tl;dr - If I take Pueraria Mirifica and Saw Palmetto to grow my breasts a little, and then later do full HRT, will I still be able to grow my breasts to their full potential, or will the HRT be too late and miss a critical growth period?
I am strongly considering growing small breasts using Pueraria Mirifica and Saw Palmetto to see if it makes me feel as happy with my body as I think it will. There are a lot of factors to consider (e.g. social, mental, health), so I don't want to dive straight into changes I might regret and can't reverse. However, I also want to make sure that I grow my breasts to the maximum possible size, because I am aware that it is hard enough to reach full breast potential.
I got the impression from someone that you have one shot to grow your breasts to full potential. If you don't have your hormones just right during the first 6-12 months, your growth will slow and then stop, and you will never reach full potential. I'm not sure my impression was right, though. If, after you've grown already breasts, you improve your hormone balance further, will your breasts begin growing again and reach full size? Or, if you start, stop and restart, will your breasts reenter the growth phase?