15-01-2012, 08:50 PM
I have always been a litle sceptical of the claims and labels on this site saying of us are transsexuals , I believe most of us on thi site are not so.
I truly believe we are inbetweenies and that fits of the bill of a transgenderist too the tee
Transgnderists can have a love of function, love of thier ascribed genitals, and yet still have a desire to be a woman part or full time.
Their is also now a legal requirement to acknowledge a transgenderist as one and not a transsexual,
Also they have a right to be administered low dose too full hormones if they wish,
Many are married and given hormones too help cope and keep intact ,
See the fabulous site by
Diane Wilson and the work from gianne e Israel
Www.fire lily.com/gender/transgendersists
This makes me feel happy already as I thought I may b an autogyniphilac transsexual , now I do not.
Sfem, pansy, issabelle, brony fit this bill better as well, in my limited view,
See what you thing girls,
I truly believe we are inbetweenies and that fits of the bill of a transgenderist too the tee
Transgnderists can have a love of function, love of thier ascribed genitals, and yet still have a desire to be a woman part or full time.
Their is also now a legal requirement to acknowledge a transgenderist as one and not a transsexual,
Also they have a right to be administered low dose too full hormones if they wish,
Many are married and given hormones too help cope and keep intact ,
See the fabulous site by
Diane Wilson and the work from gianne e Israel
Www.fire lily.com/gender/transgendersists
This makes me feel happy already as I thought I may b an autogyniphilac transsexual , now I do not.
Sfem, pansy, issabelle, brony fit this bill better as well, in my limited view,
See what you thing girls,