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Project X (hrt)

Lisa, sweetie, you are indeed living up to your moniker -- Greedy Butch Bitch. Now it's 'fullness' you want. Rolleyes

Hey, Lisa, wanna hear something funny? The other night my DW called me "my little bitch". LOL She immediately apologized, but I told her it was okay. Now, if she had called me "my greedy butch bitch" I'd know she was sneaking a peek at this forum. Big Grin

Anyways, can't help you, Lisa. I'm not into PC.

Say, Lisa, when are you going to make your debut? And, don't give me any of that 'a watched pot never boils' BS like our sister Sammie. She'd better be one knockout babe with all the time she's taking. Tongue

Love you,
Clara Smile

Thanks girls.

Think I will try the PC in 3 weeks and cycle it for a couple of months just to see if it helps FULLNESS, Clara! Tongue

So if my SO called me her "little bitch" I'd take that as an invitation to get frisky! Big Grin

Be patient sis. I'm waiting for my shoes to come in! Should be here next week sometime. The tripod and camera are ready! Wink



(31-01-2014, 07:59 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  If the effect of using these anti-antrogens is to lower my testosterone level significantly, will the corresponding increase in estradiol cancel out known health risks, like loss of bone density and increased risk of cardiac arrest?

Clara sweetheart,

Honestly I don't think at our age 50/60 + we need a-a's, at least in the sense to lower our T. What T we do have should be thought of in a conversion to aromatase and to decrease DHT. Also the idea of free T needs more investigating, simply because it seems to be a great natural resource that's untapped. In canceling out the risk is impossible to say, all the literature says that there is a health risk, be it bone density or otherwise. But there seems to be a health risk in supplementing with anything these days. We're not 20 something's, the inherent risk is our own, if you're unsure talk to your MP's, imo. Wink

Btw, I'm so impressed!.....MLB......LMFAO!


Bow down, children, we are in the presence of the gods (and goddesses, tee hee)!
You are awesome, just awesome, dear Lotus!Big Grin

(01-02-2014, 02:54 PM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Bow down, children, we are in the presence of the gods (and goddesses, tee hee)!
You are awesome, just awesome, dear Lotus!Big Grin

You are as smooth as butter my dear!. Big Grin, I thought I should give you all an update, and better back up what I say about breast growth. Even tried to find a new bra, wasn't fun right Sammie!.

Somehow Sammie I can only think of you being in tights and doing your best Shakespeare, being an actor and all. Tongue

Love ya sis! Rolleyes

(01-02-2014, 03:45 AM)Lisa Lou Wrote:  So if my SO called me her "little bitch" I'd take that as an invitation to get frisky! Big Grin

Ahh, we were already into the frisky part, Lisa. I have to say, this lesbian love stuff is great!

What does this have to due with aromatase?

Everything! Tongue

Clara Smile

Well, as a matter of fact We have a lot of Shakespeare (and tights...hee hee) in our past. And I was very cute in those tights, I'll have you know! LOL

Ooooh, Lesbian Love!!!

Big Grin

Hi all, Smile

Clara I know your concerned, here's what we need understand about E. Estrogen is an awesome growth enhancer, it locks on to receptor site and says grow!. If cancer is present it's being flooded with estrogen making it grow.

Estradiol and estrone has the biggest effect on femininity. As you know phytoestrogens have been reported to have health benefits by locking onto estrogen receptors in breast tissue and thus preventing the stronger and more dangerous estrogen compounds from entering. Full article below:

Lower levels of estrogen, such as during menopause, can alter physiological processes and can alter bone density and cause urinary problems.

High Estrogen Overload Symptoms ::
Dangers Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

Frankly I think we have more to worry about from xeno-estrogens, (pesticides and herbicides) which are so close in their molecular structure to estrogen that they are able to lock on to estrogen receptors in breast tissue.

Quote:“Combined xenoestrogens can have an effect that is 100-1,000 times more potent than the strongest estrogen made in the body.” - Eldred Taylor

When estrogen reaches the breast, it looks for a place to "park". Parking spaces represent the "estrogen receptors", which estrogen binds to on the breast cell membranes.

The rate at which cells divide in response to estrogen is affected by many factors. First, the rate depends on the strength of the estrogen. There are strong estrogens (ESTRADIOL, ESTRONE, XENOHORMONES) and weak estrogens (ESTRIOL, PHYTOESTROGENS). Strong estrogens speed up cell division and therefore, increase the risk of cancer. Weak estrogens slow down cell division, therefore reducing the risk for cancer.

Estrogen is broken down in the liver, and is influenced by the presence of certain chemicals. It is either broken down into a "good" kind of estrogen (Technically known as 2-hydroxyestrone) or a "bad" kind of estrogen (16-alpha hydroxyestrone)

Take care! Wink

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