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Weight loss on BO?


Just curious if anyone has heard of a side effect of BO being weight loss? I have been taking BO for a couple of weeks, and recently my weight has been dropping pretty quickly (about a pound per day over the last 4-5 days). Normally I fluxuate about a pound per week. I'm feeling good and drinking plenty of water. My appetite is down a bit, but not terribly so.

Is it possibly muscle turning into fat? Even if yes, the rate seems a bit high.

(10-07-2014, 04:38 PM)curiousmale Wrote:  Just curious if anyone has heard of a side effect of BO being weight loss? I have been taking BO for a couple of weeks, and recently my weight has been dropping pretty quickly (about a pound per day over the last 4-5 days). Normally I fluxuate about a pound per week. I'm feeling good and drinking plenty of water. My appetite is down a bit, but not terribly so.

Is it possibly muscle turning into fat? Even if yes, the rate seems a bit high.

Hi curious, I had the opposite effect, I gained a "few pounds" along with a few other unpleasant side effects, I think the metabolism of BO tends to have different outcomes for individuals. Wink

Thanks Lotus. I guess I'll continue for another week and see how it goes. I really can't say I've noticed much effect, but then again it has only been about 2 weeks.

Out of curiosity, how bad were your "few other" side effects? Yikes!

How'd you start out? Were you more muscular to begin with? If you're losing fat due to the hormonal change, it'll be almost exclusively from your gut area.

Otherwise, BO can mess a bit with your metabolism as Lostus mentioned.

(11-07-2014, 07:14 AM)Epicene Wrote:  How'd you start out? Were you more muscular to begin with? If you're losing fat due to the hormonal change, it'll be almost exclusively from your gut area.

Otherwise, BO can mess a bit with your metabolism as Lostus mentioned.

I wouldn't call myself muscular by any stretch. 5'8" at 156lbs, small frame. Honestly as far as I can tell it must be water and muscle changes. While I think I've lost a little bit of padding, it doesn't really seem like I've shrunk much, and while I'm sure it's all in my head since it has only been a short time, I think my rear has gotten a bit rounder.

Hi Lotus,
Need your opinion on this new twist of mine: I stopped PM & PG for 7 days after taking both nonstop for almost 1 yr. I got my period (haven't had one in 12 yrs). The next 3 mo. did the same - PM & PG for 21 days, stopped for 7. Got regular periods. My question: does this mean I am artificially adding estrogen & progesterone as if my body were prodcing them? And if I lose weight (fat especially) since estrogen is fat based, will I lose the effect of the estrogen? Did I explain it right? I want to lose weight but not breast tissue.
Thanks for racking your brain.

(10-07-2014, 06:59 PM)curiousmale Wrote:  Thanks Lotus. I guess I'll continue for another week and see how it goes. I really can't say I've noticed much effect, but then again it has only been about 2 weeks.

Out of curiosity, how bad were your "few other" side effects? Yikes!

Hmm, not so pleasant side effects, I ended up in the ER with severe abdominal pain, (ended up being colitis), an ear infection followed. Perhaps it was from a comprised immune (idk) but it all happened simultaneously.

Just be careful and don't be tempted to increase your dosage for faster results. Wink

(13-07-2014, 11:40 PM)lostacres6 Wrote:  Hi Lotus,
Need your opinion on this new twist of mine: I stopped PM & PG for 7 days after taking both nonstop for almost 1 yr. I got my period (haven't had one in 12 yrs). The next 3 mo. did the same - PM & PG for 21 days, stopped for 7. Got regular periods. My question: does this mean I am artificially adding estrogen & progesterone as if my body were prodcing them? And if I lose weight (fat especially) since estrogen is fat based, will I lose the effect of the estrogen? Did I explain it right? I want to lose weight but not breast tissue.
Thanks for racking your brain.

Hi lostacres, (this is curiousmale's thread so I'm hoping he doesn't mind I answer your question),

Basically the phytoestrogens in PM bind to estrogen receptors (more to ER-B's than Alpha's) and tricks the brain into thinking that estrogen is being produced, (That's what cuts down on the symptoms of menopause). Another possibility is the accumulation of estrogen in your fat cells, from what I've read weight can be a factor in bleeding (+/-) however more in weight loss. A hormone imbalance, stress, nutritional deficiency and even an insulin imbalance amongst other things can cause issues, however you stated your balancing with progesterone (which kind?), When's the last time you saw your OB/GYN?.

Losing weight will result in tissue loss, to compensate try targeted breast exercises like isometrics, pushups, bench press, etc. (I can't stress enough the importance of isometrics).

Btw, I posted this a while back and still recommend regular breaks in supplementation:
(09-06-2014, 08:16 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Tolerance occurs when the person no longer responds to the drug in the way that person initially responded. Stated another way, it takes a higher dose of the drug to achieve the same level of response achieved initially.


(14-07-2014, 09:09 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Hi lostacres, (this is curiousmale's thread so I'm hoping he doesn't mind I answer your question)

I don't mind at all. Smile

As an overall update to anyone curious. I've continued with the BO for a few more days. The weight loss seems to have leveled out; however I'm pretty certain now that it is a lot of lost muscle. I can't say I feel any weaker; however I no longer feel as hard in places when I tense up or flex. It's pretty scary how the muscle mass now appears to be just melting away, and how quickly I'm "softening" around the edges! I haven't really felt any different taking the BO, but it appears to be having a dramatic effect!

I'm a bit on the fence right now about continuing or backing off for a while. I was thinking this would be a much more gradual change than I seem to be experiencing, and I'm pretty sure I'll need some time to adjust. Maybe reducing the amount significantly from 8/day to 2-4/day might be a good idea.

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