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One month on PM / SP, progress and some questions.


Hi everybody, I've been one month on a daily regime of 2000mg of PM and 480mg of SP, split night and morning. I have a slim build and started very flat chested and already I can see and feel progress. My nipples seem to have increased in size and so too have my areola. And with one breast there is a puffyness and budding starting. Also my breasts are more sensitive to the touch with my shirt brushing against them. And my morning erections have become less frequent. My objective has never been to transition but simply wanting to feel more feminine and grow breasts to the point that I could still take my shirt off and not be too incredibly obvious.
I have ordered another 2 months supply of PM and SP and will continue and see what happens. I'm wondering now - if as I progress will any changes be permanent, where I get to a point of no return? Or at what point might that be? I should also say that sterility is not a problem as I already have children and have had a vasectomy. I find this whole process incredibly erotic and I really look forward to taking the PM and SP capsules and monitoring and seeing my progress.
Any helpful thoughts, suggestions or support would be very gratefully received. I really appreciated having this community to share feelings and to take pleasure in the progress of others. Cheers, Brigitte

The consensus is that actual tissue growth is not reversible, whereas the fat accumulation is something you can get rid of. The longer you go on and the more growth you have, the less you can go back to a male chest if you decide you want to. Of course there are surgical options at that stage.

sfem -

Is there a way to tell whether it is fat versus more permanent tissue growth? I have read various comments about "budding" but I don't know exactly what the writers are describing.

In my experience, you'll know it when you feel it. Tissue growth for me felt more solid under the skin, more compact and was kind of like moving something firm and coherent under the skin. Fat is like fat on any other part of your body. It can be squeezed, squished, reshaped, moves more fluidly. The budding is the first semi-solid core that forms under the nipple, and can be felt as reacting differently from the surrounding flesh when you try to press down or sideways on it. Like a cooked meatball versus uncooked ground beef.

(05-11-2012, 04:19 PM)sfem Wrote:  The budding is the first semi-solid core that forms under the nipple, and can be felt as reacting differently from the surrounding flesh when you try to press down or sideways on it. Like a cooked meatball versus uncooked ground beef.

That's a very good analogy I think.Big Grin

It hurts if I try to press down on my areolas, whereas I don't feel much of anything if I try to press down on a different part of my body. I also have to be careful when I'm carrying something or sleeping on my side in bed. I never had any of these experiences prior to starting NBE.

Since you've reported your breasts are becoming more sensitive, I would say you're on your way to developing feminine breasts.

Thank you both. That is very helpful.

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