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Could estrogen (PM) be causing all this?


Hey all,

I'm kind of freaking out here because I've just had some major physical issues and the easy thing to do it to blame it on estrogen but I'm not sure that's rational. It's not uncommon for me to get a migraine once every 2-3 years. They are minor by comparison to what others get but still, they are migraines. Fuzzy spot in my vision that gets bigger and bigger, disappears and then comes a really bad headache. Last week I had three of them in three days. All of them started right before lunch time. And on 3 of the next 4 days, I had the telltale vision indicator but thankfully no headache afterwards. ...Hold that thought

All last week, I also had a "kink" in my back. These normally work themselves out and life goes on but on Saturday, I was cleaning out our chest freezer and really aggravated the kink. I promptly went into the house and laid down on the floor to do some stretches hoping I could get my spine adjusted. Instead, over the next couple hours it got progressively worse and ultimately I couldn't get up off the floor. I spent the last half of Saturday in the Emergency Room and left with a prescription strength muscle relaxant and narcotics for pain. Even with the meds, it has been nearly impossible to move and I've been off work all week trying to recover. 4 prescription drugs, medical doctors, chiropractors and soon, physical therapy. Never, ever have I had such severe back pain in all my life! All I know for sure is the problem is or is close to my sacrum (where the spine meets the pelvis).

So, one might reasonable conclude that whatever triggers my migraines (heat, humidity, sinus problems and all the other unknowns) are in full force and thus, I get 3 migraines in-a-row for the first time in my life. ...Or, it might have something to do with screwing up my endocrine system??? Estrogen dominance???

As for my back, a reasonable assumption would be that that I was doing a lot of shoveling and raking at work last week which irritated my spine followed by some twisting and lifting on the weekend and BAM! my sacrum says enough is enough and down I go. I suppose the, "never this bad" could be attributed to the fact that I'm not as young and resilient as I once was. ...Or, the estrogen is weakening my muscles and perhaps tipping my pelvis (see ) causing changes in my physical abilities that my brain hasn't recognized yet?

Again, it's probably not reasonable to think the estrogen is the root of all my problems but I can't help jumping to that conclusion. I quit taking it Saturday when I started taking handful's of prescription drugs but I'm really concerned about starting up again. In light of what I just experienced, taking PM is simply not worth it to me JUST for breast growth. What is almost worth it to me is the mental effects PM has on me (less irritable, no interest in porn or masturbation). But even those benefits are not enough to offset headaches and debilitating back pain. When this blows over, I suppose I'll start up again but I know for sure I'm going to reduce my dose to no more than 1500mg per day.

What do you guys think? Is it reasonable to assume the PM has contributed to my migraines and back dysfunction or is it just coincidence?

I used to get head aches like that..... then they discovered I had a brain tumor... two of them.... I tried to blame the headaches on lots of things... none of them the real cause.... and we aren't getting any younger.... even though I still play ice hockey (just turned 61... btw) I still get pulled muscles from doing stuff around the house..... so I doubt that PM is the root cause..... though it might make you more prone.....

Man, sorry to hear about all that. The headaches are listed as side effects with PM aren't they? I'm no expert on that, but I do know that when I tried to up my dose over the weekend I did get a headache. I am pretty sensitive to the stuff as I haven't been able to go over 500 a day.
The spine stuff, I am not so sure PM would be responsible. I work in surgery and have helped on probably 100s of spines. Sometimes an injury takes a little bit to reveal itself. There are numerous other things that could be there also. Ruptured discs putting pressure on a nerve, degenerative discs, arthritis from facet degeneration, etc. I think your back may be the biggest issue out of those, and I would definitely get it checked out. Sometimes people develope weaknesses in the muscles and that can lead to injury through overworking your back. Sometimes all is needed is a physical therapy regime for strengthening you back, maybe a steroid injection, or maybe even surgery for disc protrusion or facet degeneration.
Best bet us to get your back looked at to prevent further damage. I assume you are probably familiar with all I just said since you said you have a history with it. I just know that eventually back injuries do become chronic problems especially with your history.

I'm sorry to hear you've been in so much pain Doodlebug. Sad

I've experienced headaches and back pain due to estrogen dominance, but never to the point of being debilitating like you've experienced. I suspect while estrogen dominance might be a contributor to your symptoms, I think something else must be making you suffer.

As far as maintaining brain rewiring, you could try what I'm doing, add spearmint to your regime. So far the brain rewiring has been holding up for me while taking lower doses of pm. Spearmint may wreak havoc with your libido. However, this may not be a priority for you at this moment concerning your current health crisis with migraines and excruciating back pain.

I do hope you're able to get to the bottom of your symptoms and that you feel better soon.

Karren, I sure hope it isn't a brain tumor but that thought already crossed my mind. If the migraines continue, I'll be digging deeper rather quickly but for now, I'm going to wait and see if they continue.

