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does PM really work so fast?


Hi, I am male, 30, just recently wanted to play with the idea of having own boobs.
So I ordered PM capsules several weeks ago and spent the first week on 500mg
a day. After the first week, I increased the dosage to 1000mg a day and am
now in the middle of the second week. Before taking PM I was completely flat
chested, I mean really flat chested. No curves, bumps etc. whatsoever.
However, after the first week has passed I noticed that my areolas are more pointy now
(their size and sensitivity is at the same level as before, though) and there
does seem to be a bit of growth on both sides. I am highly sceptical about the appearance
since I can't really believe this is possible after only week and a half of taking PM.
It does not make much sense, does it? Note that at the same time that I started
taking PM I also started wearing a bra regularly (I think that might explain my
perception of growth since the bra does affect the skin shape). One other thing
is that I seem to have acne again which I've not had since puberty. Can this be
the result of PM? What are your thoughts about this? Can PM really work so fast?
Also, how much does genetics influence this? (Female family members all have
moderate to big cup sizes.)

This question has been asked and answered in great detail many times over if you do a search.
However, briefly, yes you can see some effect after a couple of weeks but it is not true growth, it is just the start of fat redistribution and will disappear as fast as it came, if you stop the PM. At between 2 -4 months you should start to get the beginning of true growth.

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