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Halloween 2017 (gosh that Rhymes too! Hahaha)


The Transgender National Holiday...

What are Your plans this year? costume pics where possible are always appreciated! Big Grin

Here`s a sneak peek at my costume for the party tonight, I haven`t done my makeup or anything in them so you`ll have to use your imagination!
my dress hadn`t been fitted and taken up properly when these were took, so i even with 4" heels it was still too long!

And it True Katie style, it`s not long before I get the giggle fits again, and my Evil Queen defaults back into Disney Princess! LOL


Ooh hot
I'd give you a broom ride any day



LOL, Thanks!

Here`s a few pics I took just before the party...
I hadn`t tidied them up yet, but you get the general idea.



hope you like! Smile

Wow Katie....   You Devil Princess! !

LOL, Thanks, I must admit, I did feel kinda badass! dressed like that Cool 

Surely I`m not the Only one that`s got dressed up for halloween this year??? c`mon girls, I wanna see those pics!

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