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What else do balls do?


I was having an interesting discussion with a post-op friend of mine tonight, about how there`s breast growth increase after SRS, regardless of low your T levels and length of time on E, there`s a definite growth increase after SRS.

so i`m wondering Why is this the case? what changes?
if it`s just about T and E levels then there shouldn`t be any change at all if you`ve lived at post-op levels, and yet there is!
is it the 6 week break you have to do before the op, and then re-starting again after?
or do balls make Other hormones or chemicals other than T that arrests breast growth at a certain stage?

I`d love to know the real reason why this happens! Huh

Now that’s an interesting question 

Lotus girl would know I am sure wherever she is



Would it be the same effect if someone had an orch then ?
Other than the break time  missing  balls are missing balls

I`v no idea, I would imagine so, but I don`t know anyone with just an orchi that I can ask.

I would expect it's due to the Estrogen receptors resetting effectively due to the break from estrogen, I can't say I'd want to experiment and find out though! In effect maintaining high levels for a long period of time will cause the Estrogen receptors to become less effective so the enforced break means they are hungry for Estrogen again which means breast growth.

Kind of like taking a break from alcohol or any other substance of choice the body isn't as tolerant of it as it had become.....Right now my drug of choice would be some cocodamol as just finished two hours of electrolysis and am sort of feeling in a lot of pain!

Maybe more food for thought.

Most transgender girls on HRT are also taking an AA to suppress T. AA's aren also known to have a negative effect on breast growth. Once your poison factorys have been removed, then you no longer need any AA's.

I will try and remember to comment in this thread again after my own surgery. I am on injections and do not take any AA's. So if I do manage to gain another cup, i will be a very happy camper.

Question .If you fuzzy dice are cut off you don't make any more testosterone  but don't we need a little to convert over to estrogen ? I mean even cis females produce a little t .   Maybe I'm miss understanding the  information I've been reading

(18-12-2018, 01:56 AM)happyfeet Wrote:  Question .If you fuzzy dice are cut off you don't make any more testosterone  but don't we need a little to convert over to estrogen ? I mean even cis females produce a little t .   Maybe I'm miss understanding the  information I've been reading

Your body will still produce a little T, with most its enough to put us in the low female range. When we are in low female range, progesterone is enough to block the T to DHT conversion. At such a low T amount, the conversion to E is not going to be a great amount.

Thanks Janet some times I get to reading so much info that I kinda get my info crossed .
That cleared it up for me

(18-12-2018, 01:56 AM)happyfeet Wrote:  Question .If you fuzzy dice are cut off you don't make any more testosterone  but don't we need a little to convert over to estrogen ? I mean even cis females produce a little t .   Maybe I'm miss understanding the  information I've been reading

The reason most TG doctors don't strive for no T but more around 50 - 75 range is bone integrity.  You need that much to keep bones strong.  The way it was explained to me was that if you have enough E, but no T, you have the bone structure, but the structure is not stable.  Sort of like a brick wall with no mortar.

Sometimes, I wonder if most things work or don't work, is more of a mind over matter type of a thing.  Positive thinking can make the body compensate very well.  Could that be the reason for any sort of a boon in bust growth after SRS??  It's an interesting question, right?

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