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Mmm so tempted by noogleberry......


Well thanks to my brothers generosity for my upcoming birthday am very very tempted to get noogling, the problem is am really not sure I need to, but part of my brain is telling me it wants them bigger....

I would already need the extra extra large cylinders which is making the more rational part of me think am not sure I want to be that big. Having read some of the testimonials on their forum and the results described here I am just thinking this might be a step too far given how much they already bounce and jiggle about.

It's just at present the money spent on a noogle could be better spent elsewhere maybe, given how much electrolysis is costing. Still a possible pay rise at work might be heading my way so I might not be having to live like a pauper for too much longer.....

I guess it's a nice thing to be able to worry about, but am already close to crossing a line I don't feel quite ready to cross yet!


(14-07-2019, 08:40 PM)MeganJ Wrote:  Well thanks to my brothers generosity for my upcoming birthday am very very tempted to get noogling, the problem is am really not sure I need to, but part of my brain is telling me it wants them bigger....

I would already need the extra extra large cylinders which is making the more rational part of me think am not sure I want to be that big. Having read some of the testimonials on their forum and the results described here I am just thinking this might be a step too far given how much they already bounce and jiggle about.

It's just at present the money spent on a noogle could be better spent elsewhere maybe, given how much electrolysis is costing. Still a possible pay rise at work might be heading my way so I might not be having to live like a pauper  for too much longer.....

I guess it's a nice thing to be able to worry about, but am already close to crossing a line I don't feel quite ready to cross yet!


Could always test the breast pumping waters with the cheaper Kangzhu cupping system (extra large cups for breast enlargement) and hand pump.

(15-07-2019, 03:38 AM)VergeOfDiscovery Wrote:  
(14-07-2019, 08:40 PM)MeganJ Wrote:  Well thanks to my brothers generosity for my upcoming birthday am very very tempted to get noogling, the problem is am really not sure I need to, but part of my brain is telling me it wants them bigger....

I would already need the extra extra large cylinders which is making the more rational part of me think am not sure I want to be that big. Having read some of the testimonials on their forum and the results described here I am just thinking this might be a step too far given how much they already bounce and jiggle about.

It's just at present the money spent on a noogle could be better spent elsewhere maybe, given how much electrolysis is costing. Still a possible pay rise at work might be heading my way so I might not be having to live like a pauper  for too much longer.....

I guess it's a nice thing to be able to worry about, but am already close to crossing a line I don't feel quite ready to cross yet!


Could always test the breast pumping waters with the cheaper Kangzhu cupping system (extra large cups for breast enlargement) and hand pump.

Thanks couldn't find anything either big enough or which was that much cheaper so bit the bullet on buying a noogleberry. Ordered the nipple kit with the large nipple cups and the extra extra large breast cups, not really sure I need either! But well I was feeling brave or stupid am not sure which it is so I'll be pumping away from next week things going to be interesting as hrt injections (am at 9 months on injections) have made them plenty big enough on their own. Just need to shift the rest of the weight I want to lose, I might be too busy pumping to eat though!

I'll be sure to post pics of my additional development after pumping for a few weeks although as they are also hrt assisted the results might not be comparable for some.


Mmm picked up my noogleberry today from the post office. Holy cow the extra extra large cups are massive as are the large nipple cups. I could almost use the breast cups as mixing bowls and the nipple cups are almost beaker height but about half the width......

Am going to post a last pre pumping update at some point before I start that will be about 32 months hrt with the last 9 months on injections.

Things about to get to get interesting I think am getting way too much attention as it is!


(23-07-2019, 04:05 PM)MeganJ Wrote:  Mmm picked up my noogleberry today from the post office. Holy cow the extra extra large cups are massive as are the large nipple cups. I could almost use the breast cups as mixing bowls and the nipple cups are almost beaker height but about half the  width......

Am going to post a last pre pumping update at some point before I start that will be about 32 months hrt with the last 9 months on injections.

Things about to get to get interesting I think am getting way too much attention as it is!


Re: Holy cow the extra extra large cups are massive

Good to hear. If you can, do post a picture of them next to some common objects (like a gallon of milk) to get a sense of just how big they are.

(25-07-2019, 02:20 AM)VergeOfDiscovery Wrote:  
(23-07-2019, 04:05 PM)MeganJ Wrote:  Mmm picked up my noogleberry today from the post office. Holy cow the extra extra large cups are massive as are the large nipple cups. I could almost use the breast cups as mixing bowls and the nipple cups are almost beaker height but about half the  width......

Am going to post a last pre pumping update at some point before I start that will be about 32 months hrt with the last 9 months on injections.

Things about to get to get interesting I think am getting way too much attention as it is!


Re: Holy cow the extra extra large cups are massive

Good to hear. If you can, do post a picture of them next to some common objects (like a gallon of milk) to get a sense of just how big they are.

Sorry not got around to posting a picture my noogleberry has sort of just sat in the bedroom and hasnt been used since I brought it..... Ill post a picture next to a 500ml can (thats about 40 fl oz) over the weekend. Tried it tonight and well i fit the cups now there was a little too much extra space when i tested it before.....going to have to order a few extra parts before i start pumping as its a pain trying to get hooked up but l think things are going to be interesting after a month or two of pumping. 


Okay my maths was wrong a 500ml can is about 20 fl oz...... Anyway here's the link to the pic next to said can. I measured the cups/domes and they are about 8 inches high and internally 6 inches across.!AkceUJ2repcfgc1yIZvPVybcM6JpOw

I can almost fit the can entirely inside the dome sits about a cm off the surface with the can in it.!AkceUJ2repcfgc1zgQJhib5oKnToWg

Yep they are massive a quick test pump the other day was interesting, they really swelled up nicely. Once I have my airlock valves (trying to hold both in place and pump without a willing volunteer is a little tricky) I'll post a picture of them pumped. They have grown more since my last pic so am really not going to be able to hide these much longer if the pumping is as effective as I think it might!


That’s awesome Megan. 
Good luck with this new quest!

Thanks for those...very helpful. They look significantly larger than the largest size available for the Kangzhu. 

I really like that the width of the opening is larger, which is what I was curious about with regards to a possible upgrade.

Thanks again. Looking forward to a few pics of them in use! Smile

(01-12-2019, 04:35 PM)VergeOfDiscovery Wrote:  Thanks for those...very helpful. They look significantly larger than the largest size available for the Kangzhu. 

I really like that the width of the opening is larger, which is what I was curious about with regards to a possible upgrade.

Thanks again. Looking forward to a few pics of them in use! Smile

Well the airlock valves make things sooo much easier......

Havent pumped too hard about 8 per side but if I don't move much they stay nicely in place. The  suction is very strong but its such a nice feeling though. I'll just have to ignore the dangling tubes the monster size domes don't come with an option for pre attached airlocks!!AkceUJ2repcfgc11vlqmZTcOWd3PSw

I think I got insulted today by some woman..... She just made a comment as she walked past..... Jealous I think! Big Grin


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