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Project X (hrt)

I have to give the long version with links for the benefit of others!

Exogenous testosterone, or testosterone that does not come from a man's Leydig cells, affects the production of natural testosterone in the testicles. The testicles stop producing their own testosterone by introducing exogenous testosterone to the body via testosterone injections, oral medication, skin patches, creams or gels. The testicles shrink because exogenous testosterone shuts down their normal testosterone production system. The body detects testosterone from an external source and stops producing its own. Since testicular testosterone contributes to sperm production, this condition can reduce a man's sperm count. This condition can lead to testosterone dependence. Clinicians may offset reduced testosterone production in the testicles with human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG stimulates Leydig cells in the testicles to produce testosterone.

Quote:There are few conditions which can cause shrinkage of testis. Firstly, testicular atrophy can cause testis to shrink. Another reason is cold temperature, anabolic steroids and Testosterone replacement therapy

Serum testosterone decreased 19% during the 4-week use of soy protein powder and increased within 2 weeks after we discontinued soy protein powder.

More to follow! Wink

Question is ..... When you see lady boys who have gorgeous boobies and still maintain their full functional male bits !!
So if they feminising than how are they maintaining their full male function ?
Any answers to this quanandraum ?

Okay, mistress, I am not really as ditzy as I pretend to be. Hee hee. I get all that. But if the testes have severely atrophied then it is to be expected they are no longer producing much T, right? and since, last I checked at least, and despite a pair of breasts, I do not actually have ovaries, where is the T I need coming from? The adrenal glands? They can only produce so much, or so I am lead to believe. If that is correct, how do I have enough T for aromatase to have enough to work with in order to make the E that my boobies still need? Sorry if I seem dense ....Rolleyes

(03-02-2014, 01:45 AM)myboobs Wrote:  Question is ..... When you see lady boys who have gorgeous boobies and still maintain their full functional male bits !!
So if they feminising than how are they maintaining their full male function ?
Any answers to this quanandraum ?

Heck, a lot of them are not on 'mones. They are just boys who shaved and had implants, tee hee. But some of them are sooo cute!Tongue

Keeping you busy tonight, aren't I Mistress?Big Grin

(03-02-2014, 01:50 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Keeping you busy tonight, aren't I Mistress?Big Grin

Are we chasing the rabbit here?.....haha, I love busy!

(03-02-2014, 01:45 AM)myboobs Wrote:  Question is ..... When you see lady boys who have gorgeous boobies and still maintain their full functional male bits !!
So if they feminising than how are they maintaining their full male function ?
Any answers to this quanandraum ?

My guess is that they haven't had a lifetime of lowering their T. Rolleyes

    If your looking for a percentage it goes like this:

Healthy man’s life cycle when testosterone levels universally abruptly drop to less than 20 percent of youthful levels as occurs with a woman’s estradiol level at about age 51 and declined by about five percent per decade from the thirties to the seventies and more precipitously in ill or obese men.

""""Okay, mistress, I am not really as ditzy as I pretend to be. Hee hee. I get all that. But if the testes have severely atrophied then it is to be expected they are no longer producing much T, right? and since, last I checked at least, and despite a pair of breasts, I do not actually have ovaries, where is the T I need coming from? The adrenal glands? They can only produce so much, or so I am lead to believe. If that is correct, how do I have enough T for aromatase to have enough to work with in order to make the E that my boobies still need? Sorry if I seem dense ...."""
But this is the crux of the question. I really do get the rest, but I still don't see the answer to this. Am I totally clueless?

Amazing. Simply lovely.

You are far from clueless my dear, maybe it's me being dense here. Obviously the only way to tell for sure and how much is a serum total testosterone test.

As far as how much do you have to aromatase it's roughly 2% of which is free and the rest is bound, even at reduced levels that's how it breaks down.

That's why we a have the free T-boosting supplements capitalizing out there.

I get it, if your nuts are shrunk, lol, how are they producing enough T to covert, but that's the best way I can explain it. What amount can only be verified by a test Wink

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