Hello everyone. I have been on this forum lurking for a few months and have tried to absorb as much as I could. Now I am at a point where something I thought was only really fantasy might be something I could obtain. I have done some private cross-dressing in my years and have always desired a feminine body, both in the chest and hips. I am a male, but I want a feminine body, something I have never really spoken to anyone about before. I have been looking at BO since it seemed it has a wider effect on the body as a whole and not just the breasts. That being said I am still not completely sure where or how to start since Amazon seems to be currently out of stock. So in the meantime, I am here to say hi, and introduce myself, as you have all given me a lot of information and I wanted to properly thank many of you for your help.
NBE aside I also am really into video games and spend a lot of time playing online with my friends. I also am a D&D DM, running a campaign right now, and play in a few others. So yeah, that is me, I am sure it is a pleasure to meet you all and I hope to soon undertake this journey of breasts growth and body feminization soon.