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New and I have some questions!


Hello everyone, I discovered these forums awhile back and have been lurking ever since. And figured I might as well introduce myself...
I'm a 24 year old male, around 6' 1" tall and weigh around 180lbs and well I'm interested in growing my own breasts by herbal means. I would consider myself TG as I have certain female attributes I like to take on, crossdressing is one, but have no desire to ever fully transition into a female. However I'm not just interested in growing breasts but I'm also interested in gaining whatever ever feminizing effects I can gain from herbs as well, so I could use some advise in that category.

Now then I kind of figure my age might come up.. but please know that this decision wasn't done lightly as I have thought about this for a very long time now and after carefully weighing all the risks and knowing what I'm getting into, irreversible changes and not being able to hide them once they start growing, I think I'm ready to take the plunge and start this long journey. I've discussed this with the wife and she loves the idea so defiantly won't be going through this alone.

So comes my questions...
From reading some the threads on here I kind of know where I want to start, and that is with PM which as recommended from the other threads I'll start with the recommended dosage (500mg) and slowly work my way up each week. My question though is about SP; alot threads mention that it is good to take if you are under 40+ or suffer from acne which I meet both of those so I should I be taking it along with PM? And what would be a good starting dose and recommended high dose for SP? I realize that there are no magical one size fits all doses but I kind of need a rough estimate so I don't start to low and go to high with it.

Anyways any advise would be welcome! Nice meeting all of you!

Hello Marisa.

Welcome to the board.

I haven't taken SP alongside PM so I'm not exactly sure on the dosage, but there are numerous members on this board who should be able to give you some advice in this regard.

Some things I would like to comment on are crossdressing and sex drive. Since being on PM for about 3 months my desire to crossdress has waned, and my sex drive has practically disappeared. In addition, prolonged use of PM may significantly impair your ability to reproduce. I've been taking a fairly high dose of 3,00mg of PM for the last 7 weeks, so maybe you won't experience similar changes or at least not as fast as I have. However, if you haven't considered these particular changes and talked about it with your wife, I would recommend doing so.

the popular dose of SP is approx 3000 mg per day for 6 months.

thats what I take and have not had any negatives from it.

and I like your Avatar Marisa, Kos-Mos is one of my favorite game characters.

(16-06-2012, 10:53 PM)Lenneth Wrote:  the popular dose of SP is approx 3000 mg per day for 6 months.

thats what I take and have not had any negatives from it.

and I like your Avatar Marisa, Kos-Mos is one of my favorite game characters.

LOL, I was thinking about a switch to Kos-Mos, but thought she looked a bit too similiar to your avatar, Lenneth.

And sure enough, a week later, here she comes! *mumbles* I like Chaos better anyways. Too bad that series got cut short.

Fuck this I'm grabbing Elly before someone else shows up lmao.

There. Now I feel better.

On topic, the dose recommended by Lenneth is about right. Just start out at 2000 and work your way up.

This is just for whole berries though, the average dose for extract is 640mg/day.

Good luck!

Loving the Elly avatar, Sarah... much better than the plantation goat. Easily my favorite character in my favorite game of all time.

Marisa, as everyone else said, welcome. And the people that already chimed in have said everything there is to say. You say you've been lurking for a while, so you should already know who knows what they're talking about and who is full of it. There MIGHT be 3 people on this board who I would take advice from before flame and Sarah... maybe.

Your age, btw, is actually a benefit. The younger you are, the better your long term results will be. I wish I'd thought to start at 24.

(17-06-2012, 08:35 PM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  Loving the Elly avatar, Sarah... much better than the plantation goat. Easily my favorite character in my favorite game of all time.

Thanks. Xenogears is by far my favorite game as well. I probably like Grahf a bit more than Elly, but he isn't as photogenic lol. It's amazing how many parallels there are between Xenogears and the world today. I see flouride in the drinking water as a kind of limiter, for example.

You really disliked the plantation goat though, huh? Big Grin

But yeah, being 24 isn't a bad thing, as Etna says....I wish I'd known about NBE back then.

(17-06-2012, 08:49 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Thanks. Xenogears is by far my favorite game as well. I probably like Grahf a bit more than Elly, but he isn't as photogenic lol. It's amazing how many parallels there are between Xenogears and the world today. I see flouride in the drinking water as a kind of limiter, for example.

Hm, good parallel, and also the reason I use a filter to filter it out.

also as a small FYI I have been working on (at least a plan for) a Kos-Mos crossplay costume on and off for quite a while.


(17-06-2012, 10:55 PM)Lenneth Wrote:  
(17-06-2012, 08:49 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Thanks. Xenogears is by far my favorite game as well. I probably like Grahf a bit more than Elly, but he isn't as photogenic lol. It's amazing how many parallels there are between Xenogears and the world today. I see flouride in the drinking water as a kind of limiter, for example.

Hm, good parallel, and also the reason I use a filter to filter it out.

also as a small FYI I have been working on (at least a plan for) a Kos-Mos crossplay costume on and off for quite a while.

Yeah, I don't even let my cat drink tap water. Too bad most of us are forced to bathe in it. We're all lambs in the eyes of Solaris.Sad

Oh well, not as bad as drinking it.

