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Gysphoric Cycles,

With me I can go months years without even a thought, then for weeks or months on end ,


One thing I have noticed is that even if I am in non growing mode or non nbe phase and in just normal alpha male I have girly thoughts as the winter approaches so just wondering whether there a serotonin link to dark nights ?

The other triggers are a lovely set of fresh boobs and I think

OMG I want those and then flick to ooh give her one, (looking only of couse dear wife x )

Then a nice pair of heels can set it off,

Then a cold breeze ramps the nipple and you simply cannot help but play and its full on girlie thoughts for the next few hours,

This dam GD is bloody exhausting,



(15-10-2013, 01:43 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Gysphoric Cycles,

Do you mean Dysphoric cycles??Huh

(15-10-2013, 01:43 PM)julieTG Wrote:  With me I can go months years without even a thought, then for weeks or months on end ,


One thing I have noticed is that even if I am in non growing mode or non nbe phase and in just normal alpha male I have girly thoughts as the winter approaches so just wondering whether there a serotonin link to dark nights ?

The other triggers are a lovely set of fresh boobs and I think

OMG I want those and then flick to ooh give her one, (looking only of couse dear wife x )

Then a nice pair of heels can set it off,

Then a cold breeze ramps the nipple and you simply cannot help but play and its full on girlie thoughts for the next few hours,

This dam GD is bloody exhausting,


I'm not sure how to respond. I know you've mentioned the issue of having a "alpha mode" contrast with your "girly side" before. What is it you hope to change so GD isn't so exhausting for you?

Uh oops, yes

should have been Dysphiroc

Talk about alpha mode

While at a Rock concert last night I had the urge again to

Build huge arms as an alter , to protect "her"

I already have large arm muscles anyway , but the extreme alpha came

out to play ?



To me it sounds like your gender identity is bigender. Here's how urban dictionary defines bigender:

Quote:1. The tendency to move between masculine and feminine gender-typed behaviour depending on context, expressing a distinctly male persona and a distinctly female persona.

2. A bi-gender person is someone who experiences mental swings between genders. Their characteristics or mannerisms change from male to female depending on the situation.

Also from urban dictionary, this might help explain the differences between you and I in regards to gender identity:

Quote:While an androgynous person retains the same gender-typed behaviors across situations, the bigendered person purposely changes their gender-role behaviour for the situation.

What do you think? To me it seems this could explain why you have an alpha male and a girly side, while I feel my gender identity is fixed.


In total 100% agreement with you

Thats why I dont intend seeing a therapist and also am a member of

Great minds think alike



(16-10-2013, 12:53 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  To me it sounds like your gender identity is bigender. Here's how urban dictionary defines bigender:

Quote:1. The tendency to move between masculine and feminine gender-typed behaviour depending on context, expressing a distinctly male persona and a distinctly female persona.

2. A bi-gender person is someone who experiences mental swings between genders. Their characteristics or mannerisms change from male to female depending on the situation.

Also from urban dictionary, this might help explain the differences between you and I in regards to gender identity:

Quote:While an androgynous person retains the same gender-typed behaviors across situations, the bigendered person purposely changes their gender-role behaviour for the situation.

What do you think? To me it seems this could explain why you have an alpha male and a girly side, while I feel my gender identity is fixed.

Sounds a lot like me as well.

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