara Smile
Being that I'm not on PM yet (should have it today), I have plenty of sexual thoughts that I can't act on. When W mentioned this in another thread it really peeked my interest, so looks like we are on a similar quest! Big Grin

The Dead Willy Sect is always open to new membership, Scotti dear. Big Grin

Clara Smile

I've been debating posting this for a while, but for some reason I feel I should, but I will keep it as short as I can.

Please keep in mind that I have relatives siblings and parents whom have an extremely negative view (mostly due to a total lack of understanding of the problem) of GID/TG etc.

I can't really remember when Gender Dysphoria fist reared it's head with me, but if their is one point when it became a problem it's when puberty hit, more or less overnight I went from very clear thinking to my thought processes being in a perpetual fog of extreme stress that didn't appear to have any source, and it was severe enough that by the age of 25 my hair had about as much grey as someone in their 50's usualy does.

The first time I had GID Suggested as a potential cause was during a dr's appointment, I didn't pay much thought to it and more or less ignored the suggestion, years later during a brief hospital stay I was tested for GID I dont remember all of the details (was very sick) but from what I remember they couldn't get me to calm down and rest (I had lost my control over the GID stress) long story short they somehow ended up giving me the estrogen test, the results I do remember, they were more or less instant, it was as if someone had flipped a switch and I was suddenly calm, clear of thought and relaxed, I was diagnosed with Gender Identity Dysphoria (as it was called at the time).

My Doctor during a checkup had an endo present who recommended further tests and HRT, but, being extremely distrustful of doctors and having lost a number of friends and relatives to malpractice or prescription medications that killed them and also with the requirement of having to tell at least part of my family, I declined.

After some time of the Dysphoria gnawing at me endlessly I eventually found this site, and started taking PM and haven't regretted it once.

On a side note I fairly recently found out by chance that my GD issues go deeper in the way of having been born intersexed, but that is a discussion for another time/posting.

I do still wish that my family/relatives would through some completely unrelated means gain proper understanding of Gender Dysphoria Issues in the near future.

Please excuse me if I have been somewhat vague/elusive/cryptic on some things, but it's difficult for me to dredge up some of this stuff.

Thank you for sharing your journey, Lenneth. Although I could never understand the struggle you have had for so long, I am glad you found a place where you can be you, even if it is a virtual environment.


Thanks for sharing, Lenneth. My heart goes out to you. To have a family circle so unsympathetic...well, it happens all the time, but that does not make it suck any less. For crying out loud, it isn't like it is anyone's fault that they are the way they are. And if people were just not so stupid and uneducated and uncaring and...but they are...but if they were not, they would know there is nothing wrong with any of us. We are just different but no less special and beautiful. A lot of people talk about love, but so few really know what it means.
It makes me sad and it makes me mad.
I understand about leaving things out. There are things we are ready to share and things we are not. I would guess there are secrets all of us have. That's normal and to be expected. But you have friends here with whom you can, or not, and it will not make a bit of difference. We still love you, sweetheart. Really.
There is a bond here, among all of us, that very few can ever understand. No we are not all exactly the same. Each of us has a unique situation and difficulties unique to them self. But we all share some piece of the same puzzle here, and in that there is, I hope, for you, comfort to be found. Your family may not get it, but we do. You have another family entirely right here, if you want it. And we do get it. We do understand. And we got your back, baby. Really.


Damn you Samantha, now YOU made ME cry. Dodgy
Beautifully said, sister.

Lenneth, I know Sammie's eloquent words speak for me, as well, and I have to believe many others also.

I won't go into detail unless you desire, but if you have never been a part of a TG group, where you can be Lenneth, I highly, highly recommend you seek one out, even if only for one time. It will affirm who you are in ways I could never explain. If you would like to discuss off thread, feel free to PM me.

I have to go wash my face before my SO asks what's wrong... Could that be the PM beginning to wreak havoc with my hormones?

Sending hugs and loving thoughts,

There, you see? You see, Lenneth? You see, Scotti? And Lotus? And Clara, and Flame and Annabel, and dear sweet Sarah, and all of you reading this but afraid to post? There is love here for you, if you want it.
Shit,this crying thing seems to be catching...Sad

Yes it can, Sam. The PM generated E seems to make our true femme selves emerge in the damndest ways.

Isn't it wonderful!Wink

Yes, your story, Lenneth, is another example of how GD can cause havoc with your life from early childhood until, at worst, the last years of your life. It strikes in a variety of ways and intensities. Sometimes those of us with the less severe cases of GD are the one's who suffer the longest.

Isn't it a shame that of all the possible congenital birth 'defects', this one is the least recognized, diagnosed, and treated, even though the condition is very treatable by simply allow us to be who we were born to be?

Isn't it a shame that often, it is those who are closest to us who are the least tolerant, the least understanding, and the last of those we can trust for love and support?

Lenneth, I'm glad you are with us. You will find love and support here, and I hope you'll gain the love and confidence you need to seek and find your rightful place in the world.

I'm not crying like my sisters Lisa and Sammie (they're such babies Wink) but my heart is aching for you, dear. Stay strong.

With a tender hug,
Clara Kay

(28-01-2014, 04:36 PM)Scotti Wrote:  Another note of interest, my first cancer relates that I possibly have Klinefelter syndrome (which gives me an extra X chromosome), which if true would explain even more about my childhood and possibly my gender dysphoria. My guess is that there's no easy tests for either and getting records from then might be nearly impossible.

There IS a test for Klinefelter's. I asked my Dr about it a year ago and it sounded relatively simple. If I'm not mistaken, it's a simple blood test. I chose not to have it done because I don't have enough of the outward indicators to justify it.

(29-01-2014, 05:08 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Scotti,
There IS a test for Klinefelter's. I asked my Dr about it a year ago and it sounded relatively simple. If I'm not mistaken, it's a simple blood test. I chose not to have it done because I don't have enough of the outward indicators to justify it.

Thanks for the reply doodle!

For me when I look at the indicators most apply to me, including some of the long term effects. Perhaps when I see my PCP or Endo next I'll ask about it.

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