Cosplay Kos-mos sounds like a pretty difficult project. PM me some pics if you can ever capture the android look ;p

Sorry to derail the thread here...again hehe. It's definitely interesting to see how much some of us have in common though. Apparently men that want breasts are likely to play jrpgs. Who knew? lol

We need another subforum in addition to the conspiracy one I've previously suggested.

Time to get this thread back on topic with a coincidentally appropirate reference mark.
(18-06-2012, 12:00 AM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Yeah, I don't even let my cat drink tap water. Too bad most of us are forced to bathe in it. Oh well, not as bad as drinking it.

Isn't the whole base concept behind the use of creams that topical application soaking through the skin has a more potent effect than consuming, since it doens't pass through the liver or kidneys?


(16-06-2012, 04:53 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Hello Marisa.

Welcome to the board.

I haven't taken SP alongside PM so I'm not exactly sure on the dosage, but there are numerous members on this board who should be able to give you some advice in this regard.

Some things I would like to comment on are crossdressing and sex drive. Since being on PM for about 3 months my desire to crossdress has waned, and my sex drive has practically disappeared. In addition, prolonged use of PM may significantly impair your ability to reproduce. I've been taking a fairly high dose of 3,00mg of PM for the last 7 weeks, so maybe you won't experience similar changes or at least not as fast as I have. However, if you haven't considered these particular changes and talked about it with your wife, I would recommend doing so.

Yeah those were two of the major issues we discussed and we both are ok with the loss of sex drive. And as far as children go we have planned to adopt children if we ever decided to raise them so we are ok there as well. That's interesting to hear about the desire of crossdressing decreasing, I pretty much crossdress abit each day so I kind of wonder how it will effect me.

(16-06-2012, 10:53 PM)Lenneth Wrote:  the popular dose of SP is approx 3000 mg per day for 6 months.

thats what I take and have not had any negatives from it.

and I like your Avatar Marisa, Kos-Mos is one of my favorite game characters.

Ok thanks that is what I will first aim towards for my SP dosage.

Thank you! She is one of my favorite female characters as well. I like your Lenneth avatar as well. I remember playing Valkyrie Profile all the time on ps1 when I was a kid.

(16-06-2012, 10:58 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  LOL, I was thinking about a switch to Kos-Mos, but thought she looked a bit too similiar to your avatar, Lenneth.

And sure enough, a week later, here she comes! *mumbles* I like Chaos better anyways. Too bad that series got cut short.

Fuck this I'm grabbing Elly before someone else shows up lmao.

There. Now I feel better.

On topic, the dose recommended by Lenneth is about right. Just start out at 2000 and work your way up.

This is just for whole berries though, the average dose for extract is 640mg/day.

Good luck!

But Elly is pretty awesome as well! Yeah it's a shame both of those of series got cut short I really would of loved to see episode 6 of Xenogears but alas.

Ok thanks for the information. Around where I live I've only seen SP extract so that works out.

(17-06-2012, 08:35 PM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  Loving the Elly avatar, Sarah... much better than the plantation goat. Easily my favorite character in my favorite game of all time.

Marisa, as everyone else said, welcome. And the people that already chimed in have said everything there is to say. You say you've been lurking for a while, so you should already know who knows what they're talking about and who is full of it. There MIGHT be 3 people on this board who I would take advice from before flame and Sarah... maybe.

Your age, btw, is actually a benefit. The younger you are, the better your long term results will be. I wish I'd thought to start at 24.

Well I wrote in the age comment as people sometimes think that people in the twenties like me may be rushing into a decision without thinking about the consequences first.

(17-06-2012, 10:55 PM)Lenneth Wrote:  
(17-06-2012, 08:49 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Thanks. Xenogears is by far my favorite game as well. I probably like Grahf a bit more than Elly, but he isn't as photogenic lol. It's amazing how many parallels there are between Xenogears and the world today. I see flouride in the drinking water as a kind of limiter, for example.

Hm, good parallel, and also the reason I use a filter to filter it out.

also as a small FYI I have been working on (at least a plan for) a Kos-Mos crossplay costume on and off for quite a while.

Oh? What version of Kos-Mos if you don't mind me asking.

(18-06-2012, 12:00 AM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Sorry to derail the thread here...again hehe. It's definitely interesting to see how much some of us have in common though. Apparently men that want breasts are likely to play jrpgs. Who knew? lol

We need another subforum in addition to the conspiracy one I've previously suggested.

Yeah I was going to point that out lol...When I picked Kos-Mos as my avatar on here I didn't think that there would be anyone else on here who would know who she was, or even played video games. Big Grin

Well on another note I just ordered my first batch of PM so I should be starting here shortly.

I'm thinking my beginning regimen is going to look something like this:
Week 1 & Week 2 1000mg PM & 320mg SP extract (per day)
Week 3 1500mg PM & 480mg SP extract (per day)
Week 4 2000mg PM & 640mg SP extract (per day)

And from there I'll raise or lower the dosage depending if I feel like I need to. I'm starting off slow since I want to let my body kind of get use the herbs before I start really heavily on it. So if you have any thoughts I'd like to hear them!

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