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Progesterone Booster !


Hello girls, 1446 Hz is supposed to be the frequency in order to increase progesterone levels.
I´ll be listen to this during my luteal phase. I let you know about any progress.

Good find! Thanks for this! Big Grin

(28-04-2013, 07:55 AM)xCutieBandit Wrote:  Good find! Thanks for this! Big Grin

Don´t mention it Smile After all, we are here to help each other.

Hi Sol.thanks for sharing...Smile
I've a question:did u had some results?
And another: how to understand when have I my luteal phase?

Thank you Sol! I'll add it to my routine during luteal phase! And Irène, I believe you can track down the start of your luteal phase by taking your temperature. Approximately 15 days after the end of your period, your temperature should drop and that is when your luteal start (anyone corrects me if I am wrong!)

In the luteal phase the temperatur rises (exactly when the ovulation is and then the temperature stays up) and its not the 15th day of the cycle of every woman! My luteal phase beginns around the 18th to 23th day! You can only exactly find out by doing Natural Family Planning. Wink

Interesting!Thanks girls...I've took my tempereture down there Tongue and I can say that it rises more less aroun my ovulation phase(18th-22th day)

Yeah I meant that. When you have your ovulation the temperature rises and stays up there. Wink

Thanks for the additional info.Smile
#10 is clear.
But what I can't understand is why is it important to respect the specific cycle phase...I can't understand too why,for exemple some girls use some specific supplemnt in that specific mentrual cycle phase.
To me is a mystery....Dodgy

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