Wantingmore, I'm 6 months in on NBE so I'm inclined to think all this is NOT caused by estrogen. I appreciate your comments though, especially with your knowledge of back issues. We're all really out on a limb with our NBE endeavors. There's no research on what we're doing and no doctor would have a clue IF they'd even take us seriously. Except maybe a Dr serving the transgender community. Thanks again for your insights.

Flamesabers, Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you mean to say the spearmint SUPPRESSES your sex drive? I'm perfectly fine with that, in fact, reduced sex drive is an axillary benefit that is more important to me than the impact NBE has on my chest.

(13-09-2013, 03:09 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Flamesabers, Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you mean to say the spearmint SUPPRESSES your sex drive? I'm perfectly fine with that, in fact, reduced sex drive is an axillary benefit that is more important to me than the impact NBE has on my chest.

Yes, and I would say it goes further. I think spearmint has been lowering my functionality. For about the last two weeks, I've been on my lowest dose of pm since the start of this year and I haven't had the slightest inclination of a returning interest in porn or masturbation. Considering my drop in pm dosage, I'm assuming spearmint is the responsible agent.

Sorry to hear about your problems doodlebug.

have you considered that the migraines may be Chronic Sinusitis?

I have had that for the last few years and it is only now starting to get better, I get full blown sinus infections up to twice a month and severe sinus headaches that can be confused with migraines at least twice a week.

Its been significantly less bothersome this year but i've been flushing my sinuses regularly to get rid of it.

(it is linked to my having severe allergies)

just the same I hope you start feeling better soon.


I think Lenneth is just about spot-on. My wife had been having strong, nearly debilitating, occasional (once or twice a month) headaches for the last 2-3 years. We associated it with a prior shoulder surgery. They were on the back side of her head, and mostly on the side the shoulder was operated on. She finally decide that the headache pills were just not doing any good. While they would ease the headache, everything else seemed to go crappy. A different doctor gave her an antibiotic, for----sinusitis! Working great so far. For the last 4 months. He explained that there is a sinus cavity that goes well back around into our heads,(news to me) and that she could be having problems there. He gave her Cephalexin, 500mg. she takes 3/day, 10 days on and then 10 days off. I've taken it before, for a skin rash that was due to an allergy, and neither of us has had any problems with it. Might ask your doc about it. I forget, but I think he called it a "P sinus", or something like that. It's been a blessing for her.

Who hasn't had a back problem? Been plagued with them most of my adult life. Biggest part of my problems has been from poor muscle strength right in the area you describe. But, it's not just the poor muscles, it's a lot in how you use them. I've lifted some heavy stuff, and it has usually been small light things that screwed me over. Picked up an empty 5# toolbox once. that cost me a month of therapy. Same for a fist-pump I made at a bad call in a football game, sitting on my couch!! Like you, I've had times when I just could barely move. Remember a time waiting for my wife to get home to take me to the ER, and I had to crawl down the hall to the bathroom. Not fun at all. I'm sure you've heard about repetitive-motion injuries? Many companies, including the one I used to work at, are quite into it, and go to lengths to make sure employees rotate between jobs in order to stave them off. Ergonomics do have their place. Get the therapy, and learn the lower back strengthening exercises. And avoid doing too much of one thing, even if it seems you're not working that hard. After so many episodes over the years, I finally learned that the best thing for me to do, was get the meds, and get right back in and work through it. I've been known to spend 2 weeks working with a sprained back, taking Meperidine to make it possible. Beats the hell out of laying in bed waiting for it to straighten itself out. That won't work for everyone, though. Having had 40+ kidney stones, I've developed a pretty high tolerance for pain-killers. I keep some around just for those occasions. Odd, since I retired 2 years ago, Haven't had one bit of back trouble. Still do lots of lifting at home, but I think the lack of stress has been a factor. Nice to be able to contemplate a job, and say, "well , that looks like a job for tomorrow." Take care!! Patti

Hi Doodle,

The eostregen dominance is real and feels awful,

I have dropped mine down now and do not intend too go over 2 gram per day,

All pains and aches gone now and actually feel great,

However I do think that we all need too conduct in and alter an exercise regime as some muscles are altered,

I am actually weight lifting again and am stronger already, with no muscle gains,

I suffered very bad backs through tension,

The investment in a hot tub has now altered my life , in fact it gave me my life back,

Hope your getting better



Well, I was at the Doctor's office this morning for a follow up visit. The back pain is WAY better now. The drugs are still useful but I'll be weaning myself off them this weekend and heading back to work on Monday if all goes well.

Lenneth and Patti, what you've said about sinuses resonates with me. I've had a nagging suspicion that they might be the culprit and my wife agrees too. My sinuses have been problematic my whole life. As for my back, I'm going to Physical Therapy even if my back is 100% better. Too many people my age have said when you hit 40, you should be doing strength conditioning for your back - I guess I'm a little overdue and want physical therapy to outline for me what I need to do.

I decided I'll go back on PM when I'm off the prescriptions but at 1000-1500mg per day rather than 2000. ...And I'm just about ready to give spearmint a try.

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