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Noogleberry arrived today. How much vacuum?


I did some pumping about 20 years ago with homemade cups from Walmart.  Decided to go with properly made ones this time around.  Much more comfortable.  I did a little pumping today.  The manual seems to indicate a sort of pulsing method - pump up, let sit for a few seconds, then depressurize and repeat.  I used to pump them up and let them sit for as long as I could stand it.  Did some of that today and have the familiar red/purple marks where the cups were.  When I lived alone, this wasn't an issue, but these days, it is.  Am I using too much pressure?  I've seen some pictures here and the marks aren't as obvious.

I would say use less pressure or keep them on for shorter time. Massaging right after also makes the marks disappear quicker. One thing I have noted about is that drinking a lot of water helps with NOT getting as much discoloration and red lines etc... Specially when doing some long noogling marathon. My advice is to drink two pints of water before you start, and then keep on drinking more as you go on about it, use less pressure or shorter time in one go. Smile That should work.

(12-06-2020, 06:57 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I would say use less pressure or keep them on for shorter time. Massaging right after also makes the marks disappear quicker. One thing I have noted about is that drinking a lot of water helps with NOT getting as much discoloration and red lines etc... Specially when doing some long noogling marathon. My advice is to drink two pints of water before you start, and then keep on drinking more as you go on about it, use less pressure or shorter time in one go. Smile That should work.

Thanks.  I need to drink more water anyway.  Going to have to change my time on this though.  I usually do it right before bed.  Not the time I want to be drinking a lot of water.

That reminds me of another interesting point, for some reason it seems that I tend to get the best swelling if I noggle late in the evening... Way better than in the morning. I don't know the reason for it, but so it seems. Although swelling does not equal growth from what I've read, but its interesting to note. I've always got the best looking biggest result if I noogle late in the day.

But the thing with water is something to keep in mind as it sure does its work. But you need to drink a LOT, I would say two pints before you start, then keep on sipping all the way you noogle, take a drink every few minutes or so. And to get rid of the marks/discoloration you should massage gently right after you're done and perhaps add some nice lotion if you have some. Coconut oil seems to work wonders on this and if you're familiar with the forum you'll find it mentioned a lot. Wink

Also I have noted that doing a long session with moderate pressure and seemingly less effect works at least as good as using a lot of pressure for shorter time. Or you can try first keeping the dmoes on with moderate pressure for a while, say thirty minutes, and then add as much pressure you can handle without it being painful for five to ten minutes, then release and take a break before you repeat the process. High pressure for a short period in the end seems to make me get better swelling and the color still disappears quickly.

In the end its probably about how your body reacts and you will only find it by experimenting as we're all so different. I've read some guys getting crazy discoloration very quickly while others can noogle like crazy and get almost nothing at all.

I count the number of pumps. At first 10 pumps. Over time 30 plus pumps.  I lube my breasts with petroleum jelly. Time wise I go as long as I can then massage and go again.  I use Noogleberry and snakebite kit too.  After relube and put on bra to lessen the high sensitivity.

That's an interesting way to deal with it. I do not count pumps, but just use the fell as the "measure" on how much is good. I should try to that too as its always about the same amount of pressure which works the best. 

One trick with the lube btw is to apply only in the middle/below/above depending on which part you want to concentrate, the domes pull in the most lubed area of course so with being smart you can concetrate on cleavage/upper/lower boob way easier. Also keep in mind that pumping near the armpit might put some strain on the nerves which go to your arm and in worse case can cause pinched nerve or even nerve damage in the long run, so either avoid pumping the armpit area or at least don't overdo it.

Causing permanent nerve damage does not happen over night, its actually very difficult to make happen if your nerves are not pinched during the night. I have tested this and pumping too much near the armpit sure pushes nerves and can cause problems if overdone. I know this nerve stuff all too well because I was sick with carpal tunnel syndrome, which was then fixed with surgeried on my palm/wrist, noogling too much from wrong spot can cause the same nerves to get stuck. So if you feel tingling and loose sensitivity from your fingertips or palm, stop noogling for a while, or place the domes differently.

(The way pinched nerves can break is if  they're not allowed to recover, nerve pinch basically is nerve inflamation because there's not enough space for it, the surface of the nerve then gets rubbed off which will cause pain and in long run damage if they aren't allowed to heal. No pressure during rest is the way to heal them, massage does not help but make it worse. )

some good advice, and I like the tip with where you put the lube to alter position of suction x Smile

Bruising is the biggest problem I have with pumping. Drinking water probably helps, but I use lots and lots of oil/lotion. Smear some on 15-20 minutes before pumping to let your skin soften thoroughly, then massage in some more just before pumping.

Also, I put on a snug underwire bra right after and leave it on for at least an hour or two.

These devices are good as part of an overall regimen but if relied to heavily upon might not give one the shape hoped for. Give them plenty of opportunity to recover and they will bound forward rather than leave one hanging. Smile

wannabe said -  Also, I put on a snug underwire bra right after and leave it on for at least an hour or two.

I don't understand this at all. After noogling for and hour or two, I have rings underneath my breasts that are very tender. Why on earth would I put on a snug bra where the underwires would press on my sensitive spots. Please explain.

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