I would discute about the provocatory title of my post, but read before the follow page:
In this page you can read that bovine ovary function regulate pituitary gland, so can regulate as conseguence the product hormons, but the mens not have ovary for produce hormon, so there is not hormon regulation.
BO have also some residual hormon in tissue, but is secondary effect and maybe thank this that some man have some results.
I think that residual hormon in tissue is not calibrated by productors and can vary from every pills to another, so there are male that function good and male that not function.
BO is simply ovarian tissue in pills.
In another site:
There is write the same about other site and we can understand that in female is only regulation of hormon and in man aromatase, but in another follow site is write maybe more clear:
BO is more testosterone lower for competition with estrogen, so maybe is really good take PM with BO.
At the last the more important from "Society of endocrinology" the study in vitro about AROMATIZATION IN VITRO OF NEUTRAL STEROIDS BY BOVINE OVARIES:
Aromatization is only in vitro and with some precise condition.
Another scientific article about aromatization in man:
The true problem for male is that non have estrogen production gland, so you need ever external resource of estrogen (some estrogen is product from surrenals but is very few quantity).
Without estrogen there is not possibility have feminization effect stable.
A possibility is chemical castration so the production of testosterone is ever low and feminization not change much also without estrogen.
Think at menopause, the womans with very low estrogen are ever woman, so important is have very low testosterone.
Finally witout castration is very hard have feminization without supplement.
For the future maybe will be possible implant ovary cells in man for produce estrogen (in man exist few cells for produce estrogen, but is easy in laboratory multiply cells and after implant for produce estrogen).
Hope my post is useful.
I would discute about the provocatory title of my post, but read before the follow page:
In this page you can read that bovine ovary function regulate pituitary gland, so can regulate as conseguence the product hormons, but the mens not have ovary for produce hormon, so there is not hormon regulation.
BO have also some residual hormon in tissue, but is secondary effect and maybe thank this that some man have some results.
I think that residual hormon in tissue is not calibrated by productors and can vary from every pills to another, so there are male that function good and male that not function.
BO is simply ovarian tissue in pills.
In another site:
There is write the same about other site and we can understand that in female is only regulation of hormon and in man aromatase, but in another follow site is write maybe more clear:
BO is more testosterone lower for competition with estrogen, so maybe is really good take PM with BO.
At the last the more important from "Society of endocrinology" the study in vitro about AROMATIZATION IN VITRO OF NEUTRAL STEROIDS BY BOVINE OVARIES:
Aromatization is only in vitro and with some precise condition.
Another scientific article about aromatization in man:
The true problem for male is that non have estrogen production gland, so you need ever external resource of estrogen (some estrogen is product from surrenals but is very few quantity).
Without estrogen there is not possibility have feminization effect stable.
A possibility is chemical castration so the production of testosterone is ever low and feminization not change much also without estrogen.
Think at menopause, the womans with very low estrogen are ever woman, so important is have very low testosterone.
Finally witout castration is very hard have feminization without supplement.
For the future maybe will be possible implant ovary cells in man for produce estrogen (in man exist few cells for produce estrogen, but is easy in laboratory multiply cells and after implant for produce estrogen).
Hope my post is useful.