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New here, need advice!


Hello everyone!
Okay, so I've been reading through the forums, and...I'm not 100% sure what I should take. I figured I'd just post what I'm considering and see what y'all think.
Before I post all that: I am 5'1" and approximately 120lbs.

Anyway, here's what I'm looking at.
Pueraria Mirifica
Saw Palmetto

I feel like I'm missing something, but I don't really know what. Also, while I understand I should work up to about 2000mg of PM per day, I can't really find a good answer on dosage for anything else. Help me out please?

Hi Roxya, sometimes getting input from some of the vets is tough.. You are thinking along the same lines that I am doing right now.

3x per day 4drops of Ainterol Extract. Reason, more is usable by the body... At this dose rate it should approximate 2000mg of pill or powder.

1x 12 oz cup of licorice tea 1x per day
28 drops of Saw Palmetto extract 1x per day
2x 1220mg caps of Fenugreek Seed.

Also, I am, this month,starting to cycle the FG and PM every 2 weeks with Progesterone cream. I have seen a few who swear by this. I would assume that you would not have to take 2 week breaks from PM every 2-3 months to let your hormone receptor's to reset.

Hope this helps, I am by no means an expert here, but have been lurking and been a member for about 18months, and this seems to be the wisest or best choice drawing from many others here.

(28-10-2014, 02:29 PM)roxya2113 Wrote:  Hello everyone!
Okay, so I've been reading through the forums, and...I'm not 100% sure what I should take. I figured I'd just post what I'm considering and see what y'all think.
Before I post all that: I am 5'1" and approximately 120lbs.

Anyway, here's what I'm looking at.
Pueraria Mirifica
Saw Palmetto

I feel like I'm missing something, but I don't really know what. Also, while I understand I should work up to about 2000mg of PM per day, I can't really find a good answer on dosage for anything else. Help me out please?

Welcome to the forum, the general consensus is to start just with the pm until your body gets used to the new hormones.

I hope I'm not out of place by saying this, and I mean no disrespect by it. But I did notice that you mention you are only 5'1'', 120lb. Generally that's something you see in a bio female, not a bio male. If you are a bio female then the section for bio females may be able to provide more help for you. If you are a bio male, then I feel bad for even bringing it up.

im new to!!! ive been following the forums for about two months. and right away i orderd Pueraria Mirifica. ive been taking 2 pure 350mg capsules in the morning and 2 before bed I got this from ebay. but at first I was doing double cause I wanted to rush things. first week I had some soreness blah blah. whateveryone else has been saying has been coming true. PM does work and fast


Good Morning and welcome,

while there is a TON of info here and it can all get pretty confusing, it really can be very simple. But first, realize it will take time and don't try to rush it. Second, Ease your body into it.

I started August 23. Ainterol PM, 1 - 500mg cap morning and 1 - 500mg in the evening. Did this and this only and after a couple weeks moved up to 2 and 2. After a month added reishi mushroom extract and peony root extract on Lotus advice.

I'm now right at the end of a one week break from all NBE, I'm having a 1/2 lemon juice in hot water (pure/bottled) daily for liver cleansing and giving everything a rest.

I'm very happy with result so far, and as I understand it....after a break like this, your body comes back with even better growth.

My whole point is, its a good idea to do the first month PM only, you can spend that time researching and gaining lots of info on what to add to your program while not throwing too many things at your body at once.

Oh and don't be bummed out by pictures you might see here from people that seem to have have huge growth in a month or two.
Everyone's different and using a well rounded program you will grow what you will grow.

Good luck and good growing!

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